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Good one, Dai. You have to admit, some of the German pre-war and WWII types were pretty good looking AC. They had a few that were stinkers (e.g. He-177), but many/most were darned good performers for their day too.


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Great shots, wingit! :icon_thumbup:

Some late entries from me. After a couple of months of having no suitable aircraft or enough imagination, I just remembered to have a dig through my screenshots for some candidates for this month. I'm not entirely satisfied with what I found, but better than nothing :smile:

A pair of Catalinas looking for a place to land:


... and finding it!


And this one from a recent early-morning AirHauler flight.




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Here's my 3 late pics all unedited fs9-FSX

O no what did I do wrong?


Still no luck here, wing tip float stuck but got her down safely.


Fairy 111D mk.11 on patrol.


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O no what did I do wrong?

Too much Airmen's Beans, I guess, Mike!! :whis:

Meantime, here's my last entry - a Sikorsky S-38, modelled by George Diemer. An extremely interesting plane, which, believe it or not, was used in a bid to set up a North Atlantic passenger service in 1929. Charles Lindbergh flew the S-38 in surveying the Caribbean routes for Juan Trippe, and the S-38 was purchased by many other airlines.

Here's S-38 NC9753 as it would have looked flying up Ericksfjord on the approach to Narsarsuaq (BGBW):


Good Luck Everyone! :thum:

Cheers - Dai. :cool:

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You are right there Dai, :001_th_smiles89: I needed them to get off the ground :pilotic: as I was abit over weight. Whoops I mean the aircraft not me. :secret:

and Good Luck to Everyone. :good:

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Our October winner is ...

Soaranden with this shot, bang on subject, I love the humour of the "Dew Drop Inn" in the background with the aircraft buried in the roof!


Well done Soaranden, check your PM's



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Thanks, guys! I was totally surprised!

The scenery used is part of the Caribbean Seaplane Tours (Bahamas) freeware scenery. The file name for the scenery is csptb.zip. It's available from FlightSim.com, and if you have membership and do a search using "Caribbean," you'll find a few additional downloads in the series.

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