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Everything posted by britfrog

  1. As this is not the first time this has happened in the last few years i think cockpit door security must now be reviewed, it would appear sadly that we have more nutters in the cockpit than those trying to gain access to it.
  2. nothing really noteworthy except 4 of these cost more than our aircraft carrier which is meant to carry them give me a harrier/AV8 anyday https://www.youtube.com/embed/Ki86x1WKPmE
  3. I am afraid this is true, my win10 machine last night took it upon itself to upload the latest version while i was writing an email to another member of mutleys, and as my main p.c. was having a new hard drive installed I was buggered for the night. So far IMHO the people who like windows 8 will like 10 , but those who prefer 7 will undoubtably stay with it for the foreseeble future.
  4. As I have said before "beware of Geeks bearing gifts" they give away the o/s , get you hooked, everything else is on the meter like office 365---simples!!! This may have worked 5 years ago when there was little alternative, but they have missed the boat, if they go ahead with this screwy idea they will be open for a takeover especially if they are forced to break up the company into smaller groups as is currently being proposed. their problem is they cannot re-invent the wheel, windows xp to windows 7 satisfies 95% of the users office 2000 did the same the upgrades since have added a
  5. They may have had a decompression problem, hence the dive but this is normally communicated by radio however I dare say all radio units have been told to stay schtum, however it will all come out in the wash sad thing to happen though
  6. Hey Chris , we get there eventually! but I did a search on this forum and it has never been mentioned before, having watched the video now I have to say this is one mutha of a product, shame on you for not telling us about it
  7. I came across this today and have to say this guy has finally taken the time to explain fully all the various settings that one sees in the FSX.CFG file, some of it we already know, but this is the best thing we have had so far to explain the mysteries of the .cfg settings. I recommend this to all of you who are like me inveterate tinkerers of the fsx.cfg file in the search for more performance http://library.avsim.net/esearch.php?DLID=189274&CatID=fsxmisc he also recommends this programme and accompanying video this is a brilliant bit of kit. It even has an output to Google E
  8. in the last century there have been household names such as R.J.Mitchell, Geofrey de Haviiland, Barnes Wallace, Sydney Camm, to name a few who pushed aerodynamics and aircraft design to new heights , I think this man can stand alongside them the second video is quite long, but well worth watching, its a doooozy ! https://www.kickstarter.com/projects/antennafilms/looking-up-way-up-the-burt-rutan-story https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2j9aN5GmtU4
  9. John I have been using dx10 fixer ever since it was first launched , through all its iterations to today and never had this problem at all. I have read somewhere that transparent cockpits are normally cured by re installing the a/c with the problem, sorry I could not be more help.
  10. I would not fancy unbolting the wings and getting the whole plot down from a 1300 foot hill, but any landing is a safe one if one walks away, the only thing missing was the swearing under ones breath and the sigh of relief when it all came to a halt Nice!
  11. ths phenominum can be caused by 2 sceneries having conflicting levels post some pics as Steph suggested
  12. ahh well that will be because of our quaint british traditions , it is cheaper to go across the someones land rather than build an underpass as they do in other countries like Belgium, have a look at Kortrijk-Wevelgem for example or Charles de Gaule but there again it may just be 2 sceneries with conflicting levels
  13. That's pretty smooth Mike especially if you get it direct from YT I have seen far jerkier videos from much better spec'd p.c's you seem to have hit a sweet spot performance wise by not asking your p.c. to portray high end a/c this way you enjoy the pleasure of flying without the frustration of trying to fly something that needs the horsepower of a top end p.c a lesson many could benefit from.
  14. swmbo took a poor view also of me inspecting those erectile parts NIPPLES !!! sorry girls it's an age thing
  15. Kev, may I suggest that you hang in there a bit longer this 4k tv stuff could well disappear as quickly as the 3d stuff did , there is virtually nothing available to play on it and tv stations are talking years away, but only if they see the take up. yes it is great to see on the demos but I wonder if in 3 years time there wont be a new level , especially as 4k teles are so expensive at the mo 4 years ago my 40inch samsung LED tv cost m the best part of a grand now i can buy better for 400 call me a dinosaur but like with p.c's it pays to be a year or so behind the cutting edge.
  16. i think people "see" better performance because they have a virgin installation that hasnt had months or years of things being added and removed but I could be wrong whilst I have no peformance issues whatsoever with my deluxe FSX i am always interested in making it faster
  17. Chris I think I have to disagree with you, without a proper frame counter, just the stock fsx one i think I am getting on average about 3-4fps better (say 10%) using the aerosoft airbus, it certainly isnt making things worse at any rate
  18. Is there anyone around that can give a definitive explanation of IF or WHY or WHETHER the new dovetail FSX should perform better than the old FSX with all the mods that we have done over the years, in other words Is there any benefit to binning our current fsx setup and replacing it with FSXSE ??? Perhaps Joe or someeone could contact dovetail and get the precise SP on the QT or is it just smoke and mirrors??
  19. apparently this mod also works for FSX so will try it later
  20. this does it for me https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GWqexq4td28
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