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Everything posted by britfrog

  1. joe, in a word I dont know they were taken from virtual earth (bing?) if I had used google then i could have had a date but i cant see how in VE, however i would think they are less than 2-3 years oldmaybe someone else out there can correct me? sadly the images in google were awful.
  2. good question, well presented Joe, i havent got a clue. i will change hard drives and try and find out.
  3. those are some nice pics Mike. I was mostly flying at around 1000 feet , but we have proven that photoscenery need not blur below 3000 feet
  4. Having been helped and encouraged by Kevin who has a Jersey project on hold, and then seeing his excellent rendition (albeit unfinished) it started me thinking as well . However it was Christopher Low's posting that fired me up, as I also have all the ES islands and would have liked them to complete the set , so to speak. so I set myself 2 hours to see what i could accomplish with fset. Now I will be the first person to say this is in no way up to ES standards but combined with the uk 2000 airport it makes Jersey a much nicer place to visit until something better comes along I hope t
  5. they might also have been spirited away by little green men
  6. I think you may well find that D+V are well ensconced at orbx now
  7. Make your own! Kevin has made a good start as well, and it mixes very well with the uk2000 airport
  8. james, i forgot to add that when you look at the scenery manager in fsx there is a correct sequence in which the directories should be , if they are not in the right sequence certain things will not show, Darren at ES helped me with this one, if you have any probs PM me
  9. here is the solution given to me by Tony Meredith when I could not install the IOM scenery 1. If you have any other Earth Simulations Scenery installed, delete ESI from the computer using Add/Remove programmes or the equivalent in your Operating System. You would expect ESI to work with all the ES products, it doesn't! It will tell you it is going to delete all your scenery if you uninstall it. It doesn't do that either, it just uninstalls itself. 2. If you have room on a hard drive, create a new folder, call it what you want as long as you can find it again. Copy all the files of all the
  10. spring break when i was younger living in the bahamas meant one thing UNINHIBITED GIRLS!!! and they were looking for one thing, A GREAT TIME no matter what it cost Geez they were great times why do we have to age? Stop the world I want to get off
  11. John one of the last times I went to an old cinema with some friends on Flagler street one had to keep ones feet up on the back of the seats in front because the rats kept running over your feet and virtually all the great shops had moved out to miracle mile . Even then shops had appeared with signs like yo hablo inglese or similar Oh the film?? its a mad mad world that will tell you how long ago it was even then when we moored at Dodge Island there were no buses so one had to walk into town , and boy was it hot!! by the time you walked to town it was time to get back onboard, i used to
  12. Hi John, I thought the balloon was no more, but sadly nothing stands still , I have also heard stories of KW and the new incumbents
  13. when i was a kid in the 60's a walk down Flagler st was akin to a visit to Disney land, I loved Miami !!! it was so,alive, then as it was populated by the Cuban immigrants and it lost its thrall sadly but Collins avenue and the hotels on Miami Beach still had class. and here we are cruising down Miami beach with star island in the background. This is Government Cut where the Miami - Nassau powerboat race used to start it is the entry to the Port of Miami with Fisher Island This is Dodge Island, where as a teenager and second engineer on cargo ship on which I worked would moor up and
  14. Dean I could not agree more, for all my sins i watch froogle's videos on you tube, and the other day he sent out a video stating that SE was far superior to the disk version, in fact he went as far as memory serves me, to say that the future lay with SE and P3D and x plane. ----- OH !! thought I Froogle does mostly know what he is talking about so maybe I should look into this, Mind you Froogle does sometimes talk from somwhere where the sun doesnt shine, and his amateur attempts at flying are sometimes too painfull to watch, BUT he does come up with something interesting from time to time.
  15. Dean, I grew up in the Bahamas, and at least twice a year i would be dragged back to the uk for a "holiday". In those days initially the flights went London, Shannon, Goose Bay/ Gander , New York, Nassau , but as the Brittania and 707 came into service the flight was via Bermuda. My parents thought it nice to break the journey there, so we did on quite a few occasions.
  16. thanks Joe, it is an airport that I have many great memories of (which may oneday be recounted on mutleys), but already have my own version care of FSET
  17. hi Glenn , welcome to mutleys! as far as your request to find a suitable a/c with working fms/fmc, whatever, as you no doubt appreciate with the budget you propose it will be very difficult to fill your requirement unless someone has something that they no longer use and wish to sell the cheapest a/c from the top of my head with a reasonably working fmc is the captain sim 757 which isnt that bad and the captain sim a/c always look good as well. that leaves the q400 from majestic or the airbus from aerosoft both in the 40 euro region i prefer personally the airbus because it has "active cre
  18. well as it only cost 4.99 i bought it, the installation was painless except you get a whole load of poo from steam installed as well , early observations are that fsx-se does fire up quickly , ok it isnt yet fully loaded but --- the ai aircraft look better and follow the turns on the taxiway better a lot lees jerky and smoother. Graphics appear very slightly better the default texture max load is 4096 not 1024 but i need to spend more time to be sure however default LOD radius is stil 4.5000 on the negative side you cannot aim the scenery manager at some scenery on another directory
  19. Sorry Dai, I am already over committed sim wise . I have some reviews to finish plus a lot of beta work , and because i have just spent the last 5 days installing a new HD which had to be configured to take both FSX and P3D , with all their respective ugrades and additions, i am already well behind, and cant spare the time sadly, otherwise swmbo would have a word in my shell like as we have hardly spoken for a week and she sits 10 feet away, on her p.c. As the old saying goes "more than me lifes wurf Guvna"
  20. sadly it seems that apathy rules
  21. very interesting Mike it will be also interesting how it performs when you have 50 a/c and 400gb's of scenery installed not a bad vid for a beginner either
  22. this afternoon while monitoring vatsim and their crossing the atlantic rally with literally many hundreds involved Over 1400 in the air!!) , i was listening into the contollers checking people in to the various airways and giving them their appointed times to be at the entry point , when i heard what i thought was someone taking the p-ss on the radio , however the contoller not flustered at all, gave him a read back and an entry point and time , the pilot of the a/c gave his readback which to be honest was unintelligible to me but on hew flew , it wasnt until a few more contacts that I realise
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