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Electra VC

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Great shots, :thum: love those trim wires in the cockpit. :)


yes but for some reason it doesnt like to stay trimmed, did a short flight yesterday just getting used to it, I was constantly trimming, but that may well be how it behaved....enjoyed it though...



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Great shots, :thum: love those trim wires in the cockpit. :)


yes but for some reason it doesnt like to stay trimmed, did a short flight yesterday just getting used to it, I was constantly trimming, but that may well be how it behaved....enjoyed it though...




Actually the two handles up top are probably not the elevator trim, maybe rudder and aileron?)


Sometimes the elevator trim is set in the cfg file in a coarse manner and you can't fine tune it so you would have to adjust the difference using the throttle. If you want to make the trim finer between clicks you can look in the aircraft.cfg file under [flight_tuning] and check the elevator_efectiveness= number. If it is 1.0 you can bring it back down some to something like 0.6 or so. Keep testing until it feels right and do it it clear weather to take out the wind equation.


I usually do it on the fly, change the number and then reset the aircraft state. Don't forget to safe a copy of the cfg file or // out the original number so you know what it was originally like this.

elevator_trim_effectiveness = 0.6 //1.0

First number is the change and the next number after the slashes is the orig one.

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Its amazing the amount of addons with coarse elevator trim. I think 50 - 60 % of my AC addons have had their elevator trim fixed like described above.

Compare with A2A aircraft. They have very fine adjustment of elevator trim. Sometimes even to fine.

Lovely screenies. I think I will get the bird soon and hope they will make a patch before to long.

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I'm using a Saitek Cessna trim wheel which allows fine tuning ( besides being more immersive than a mouse click  :) )  But even then you sometimes have to use small throttle corrections to stabilize for good.


As Loic highlights, elevator trim alone does not establish an aircraft on pure level flight.  It always involve the other inputs of throttle, and, where applicable, propeller (RPM) adjustments.  This is even more true of older aircraft, such as the Lockheed Model 10 'Electra', and constant attention must be made to maintain level flight as the centre of gravity shifts due to fuel burn and the as the aircraft is subject to changing weather conditions.


So, if you are having troubles trimming the aircraft, it's probably more a reflection of the flight model being representative of the real world aircraft, not a problem with the aircraft model.


As for course trim adjustments, this can also be caused by the sensitivity setting on the joystick not being fine enough.


So often, people are quick to point the finger at the developer, when, in fact, the problem actually lies with their lack of proper set-up and fine tuning of their hardware.




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I am not complaining about the trim, like I said that may just be how it handles for real, just pointing out what I had to do and then seeing if others found this or had something they did to sort it. As a virtual pilot and not a real world one I dont feel I am in a position to criticise developers on aircraft modelling. If you look back you will see I have only ever made any negative comments on an aircraft I have paid for that looks very poor.......I am always asking and taking advice from others as that is how you expand your knowledge.......



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No one is suggesting you are complaining or criticising and not all responses are directed personally at you.  People are just, discussing, and offering comments and suggestions to a number of posts on the subject of the elevator trim.




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One question on flying older AC that dont have the modern tech, is there an add on that would give you a handheld GARMIN type of GPS that you could stick in the cockpit, I know some of you will sigh in disgust at the thought of that but I have seen bush pilots on TV using them just to help with keeping orientated and I wondered if anyone had made an addon that does this in the Sim world....


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The short answer is yes.  The easiest way is to add it as a 2D pop-up by editing your panel.cfg file.


Copying and pasting the relevant lines from another aircraft's panel.cfg (one with a GPS) is the best way to go unless you are comfortable and familiar with doing this.  It will normally require some fiddling to then get it adjusted to an appropriate size and position and this is mostly trial and error.


There are moving map / GPS add-ons, but most are installed as 2D pop-ups anyway.




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Always use Plan G but i have never used the moving map.... could I put that onto my little 7 inch monitor that I normally put gps on?


If you can display a 2D pop-up on your 7 in monitor, and you purchase a moving map add-on that displays as a 2D pop-up, then I can only guess that the answer is yes.




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One easy way to add a pop up yourself Wayne, is have a look through the panel. Cfg file for one of your favorite airplanes that has a good pop up... Copy the window section for that popup and paste it into whatever aircraft you like, viola... You got a new pop up.

In some cases the text might need adjusting to locate the actual files, but to avoid that... Look through the default aircraft. Those pop ups will work in any aircraft.

Make sure that the window numbers are sequential with the existing pop up windows for the panel. Config.

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You can do the same technique to add an autopilot to any aircraft. Simply copy the "cessna radio panel" window from the default c172 or caravan and add to your selected aircraft...then, check the aircraft.cfg file and make sure the [autopilot] section has actual autopilot information...if so, simply turn it on by changing autopilot=0 to a 1...and feel free to adjust the default vertical speed if it isn't appropriate to your new aircraft, or if not, copy the autopilot section from the c172 or caravan and paste to the new aircraft. As always, save an original of any file you change, or comment out the original information so you will have it to revert to should you so desire.


There is no reason to have to hit pause while cooking dinner or fetching a new beer while flying an old "basic classic"... :D



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