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Everything posted by britfrog

  1. i simply ask as there is a great simulator there
  2. the problem with the suits is the terrible glide ratio currently available you get the impression that you can fly anywhere from the vids but the reality is a glide ratio of 4:1 so you can even fly level for a moment, it is just a case of reducing the vertical dive to something that resembles flight there are some amazing vids available on vimeo of a well know rock in norway and also in the alps which produce spectacular footage , however the lack of climb ability and sometimes the need for a split second decision can catch out the best, as one of the guys who has made some of the most spectac
  3. did you used to hang around Popham a lot?
  4. I have an open mind on prepar3d i am prepered to give it a try however i am lead to believe vers 2 is not a certainty as it requires a new agreement with M.S. to allow casual and game use not just pro's and in view of the recent announcement of flight and the amount of disgruntled simmers around who have been very cutting in their criticism of flight you may welll see m.s. refuse a different eula with LM or perhaps even keep the flight team together to make a proper sim? now where is that members map?
  5. i must admit that i downloaded the trial version of version 10 out of curiosity following all the broohaha of its release, as i can see lots of faults in fsx , it is very good but far from perfect. The last time i tried x plane I had bought it for my son and it came on quite a few cd's or was it cassettes? well it was a while ago! and my son a lot smaller, and my opinion then was it showed a lot of promise but wasnt up to the fsim of the day. This time round ,full of expectation , i installed the version 10, took hold of my joystick ( cut me some slack guys) and tried to fly the 747, well in
  6. my advice is to delete fsx.cfg start fsx and let it remake the .cfg file, however I did have this same problem some years ago when fsx was new but i am dammed if i cn remember how i got over it, if deleting the cfg file doesnt help i would look at my .tmp files and delete all them and go from there
  7. only wimps need to see over the top try flying a cessna 207 you can hide a whole county under its nose
  8. whilst I am watching prepar3d with interest I find from the videos that i have seen that it is still about 3 years behind our current fsx setups. If and it is a big IF M.S. give LM a free hand licence wise with preper3d then we might have something worth chasing next year. However As fsim was M.S. largest selling "game" (how I hate that title) in view of the current broohaha aganst m.s. for flight , it may well turn out that m.s may relight the candle of fsim version 11 as they never intended "flight "to replace the flight simulator title. It just may turn out that flight is just a stepping s
  9. Whilst I think M.S. have really shot themselves in the foot with flight, i have to admit more competition in the simulator genre will make everyone produce a better product. Whilst I am the first to admit aerofly is quite limited at the moment i enclose a video made by my friend andreas paschen. Now andreas is the person who has made the best vids for fsx all available on vimeo, not youtube rubish, you can download these and watch them over and over. Andreas was so taken with aerofly that he quickly drummed up this video and after a few talks with the makers of aerofly his advice is watch thi
  10. what a classic missed opportunity, i do hope that the M.S. shareholders tar and feather the team that created a game suitable only for the 4-14 year age group, to replace a simulator enjoyed by millions, i still cant believe how smug those guys look and how proud they appear to be having enabled people to enjoy the pleasures of flight using only a mouse. Talk about dumming something down, such a terrible shame. i wont flame the team as they were clearly obeying orders from above, i might even forgive M.S. not wanting 3rd parties to develop add ons so to keep it all in house or in purse, not th
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