Everything posted by Jess-b
We'd definitely need atc. How else would we know what to ignore. Lol
Thanks for the update Jon, now if I can just get my head around the GP plugin I'll be sorted.
Hi guys, Seems aerosoft have been busy. Aerosoft Sky Tools Free is a sky enhancement tool that allows the user to change the way the sky, clouds, sun and moon looks in X-Plane 10. It basically allows the user to tweak the sky to match the conditions. There is after all a big difference between the sky on a hot humid August day and a clear frosty January day. Sky Tools was developed by AWG Simulations as a commercial product but we decided to buy the full rights from them and to send it out as a free gift to the X-Plane users. We have done the same for FSX products and it was time to do the
Sorry joe, connect directly doesn't work. I think its due to differences in simconnect. FSHost is pretty good at dealing with it though. Brian and I loved how quick I could change the weather in the session. It was instant, plus with FSHost, the AI traffic stays active.
Multiplayer with fsx can also work via FSHost. Essentially, one person runs FSHost to host a session and users flying FS2002, FS2004, FSX, P3D 1.4 and P3D V2 can all connect to the session, just like the old gamespy days. I tested the system yesterday with Needles Using fsx and p3d v2 and both of us were able to see each other and fly together. I'll write a guide to FSHost when I get a chance and get the kinks worked out. In the meantime, multiplatform mutliplayer is an option. Best wishes, Jess B
FTX England along with Southampton are really heavy on VAS. I've seen countless OOM's whist flying around the south east and coupling that with UK2000's EGLL just makes things worse. It's what prompted me to try the DX10 fixer to help with the VAS situation, and it helps, but it's still possible to run into an OOM. I'll get some figures to compare with yours later. It'll be from my win 7 64bit setup. Best wishes, Jess B
And that's fine Brett. I'm just interested in showing a sim at its finest. I just don't care which sim it is. I guess I should be careful as girls like me can get a rep
Hey guys, Following the press release in the main forum, here are a few shots of Beti-X's new Stewart, Canada scenery for X plane 10. Enjoy
NOTAM Beti-x release CZST Stewart, Canada for X-plane 10
Jess-b posted a topic in News and Press Releases
A new design team for X plane has released their first scenery for X plane 10. Based around Stewart, Canada, this scenery features, - faithful replica of real airport with HD buildings and pre-rendered ambient occlusion - the airport surroundings with handcrafted ground imagery with a resolution of 2cm per pixel - surrounding Photoscenery at a resolution of 50 cm per pixel covering an area of over 150 square kilometers - volumetric grass - hand placed 3D trees and other custom objects - precisely visualized town of Stewart, with every building modelled in 3ds MAX, the architecture of -
Indeed, to everyone and then some, have a very merry Christmas and a joyous new year. Best wishes, Jess B
Product Review Carenado - Cessna 340 II HD Series for X-Plane
Jess-b replied to mutley's topic in News and Press Releases
Thanks Brett, that has to be one of the nicest things anyone's ever said to me. Best wishes, Jess B -
Its true Kasper, I do like walking where angels fear to tread. My favourite was a 767 into Charlottetown, Prince Edward Island up in canada. I had to take off very light to get back out of there. Lol
It was an anthology of mr Poe's best work.
Thanks guys, and Dai, thanks for sorting the airport fees out. Lol.
Like Alice’s white rabbit, I’m late. Due to unforeseen circumstances, I couldn’t fly Leg 6, and now I find myself jet lagged, thousands of miles from home and waiting for dawn to get going on leg 22. I’m also down a friend today. Lenore, my faithful 737-900 is pouting back at Cardiff, getting a C check. It’s just as well, as the flight down to Easter Island would have been very interesting with her needing to stop for fuel every now and again. So with Lenore out of commission I found myself short of a choice of aircraft. The upcoming route is not what I expected. I had hoped to fly something m
No probs Paul. Anything for a fellow valley's dweller.
It could still be memory issues. Download memtest86 and load it on to a USB stick. Then boot your machine from the USB and run the software. It checks the memory without involving windows. I suffered something similar last month and me test correctly diagnosed a damaged 8gb module. A quick return from corsair and I'm back to full memory. . Best wishes, Jess B
Its a fun little plane.
Yup, I have the twotter installed in p3d v2. You have to download a new build from aerosoft for the installer though. Other than that, there's a problem switching from full screen to window mode. It'll cause the asd.dll to crash. Switching to an external view solves this. Other than that, it's now a waiting fame for fresh installers.
Totally agreed Chris. P3D have bent the rules as much as they can to get the academic licence available.
If the program minimises, just use Tab+Alt to switch to fsx and hit enter. Usually works for me.
Well said Kevin. It's actually a testament to how nice this particular community is that as a moderator, I like my fellow mods, hav very little to do. As for P3D, I'll be renewing my developers licence on Monday for V2, it certainly should be interesting. Jess B
I have a developers licence. Just entered my payment details and once a month, they take $10. I spend way more on that on coffee per week.
The Chicken From Minsk Thread
Jess-b replied to Aircraft Aviation's topic in Members General & Announcements
Is the answer irrelevant as you can't eat when you sleep? So in Theory, your only ever lasting 7 full days without either? -
For myself it was curtesy of Rex essentials. I believe activesky is the one used in the video though.