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We seem to have stalled out at leg 63. :(


I just wanted to let y'all know that I will be away in Maui from 4/20-4/27...I and my lady friend will be flying a Boeing 767 over there...can't wait. I should probably brush up on flying heavies shortly before, just in case. 


I only bring this up to brag about my upcoming long overdue vacation (haven't had an Actual Vacation in over 10 years) and upcoming flight in a 767....and just in case there is a sudden flurry of ATWC action that brings my assigned legs into conflict with those dates. :P Not holding mah breath.


Ie...get a move on people...barnacles are growing on the baton!

:D :D :D

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Hey Matt,


I've been swamped at work lately, and been crashing into bed like a poorly maintained airplane when I get home.. So I haven't been able to let loose my whip on the late PIREPS  :yikes:


In case we run into a timing issue with your trip (enjoy mate, i'm not the least bit envious.. no really, not at all :cray:) why don't you do the flights, upload the images and prepare your PIREP in a .txt file, and I can publish them for you when the time comes.


Now the get that departure board updated... just need to wait for what seems to be a major Adobe update to install before my computer will let me into Adobe InDesign.... It's managed to advance 3% in the last 30 minutes  :censored:

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