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Hi everyone

I was at the Flight Sim show at RAF Cosford today, and having visitied the Mutley's Hanger site countless times over the last 4 years I thought it was about time I joined the community. (Thanks for the nudge Kevin! Was great talking to you at the show)

How did I end up here? I spent almost 10 yrs in the travel industry then left it to pursue a career in Marketing analysis but always missed aviation so although i like to get some real flight time in every couple of months, flight sim fills the rest of the time (and budget).

Looking forward to being part of the community :-)


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Welcome to Mutley's Hangar, where you couldn't meet a more friendlier and diverse group of people.  Being insane and certifiable is also a quality prevalent in the Hangar, but I will let you work that one out for yourself.  As you can see, I'm the Aussie in the group, so being insane and certifiable goes without saying.


I look forward to seeing you around the Forums.




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Hi Steph,

:welcomeani: to Mutley's Hangar. You will not experience a better flight sim forum anywhere on the www.

As for the guy above me, Andrew the Oz', I can vouch for his certifiable insanity as I'm his shrink.

Enjoy the Hangar, have fun and remember one thing, 'There is no such thing as a stupid question' ......on Mutley's Hangar anyway.

Get posting and enjoy.

Cheers for now

Brian :thum:

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Thanks everyone for the warm welcome :o)

Woke up early and have been checking out the forums for the past few hours...loving it! As there arent any flight sim groups anywhere near here I reckon you guys will see quite a bit of me on here. Will definitely have a crack at the screenshots comp too.

Was great meeting everyone at the show yesterday.. wish me and my husband could have stayed longer.

Hi Steph, welcome, was good talking with you :) I ran the idea of 3 TVs past Bex my wife, needless to say it didn't go down well.... Cheers k

Likewise Kevin. Shame Bex wasn't swayed by your enthusiasm for the 3 screens..mind you, I think there are some single 90" monsters out there so you could dangle that carrot to make the triple setup more palatable? My "cockpit" aka 3rd bedroom can only just take my 3x32's so unless we knock down a wall, I've reached my limit. Can't complain though, my new rig is just awesome!

Happy Sunday all :-)


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Wonderful folks, you'll love it here.

Absolutely! Just read the entire section on screenshot captions.... completely priceless!

When I read Dodgy-alan's post at #496 I worried that, even at my tender age, I'd developed some sort of instant incontinence, luckily it turned out to be my husbands coffee..(I'd been reading it in bed and laughed so much that the bed shook and beverages went south).

If any other newbies are reading this post, you've got to check out those pages; highly entertaining! :)


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Welcome to the forum Steph, hope you will enjoy this place as it's a real cracker...


If you want proper proof of the insanity in these halls, take a look in the Around The World Challenge section, and then put your tin foil hat on and join the fun  ;)


I'm now of to catch up on the Caption the screenshots topic... I had completely forgotten about that gem...

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Hi Minx,

Have you posted screen-shots before? If not then just send me a PM and I will help you.. :)


Thanks for the kind offer James. I did see some instructions on another post but will give you a shout when I get to posting some pics. Might be a few weeks as work is nightmarish at the mo and im away at the weekend . Thanks again :-)


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Hi Steph!


Sorry I missed you at the show, but happy you made it to be one of the inmates here.   :)


>  My "cockpit" aka 3rd bedroom can only just take my 3x32's.....


Swanky joint, huh? Mine will only just take my 3x27s.    ^_^  


> As there arent any flight sim groups anywhere near here.....


I guess it depends which part of Hampshire you're in. There's always the Gatwick guys (they had a stand at the show)? But there again, you can always visit Mutley's without even leaving home.   :cool:


Enjoy your simming, and this wacky community. (We also have a reviews section.....).    ;)






a.k.a. brian747 (I know, but it's a long story).   ^_^


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HI Bruce

3x27's... nice! :-) nothing quite like having the 3 with the peripheral effect is there. I have the Triple Head 2go which is great as it doesn't draw much from the main system and I can usually get at least 50fps. Wouldn't be without it. Its my 4th fs pc in about as many years but I reckon it will keep me happy for a long time :)

Yup, both Mutleys Hangar and the LGW guys were several deep when I got there.I didn't want to manopolise their time when there were queues. Was really lucky that I met Kevin while I was loitering with my husband at the MH stand. We all got chatting and I picked up a lot of useful info. Apart from my recent foray into Misty Moorings (another bunch of great guys) I've kinda been pretty isolated and self sufficient in the fs world. Its great to participate with the Mutley crew :-) The Gatwick crew are a bit too far from here... a good couple of hours drive if braving the M25 (Englands biggest car park)

Starting to feel right at home here :-)


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Hi Steph,


Sorry we only had time for a brief chat at the show but it's great to meet the face behind the name and to share your enthusiasm on the day, your husband was very patient! Does he not have the aviation bug?


Thanks for making the long journey up to Shropshire from god's own county, I am an Hampshire hog myself.


Looking forward to some banter in the forums.
















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Hi Joe Was great to meet you at the show..shame we didn't have more time to natter. You guys were very popular! Even though my husband jokingly refers to himself as a "flightsim widow" he does take the controls with a bit of persuasion and then its hard to get him off ;-) He likes the fast jets, vulcan, lightning and Harrier... im more the low and slow or the complex ac like the pmdg Jetstream and 737NG. I wonder whether everyone else out there has the same patient and supportive family when it comes to our hobby.. I definitely consider myself lucky! :-)Steph

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My wife considers me an aviation bug. :pilotic:  She would like to hit me with a flyswatter sometimes but on the other hand she is happy I didn't take up motorcycle racing or other hobby that would keep me away from home. :D


I have yet been able to get her into the pilots seat and maybe that is a good thing the more I think about it. It's an addicting hobby and I would never get fed. ;)

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My wife considers me an aviation bug. :pilotic:  She would like to hit me with a flyswatter sometimes but on the other hand she is happy I didn't take up motorcycle racing or other hobby that would keep me away from home. :D


I have yet been able to get her into the pilots seat and maybe that is a good thing the more I think about it. It's an addicting hobby and I would never get fed. ;)

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