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Leg 37 - McClellan (KMCC) to USMC Sweetwater (NV72)

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And now for something completely different.



Sorry, couldn't help myself.


This leg couldn't be more different from the last unless it were flown in a hang glider.  It's quite the short hop through some mountainous terrain.  I recently got a new toy, the A2A Piper Cub with Accu-Sim, making it pretty much mandatory to fly it for this leg.  While I'm certain that anyone reading this is familiar with the Cub, just to recap:


65 HP engine

12 gallons of gas

no electrics

no mixture control


This was going to be purely VFR with a couple of challenges.  Starting at McClellan at 76 feet ASL, the path goes through mountains topping out at over 12,000 feet.  The service ceiling on the Cub is 11,500.  Going over the top would be an iffy proposition.  The first challenge was to find a passage through the mountains that wouldn't bump into the service ceiling.


US Highway 50 once ran from the Atlantic coast in Maryland to San Francisco.  Today it ends in Sacramento, but it works quite well for a little redneck IFR (I Follow Roads) to get through the mountains.  The plan was to follow U.S. 50 and the American River Canyon to just south of Tahoe, then keep heading east to the Luther Pass.  After the pass, fly east to U.S. 395, fly a little more RIFR, then turn south and follow the mountains on the right down to Sweetwater.


The next challenge was the weather.  The METARs along the way were showing scattered clouds starting at 2200 thickening to broken at 5500.  That would be a problem.  I planned to launch anyway as there were a few fields along the way where I could lay over until things cleared a bit.


Grabbing my flight bag and the baton (not much trouble to get into in Sacramento), I headed out to the field.



The preflight check was text book.



The magneto switch could be in a better location.  Mags set to both and time to hand prop.



Heading out to runway 16.  The clouds don't look too bad.



These are some wide taxiways.  Were I in a mischevious mood I could take off from here.



OK, this doesn't look so good.  Way more dark gray than blue.



Definitely not looking good.  Cameron and Placerville are up ahead just in case this gets worse.



Folsom Lake. 



More nasty clouds.  I should probably get higher, but scud running is the plan for now.



U.S. 50.  Better than a radial for getting up the valley.



I Follow Rivers works too.



The weather is cooperating.  That's Lake Tahoe in the distance.



Almost to Luther Pass.



Through the pass and heading for the next nav point.



There's U.S. 395.



There's Desert Creek airport.  Time to turn southish.



Lots of rocks, but still pretty country.



I know there is an airport up ahead somewhere.



Ah, there it is right where the road bends to the left.  Time to setup for landing.



Gas: Yup.  Gear: down and welded. Mixture: Yup.  Prop pitch: Yup.



Starting the turn to base.



Not a lot here.  Leave it to the Marine Corps to have a base in the middle of nowhere with nothing much on it.



Not much to do to shut her down.  Flip the magneto switch to Off.



John, whatever you're flying for the next leg, this dirt field is a whopping 3700 feet.  Give a shout out on 122.75 when you get close.  I may be sleeping, or up in Carson City.  There is NOTHING out here.


Add-ons for this flight

A2A Wings of Silver Piper J-3 Cub with Accu-Sim

REX 4 Texture Direct plus SoftClouds

REX Essential Plus Overdrive for real world weather

FTX Global Base

FTX Global Vector

FTX Trees HD

FreeMeshX Global - North America

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Nice one, Pete — well flown!     ^_^


A study in contrasts indeed: I especially enjoyed your pre-landing checklist:


> Gas: Yup. 

> Gear: down, and welded.

> Mixture: Yup. 

> Prop pitch: Yup.


Love it!    :D


And sincere congratulations on finding that, er, strip (?) in the middle of nowhere.  <gulp>       :thum:


Oh, and could you please let me know when you've finished with the 'cub, incidentally — my lawn mower could do with a new engine.     :rofl:


(Sorry, couldn't resist it...).     :rolleyes:





a.k.a. brian747



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Brave man taking the Cub through the mountain pass in anything but clear weather. :hat: 


Enjoyed the PIREP :thum: and will have to duplicate your flight using the J3 as well, it's a simple yet exciting aircraft and A2A did it right.

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Thanks everyone.


For those of you who haven't flown the Cub, it truly is a joy to fly.  Talk about stress free flying.  Nothing happens too fast with the Cub.  No radios, switches, or knobs that you have to worry over.  There is nothing in the cockpit except controls essential to flight.  It's also very stable in all axes.  Most aircraft without an autopilot tend to drive me crazy with roll and pitch constantly needing attention.  Maybe it's the lack of a VSI, but I could point the gas gauge at an object on the ground, rest the second set of bolts on the horizon, and she flies true.  Not much at all to do except look outside and enjoy the view.


One thing that was bugging me was no slip indicator.  You just can't feel a slip with a sim.  Then I found the tidbit in the manual about using the whisky compass.  If you keep it level with the dash you are in a coordinated turn.  Problem solved.


And Brian, we can just do an engine block swap.  I'm sure I can refurb your mower engine and drop it into the Cub.

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:D   :D   :D


Sounds like a plan. Pete!


Seriously, though, I'm interested in the Cub (I haven't been 'back to basics' in a while). Once I can get the builders out of the house and redecorate to get everything back to normal and put the garden to bed for the winter then it'll probably be almost Christmas, so.....     :thum:






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