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  1. Q. So where are the menus and forms? A. We have a new layout this year designed to deliver a wider screen for easier viewing. Consequently the menus are hidden until you call them up. To get to the menus and forms, click on the "hamburger! icon top left and the menu should slide in from the left.
  2. Hi all. I am toying with the Idea of creating a cockpit that looks and feels as close as possible to a real cockpit. I am looking to do this with either the JF Hawk or the MilViz Phantom, the latter being favorite at the moment. What I need to know id the internal measurements of the cockpit and the panels found inside the cockpit. Outside dimensions are of little use as I will only be creating the cockpit shell, similar to http://forum.mutleyshangar.com/index.php?/topic/14851-spitfire-mk-ix-cockpit-build/&page=3
  3. Back to Basics - Screenshots by John Allard - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Back to Basics is a regular monthly feature in the Ocala Flight Sim Club newsletter, the Gosport. B2B first appeared in the April 2011 issue and is ongoing. This article is from that series, re-posted here. - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - We’ve all seen screenshots taken within Flight Simulator, in the magazines, on the forums or at least right h
  4. For those who have never delved into the panel.cfg file of aircraft, it may appear daunting at first, however, it is relatively easy to work with when adding 2D pop-up windows. This quick tutorial is using FSX. The 2D pop-up window is the simplest method for quickly adding the FTime timer gauge for use during the MEBAR. IMPORTANT NOTE. For the timer to commence counting during the take-off roll, it MUST be displayed. Instructions. 1. Unzip the contents of the FTimeV4 zip file to a temporary folder. 2. From the temporary folder above, copy the Gauges folder into your main FS
  5. Hello, I am running FSX-SE and P3D v3 on Win10. I installed recently the Carenado SR22T. I order to define and preset custom cameras for this aircraft, I have to access the aircraft configuration file. In spite of all my efforts, I am unable to find it. NOTE: The only doc I could find is in C:\Users\Giorgio\AppData\Roaming\Microsoft\FSX\simobjects\airplanes\Carenado SR22_GTSX_Turbo However, it contains only a short Notepad doc named "State" (referring to the accumulated flight time). Thank you for your help and suggestions! Giorgio
  6. Google maps Howto To create an embedded Google Map similar to those used for the ATWC series follow the steps below. • Create a google account. • Navigate to Google Maps (https:\\maps.google.co.uk). • Log in to your google account. • Navigate to the ‘Search Google Maps’ box in the top left hand corner. • Click on the three horizontal bars icon to drop down a menu. • Select ‘My Maps’ • Click on ‘CREATE MAP’ (in caps at the bottom of the ‘My Maps’ Window). • A map will appear called with a box in the left hand top corner that details information about the map. • The maps name
  7. Hi guys, How do I get permission to access the C: drive in Windows10, from my networked Windows 7 machine, How can I do this........................ Regards Brian.
  8. Hi everyone Hope all is well, question I have today is how do I calibrate the throttle component of my Saitek Pro Flights Yoke System. When I go to taxi and touch the throttle lever, it reacts like I have just reengaged TO GA
  9. I guess most of us know how to prepare a flight plan using the FSX tool or Plan-G, however, I wondered if a tutorial might help, particularly for those who'd like to join in with rallies like MEBAR but lack the confidence - and experience, maybe - to translate a rally flight briefing into a flyable flight plan. Anyway, here's my attempt at introducing Plan-G for rally flight briefing: Please let me have your feedback! Cheers - Dai.
  10. Every time I want to use Plan-G when using FSX, and that is always, I have to great a plan (I do this in Plan-G) export it as an FSX plan, ship it across to my FSX PC and then load it into FSX. The shipping is not to difficult as the PCs are networked but loading it twice is a pain. Is it possible for Plan-G to read an FSX plan from FSX its self and run from that? What I would like to do is to load the plan once and then use it on both pieces of software. JG
  11. I guess I could also ask on Just Flight forum but..... habit. After the flights the fuel burn is there. I can monitor and tweak mine. But how do I convert to USG/hr? Specific gravity calculations ?
  12. Hi Everyone - Some years ago I was able to change the bezel color of the default FSX Garmin 500 so as to match other cockpit panels. I've lost the instructions; any help? Thanks, Rick
  13. I want to get a more realistic feel in flight simulation and use a touchscreen monitor instead of the mouse for gauges and instruments calibration. My question is what is out there that will work for me in the way of hardware and software? Thanks
  14. as the basic copy & paste function appears not to be available in this forum, can someone please tell me how I can quote a previous post or part of it.
  15. Hi my name I MANUEL.How to install the PDF And ND (Glass Copit ) in my home made cockpit in one of the monitor.Can any one help me with that? Thanks
  16. Hello. I'm a new memeber & this is my first post. I have a scenery bgl file given me years ago by a kind man, & I want to extract a mdl file from it. NewBglAnalyze tells me it cannot do it as the source file is an old-style file.....it's for FS9 by the way. I cannot get my BglAnalyze9 to work. I click on it & a small window flashes onto my desktop & vanishes. I'm stumped...can someone tell me how to work it? I have a small jpg to show how it looks on my desktop but I can't find how to attach/insert it. Thanks. Terry.
  17. to put he moving map I have on FS Commander on my Ipad and if so how?
  18. Does anybody know on the Saitek xt2 Hotas what the 2 hat switches on the throttle control are and also the slider ? for and how to set them up for jet flying
  19. I got a real bargain from Just Flight, last week - their Combat Helicopter Pack: Huey plus Chinook, both from the Nemeth stable (with some help from Milviz}. Thought you might enjoy my experiences with the Huey - straight out of the box - Yep, just as it happened (with some commentary added during editing). Hope you enjoy the video: Comments welcome! (Not another helicopter vid! - Ed) Cheers - Dai.
  20. I will be getting a new TV for my living room at Christmas. As a result I am going to move my old TV ( 42" LCD) upstairs for my flight sim in conjunction with this monitor which is 27" can anyone give me a link to a site which specializes in this do I need a doublehead2go link cable what connectors do I need I am going t use the big monitor for my main screen and the smaller one for overhead panel or any other suggestions welcome does that mean with this setup tracker will become redundant as it was a potential Christmas present
  21. patrico


    can anyone tell me how to initiate a climb or decent when flying vnav or Lnav on the 777 as it does not have a speed or altitude intervention button like 737
  22. Back to Basics Flight Planning With the MS Flight Planner by John Allard This piece in the Back to Basics series will explore using the MSFS Flight Planner utility to create, edit, save and load FS flight plans. This month I’ll stick to FS9 screenshots for illustrations, but Flight Planning in FSX is virtually identical. The FSX screens are slightly different in appearance but not in function. Though there are a number of freeware and payware add-on flight planning utilities for Flight Simulator, the one built into FS itself is fairly decent and works quite w
  23. Hello all - So, after numerous years of playing with, installing, tweaking and generally loving FS9, a couple of months ago my old PC finally gave up the ghost in a fairly spectacular manner (there was smoke!). Having weighed up the pro's and cons I finally decided to take the plunge to FSX. Reading forum upon forum, I've plumped for a new machine (of pretty decent spec) which arrives in the next day or so and have in my possession a new box containing FSX Gold, so I'm nearly ready to go. I'm hoping with my specs, I should be able to go for some pretty intensive stuff without impact on th
  24. Hi fellow Mutley's Hangar-ons, I've got a question for the techie side of the forum. I'm on my way to Europe in late September, France in particular. This type of trip requires living out of a suitcase too small to transport my joystick, so I've been looking at alternatives - I've got a Logitech Gamepad. This is a multi-button gadget with two joysticks used by the pimple poppers to kill things on the internet (and, I believe, on Gamebox/X-box etc). I could carry that in my bag. Anyone on mutley's who has tried the Gamepad as a joystick? Any comments/tips on programming it (I h
  25. Hi folks, Thank you for all the previous help; I"m really enjoying AH and have pretty much settled into a happy routine. I do have a question. I know to use the sliders slowly and cautiously, and also wait a while for some things to take effect. I also learned from John to set the "range" value for my aircraft to an unrealistically low value for shorter distance flights. I set all my DC-6B aircraft to 500 miles because I want to keep my company inter-island rather than flying all over the Pacific Ocean. I also know I can add bases to force planes to fly there but I also read that non-b
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