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Question for YouTube posters

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Have YouTube moved the goalposts again?


I post my videos at 1080p — however I posted one a few days ago (not aviation related) but when I came to view it I found that clicking on the 'gear wheel' gave me only three options — 720p, 360p, or "Auto". Furthermore, I have just noticed that my previous videos have now also been reduced to the same three options (and 1080p was definitely available as an option previously).


Did I miss some sort of announcement, or was this a "silent update"?     :huh:


Or is 1080p available via some other route, perhaps?? (A Baldrick-style "cunning plan" comes to mind, for some reason).





a.k.a. Confused of Church Crookham


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I never get an option to view my vids at anything over 720. My recording software ScreencastOmatic only records up to a max screen size of 2000x1014 (I scale it down to 1900x1000 to fit my monitor and FSX window), but I don't think YouTube is playing them at that size :(


If there is anyway to increase the resolution I sure would be happy to learn it.

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Thanks, guys, but the situation is:

a) I have always uploaded my videos at 1080p, including the latest one.

b) All of them are now subject to the restriction of 720p/360p/"Auto", which was not the case before.

c) Internet searches have not been helpful, except to confirm that others are now suffering from similar problems.

I have also heard that YouTube is shortly to be divorced from Google (+?), so maybe that has something to do with it.... <sigh>.



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I checked my YT uploads and it is strange that the last two are restricted to a maximum of 480 all the other videos prior to this can select up to 1080 HD...................


Something odd going on at YT.


Hope this may help.


Cheers, Mike.

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I would imagine that cutting the resolution of uploads and therefore the file size of those uploads will save them a shed load of storage space, and, given the scale of YT, a shed load of money.

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Hi Eddie!


Great idea!   :)


OK, here you go (this is a preliminary rough cut that I posted about ten days ago — I know for sure that it was 1080p when I posted it...):  link removed


The options I get when I click the "gearwheel" icon:




Incidentally, I've also checked a vid that I posted two or three years ago, and I get the same options on that, too (the vid even has a request at the start asking people to watch it in 1080p, but I now see only the options shown above so I can't): link removed






[Later edit: links removed — no longer relevant].

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Many thanks, Eddie!    :D


Hmm, so it's a problem that's local to me (or my ISP — I'm on 100Mb cable broadband from VirginMedia)....


Er.... Not sure where I'll start with that one.    :huh:


But many thanks indeed for verifying that it's not a generic YouTube thing.   ^_^






P.S. I've just found this: http://www.telecomstechnews.com/news/2014/sep/08/youtube-borked-some-virgin-media-users-again-customers-get-restless/


I'm not sure whether it's entirely relevant, but I'll follow it up.


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Further to the above.... SUCCESS!    :D


I followed the link in the article I mentioned in the PS above to this VirginMedia page: https://www.youtube.com/html5 where I activated the HTML5 video player.


I then tried again — Internet Explorer still shows the limited range of options, but in Chrome I see them all, and 1080p is selectable:




Many thanks to Eddie, and to everyone else who contributed to the thread!   :thum:


Another success for the Hangar.    ^_^







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Hi Joe!


With this, YouTube (in Chrome) offered me the option of 1080p, and also 1440p, and 2160p (4K). It's looking great at that resolution, I have to say.   :D


IE still can't manage anything better than 720p, but that's IE I guess....    :P


Many thanks for that,






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That's odd, the 5K option is no longer there in Chrome byt the 4K looks good,


IE did give me 4K but crashed half way through the video (*sigh* I don't really know why I bothered!)

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