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I'm A Knucklehead! Possible fix?

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Last night I decided to purchase the QW Bae-146. So from the QW website it redirected me to Flight 1's website to the Bae purchase page. I have purchased from Flight1 before and know about the wrapper system but when in the process of purchasing and filling in the info I didn't realize it took me to the FS9 version of the Bae. Of course you can figure out the rest!! LOL!! I purchased the FS9 version by total mistake. I realized this after getting to the install process. After going back and looking the link if you want to purchase the FSX version was at the top.
Now that I bored you with my lack of smarts is this fixable if I contact Flight1? I know there is no return policy on downloads but in this instance I have no intention of using FS9 since I mainly use FSX on VATSIM. Just wondering? Any help or mocking would be appreciated!

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I guess a sweet smile and asking them nicely might do the trick, after all a download doesn't cost them anything. Or does it?


From other threads here and on other forums the industry is a bit slack at present so I'm sure it's in a retailers interest to keep the customer satisfied. Good luck.

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A diiferent addon seller did something similar for me once. I accidentally purchased the same plane twice and they promptly added the one I meant to get to my download list. I really like the great service FS add on companies provide. Its such a niche business that CS means a lot more to a companies success than to some faceless Walmart like industry.

Toast to FS add on sellers.

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Well all is well. I contacted Flight1 and they got back to me promptly. Submitted my ticket and now awaiting my refund. It is a 30 day policy like someone had mentioned. No problems, hassles, or questions asked. Thanks to all!!

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I can admit to having done something similar with PC Aviator (Oz). I did not read the description as thoroughly as I should have and wound up downloading something for a version of the 737 that I didn't have.


PC Aviator came through for me and replaced the download with the correct one - kudos!

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