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Internet addiction survey for daughters uni course, I need your help!

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Greetings chaps.


The following message is presented to you with the permission of The Right Horrible Honourable Mr "Mutant" Mutley.

My daughter Katy has to do an Internet addiction survey for her university degree course. She has to get at least 20 participants, so if you would be kind enough to contribute that would be great. It is of course completely anonymous.
I'll post the link to the survey here. It's simply a case of completing the survey and stating your age range. 
You are free to discuss your results here of course for fun, of your own volition, but the survey protocol dictates that you must PM me your results for them to be valid for the survey, as I have to show you the ethics statement.
1. PM me your results. Stating your age range.
2. I'll show you the ethics statement. 
3. Discuss your results openly in the forum if you wish, making sure to make fun of those thoroughly addicted to the internet. E.G all of us. smiley9.gif
The survey:
Thanks chaps. smiley1.gif
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Hope this will help Katy out, I scored 46%. Unlike our fearless (and it seems addicted) leader there is still hope for me. :D


I find that survey's are not always accurate because the questions are sometimes vague or inaccurate in the way they are stated. Take #12 for instance, 'How often do you fear that life without the Internet would be boring, empty, and joyless?', I don't 'fear' life without the internet would be boring but at the same time life I agree that life would be boring without it. I am disabled so it fills up my day with something to do, if there was no internet, I would instead read to pass the time. In this case even marking 'rarely is incorrect and skews the score. I guess the survey is good in a general way but I found myself wishing many of the questions were worded differently to fit my own lifestyle and views.

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Only 38% here. I thought some of the questions were pretty stupid, but this kind of stuff can still be fun. To score really high you not only have to be addicted, but also to feel guilty about it.


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Blimey... I only managed a rather pitiful 31% I'm actually quite disappointed!

Then again, we never had this sort of technology when I was young (the Sinclair Spectrum appeared just as I was getting in double digits) so im used to getting my kicks from non technological sources as much as the good ol WWW.

I guess im not quite as obsessed as I thought..either that or I just dont feel the need to hide it! ;-)


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Tried out the quiz for a bit of cerebral doodling - scored 27.


OK for a bit of fun, but if this survey is part of a serious degree course I'd be asking for a return of my £9000/year tuition fee.


Questions 6 & 8 are vague & the quiz seems more about promoting Dr Kimberly Young and her books.





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Only 38% here. I thought some of the questions were pretty stupid, but this kind of stuff can still be fun. To score really high you not only have to be addicted, but also to feel guilty about it.


I thought it was quite amusing to imagine whether,instead if the internet, the subject was 'the X factor' or 'im a celeb get me out of here', not sure how many people would want to publicly report high scores ;-)
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Flight Simmers Addiction Survey.


1. How many hours per day do you spend Flight Simming? (be honest.)


2. How many aircraft do you have?


3. How much has it cost you? (to the nearest £5,000)


4. Do you wear leather jackets/helmets/goggles or pilots uniforms when flying?


5. Do you get family members to dress up as cabin crew?


6. Does the room go quiet when you mention you are a flight simmer?


7. Is your partner having an affair?


8. How many hours do you spend cruising around Mutley's?


9. Why do I waste my time trying to be funny?


Further questions welcome.

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Flight Simmers Addiction Survey.

1. How many hours per day do you spend Flight Simming? (be honest.)

2. How many aircraft do you have?

3. How much has it cost you? (to the nearest £5,000)

4. Do you wear leather jackets/helmets/goggles or pilots uniforms when flying?

5. Do you get family members to dress up as cabin crew?

6. Does the room go quiet when you mention you are a flight simmer?

7. Is your partner having an affair?

8. How many hours do you spend cruising around Mutley's?

9. Why do I waste my time trying to be funny?

Further questions welcome.

Brilliant! That made me chuckle. How about something like, How many times have you thought of getting a pilots licence only to scrap the idea because ITRW there is no 'slew' command
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Brilliant! That made me chuckle. How about something like, How many times have you thought of getting a pilots licence only to scrap the idea because ITRW there is no 'slew' command



Not the slew command, but maybe the reality of death from crash landings!

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Brilliant! That made me chuckle. How about something like, How many times have you thought of getting a pilots licence only to scrap the idea because ITRW there is no 'slew' command

Not the slew command, but maybe the reality of death from crash landings!

..or the grim reality of airline food ? ;-)

(Mind you, I'm a veggie so I cant usually complain..its usually edible plus I get served first )

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Thank you so much for the great response.


I've just sent Katy a text [she works in a shoe shop at the weekend] she told me to thank you all very much.




Sorry if I have PM'd you the consent statement twice, I was getting a bit befuddled.



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Well, what a surprise.

I thought my internet usage was going to be way up there with the big boys but actually, I only scored 46, which deems me an average user.

My main concern was staying on-line too late at night.

Can't sleep? Go on-line. Sleep soon follows. Sorted.


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Having had some mobility limitation since my knee ops, I've been sittig and 'browsing' more than normal, recently, so I can sympathise with Al's situation. I don't think that being interested in web based stuff is really a big deal, particularly if you're retired or, perhaps, incapacitated in some way. In fact, the internet can bring you into virtual contact with a whole new world to re-vitalise what, otherwise, might be a dull existence. So, it depends on your circumstances - for sure, if I was still a student, I might find the internet a distraction from studying, unless it was a valid source of info and needed for thevsubject. At our age, Al', I don't think we should worry, Mate!

Cheers - Dai. :cool:

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Tried out the quiz for a bit of cerebral doodling - scored 27.


OK for a bit of fun, but if this survey is part of a serious degree course I'd be asking for a return of my £9000/year tuition fee.


Questions 6 & 8 are vague & the quiz seems more about promoting Dr Kimberly Young and her books.





Ha, I know what you mean, this is an additional module the students can do, so not the main thrust of the degree.


It's a great course actually, the tutors are fantastic, and amazing facilities at Katy's Uni.


Best of all, the engineering department has not one, but two Harriers, for the engineering students to pull to bits. One of them is the two seat trainer.


I intend to nip down their with Katy and get a good look at them when I get a chance.






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Well, 34% for me although I suspect the score would have been higher if my wife had answered the questions for me  ;)


The only issue I had with the questions was that some of them really didn't apply to me and there was no alternative to exclude that question from the result. For example question 6 doesn't apply to me since I'm not a student.


With the same reasoning question 3 doesn't apply to someone living alone...

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A measly 24%! An average user!

I am greatly disappointed - with my habits I should be a heavy user that just don't care about it / need to be online for work.

Of course it helps that my work requires being online, and that I read online and learn online and ...

Either the test is flawed or it is not intended for professionals.

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