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Everything posted by britfrog

  1. I would find it hard to believe that a company like Boeing or Airbus would allow any onboard network to have any form of connection to the a/c systems, they would have to be independent systems. can you imagine the scenerio? a 9 year old kid flying fsx on steam on his hand held, and he takes over the a/c controls? come to think of it they should make a film about just that, it would be more frightening than towering inferno. or airplane Roger , roger
  2. It should be at the discretion of the end user, not the OEMs!! I agree completely! but it would appear that microsoft see it otherwise, after all you dont own the software --- in their eyes, so you can only use what they say you can needless to say I think they will be cutting their own throats,
  3. interestingly none of my o/s's or p.c.s have the update that Bruce mentions not that it would bother me, because every morning when you fire up your p.c. it contacts M.S.and gives them an update of your p.c. and what you have been doing , which M.S. have never been forced to reveal. what is quite clear is that with win 10 being free and being "locked" per se the average person out there who installs win 10 will believe when win 11 comes out next year they will be obliged to buy that new update, and you can bet your butt that with their new idea of releasing new updates every 6 months you w
  4. its no use calling for me m8 you are a hopeless case it seems that you have found some better definition up north i must get around to finishing my wales just not enough time in the day at the mo. Nice pics tho Mike, well not bad for a beginner
  5. well i sincerely hope the idle git gets the tin tack, as well as having to pay the landing fee and fuel bill
  6. I stand corrected guys it was Always, SWMBO gave me the wrong name, apparently it was a remake of a spencer tracy film called "a guy named Joe" which was slated
  7. John you not seen the film "Forever" ? with Richard Dreyfus this is the opening sequence in it all about water bombing in the US with old wartime a/c, some good aerial sequences, funny in parts Nice Film, makes water drop from the eyes at the end
  8. aww that was a really good film, havent seen it for a coons age , will have to dig it out and blow the dust off it
  9. britfrog

    ORBX HD Tree's

    I can even see the bird's nesting in the trees @900'.. :) now thats flying low!!
  10. britfrog

    ORBX HD Tree's

    sadly it wont work with photoscenery but hey how many 3d trees can you see when flying at 1000 feet?
  11. today the Uk tomorrow the world! is that GE or VE as it looks a little short of contrast? but it looks good and so much better than the commercial prod's
  12. great find Alan, there are not many other planes that will get into those fields, he had that second landing absolutely perfect with the stall warning going off when the wheels were a couple of feet from the ground, just how it should be done
  13. In answer to your question , no I would not buy in other regions because i have made my decision on where i fly and i will only buy in those 2 regions, for that reason I have disposed of my collection of great Australian airports because after the first few flights, i never used them again. Similarly the PNW , yes there are some lovely airports but if you buy them and use them only a few times one has to consider their purchase a waste of money. unless you are made of money. there is no doubt that there are some great airports in South America as there are in other parts of the world but ha
  14. Anders you reiterate many of my feelings, and yes i also like their cloud shadows which is the one noticeable thing that fsx lacks, i take it you are using fsx in dx10 mode? if not , just do it you will not regret it.
  15. Dai I am leaving it for others to make of it what they want, personally I dont see that much between the 2 , however there has been much publicity of how much better p3d is visually and i dont see it, i will post some stuff from ftx scenery and see if that shows a bigger difference, i am starting to think it is all smoke and mirrors , i hope i am wrong because p3d is the much heralded future of our hobby, no doubt others will disagree with me but discussing the merits of the 2 sims is not as conclusive as showing photos that show the various merits. a photo is worth a thousand words, so hopefu
  16. thanks for that Chris I had read it before , in fairness to P3D i have also done quite a bit of work under the covers it is by no means stock, I find the contrast is too strong and the hdr lighting not very nice.it is too much like x plane which is just horrible, perhaps if i upgrade my graphics card I may be able to take fuller advantage. and besides P3D is only any good for small a/c i mostly fly big stuff and p3d cannot cope with them at all, especially if you are using some heavy scenery, so for now as I have both FSX is still by far my favorite, it doesnt hang ,crash, or throw a wobbly I
  17. thanks for that Chris I had read it before , in fairness to P3D i have also done quite a bit of work under the covers it is by no means stock, I find the contrast is too strong and the hdr lighting not very nice.it is too much like x plane which is just horrible, perhaps if i upgrade my graphics card I may be able to take fuller advantage. and besides P3D is only any good for small a/c i mostly fly big stuff and p3d cannot cope with them at all, especially if you are using some heavy scenery, so for now as I have both FSX is still by far my favorite, it doesnt hang ,crash, or throw a wobbly I
  18. i will take you up on that offer Kevin!!
  19. as you know Chris the more you learn the more you realise you didnt know, i only took the water mask out to about a mile then didnt blend it in because I wanted to see what could be done in a set timescale, and also I have no intention of trying to steal Kevins thunder, he has far more experience than I, As for s builder? well it does create exclusions much easier than FSET but the program is too flakey it has some good points and potential but currently Fset is the kiddy.
  20. not a lot in it but an interesting comparison between FSX with DX10 and P3D with it mostly maxed out firstly FSX then P3D which do you prefer? I think the fsx image is a bit sharper when you look at the shadowing of the tower, but I certainly dont see anywhere the huge difference that some P3D users see.
  21. Thanks Steph but I cant take any credit , as the software makes it so easy , it is childs play but very addictive and compulsive, more so than actually flying in FSX how's that for a shock?
  22. britfrog

    ORBX HD Tree's

    are they going to produce something new for england where this english tree scenery can be used?
  23. Interesting tale Mike, i also took advantage of their recent offer, only because Froogle reckoned it was far better than the disk version of FSX, however having used it and discussed it here on mutleys with others , one has to come to the conclusion that it is , as dovetail has explained, FSX with a few very minor mods. However it does draw into question why froogle is saying it is so much better than the disk version, and why we have to allow Steam to monitor all we do on our p.c like the es program i have deep reservations in allowing anyone, or their apparently innocent program , to have f
  24. joe, in a word I dont know they were taken from virtual earth (bing?) if I had used google then i could have had a date but i cant see how in VE, however i would think they are less than 2-3 years oldmaybe someone else out there can correct me? sadly the images in google were awful.
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