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Guess The Airport

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I'd start with a table of the Lat/Long quadrants. N-E, N-W, S-E, S-W. In that table I'd put the names of the countries that were major belligerents in WWII. In most cases I've given the quadrant, so your candidate countries for airports B, C, D and E are from the table. That should narrow things quite a bit. Two of the four are capital cities, so that homes you in even more.



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.... On this planet John! ♬ There is a house.... ♬

So, after another bottle of red wine, it all became very clear. :woot:  The first thing was to correct the transposing errors of having placed letters in the wrong position - doh! :stars: The second was to ensure the most northerly was, in fact, the most northerly - second doh!  :stars:  :stars:


Then, surprisingly, it all just fell into place.  :yikes:


Airport A is:

  • in the USA,
  • in the state of Missouri,
  • in Morgan County,
  • in the city of Versailles.




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Right on the first try, Andrew - congratulations.


OK, folks, here's the Rosetta Stone that Andrew worked through.


All airport data is from stock FSX


The airport you must guess shall be referred to as Airport A


You'll have to identify some others to find the clues you need to work out the identity of airport A. I don't need you to name the other airports, only Airport A, but you'll need to figure out the others to identify airport A.


Airport A is NOT a major airport.


Airports B, C, D and E are major airports. LFPB, KJFK, RJAA, YMML


The nations containing airports A, B, C, D and E were all major belligerants of WWII. FRANCE; USA; JAPAN; AUSTRALIA


--- Clues about Airport A ---

A treaty ending a war, named for a city in Airport B's country, shares the name of airport A's city. - VERSAILLE

Airport A's ICAO code is only three characters. - 3VS


--- Clues to the Identity of Airport B --- LFPB LE BOURGET

Airport B is in a national capital. - PARIS, FRANCE

Airport B's latitude and longitude are N and E values - N48*56.17'; E2*26.49'

Airport B's airport name is two words, but the first is short - an "article", in terms of part of speech. - LE BOURGET

Airport B was the destination of a historic flight. - LINDBERGH


--- Clues to the Identity of Airport A to be found at Airport B ---

The first character of Airport B's ICAO code is the 9th letter of Airport A's airport name (neglecting spaces). LFPB -> - - - - - - - - L

The last character of the ILS ID for airport B's shortest ILS-equipped runway is the 4th and 7th letter of Airport A's airport name (neglecting spaces). - RUNWAY 27 (6,069') ILS ID = RGE -> - - - E - - E - L


--- Clues to the Identity of Airport C --- KJFK KENNEDY INTL

Airport C is in a large metropolitan area with several major international airports. - NYC; KENNEDY, LAGUARDIA; NEWARK

Airport C's latitude and longitude are N and W. - JFK = N40*38.39'; W73*46.74'

Airport C has four runways, with parallel pairs at right angles. JFK = 13L/31R; 13R/31L; 04R/22L; 04L/22R

Airport C is named for a war hero of WWII who entered politics after the war. - JOHN F. KENNEDY


--- Clues to the Identity of Airport A to be found at Airport C ---

The designator of the taxiway that leads to the most northerly of the fuel pumps at this airport is the second and third letter of Airport A's airport name. - TAXIWAY TT -> - T T E - - E - L


--- Clues to the Identity of Airport D --- RJAA NARITA

The last two letters of Airport D's ICAO code are the same. - RJAA (NARITA)

Airport D is in a national capital. - TOKYO

Airport D's latitude and longitude are N and E. - N35*45.88'; E140*23.18'


--- Clues to the Identity of Airport A to be found at Airport D ---

A taxiway encircles the south end of the most southerly terminal building at airport D, lying SW, S and SE of the building. That taxiway is the closest taxiway to the terminal building in those directions. The designator of that taxiway is the first letter of Airport A's airport name. - TAXIWAY O -> O T T E - - E - L


--- Clues to the Identity of Airport E --- YMML MELBOURNE INTL

Airport E is NOT in the national capital but is in a state capital. - MELBOURNE

Airport E's latitude and longitude are S and E - S37*40.40'; E144*50.60'

Airport E lies in the southeastern part of the country. - AUSTRALIA

The second and third characters of Airport E's ICAO code are the same. - YMML


--- Clues to the Identity of Airport A to be found at Airport E ---

The designator of second taxiway from the west end of airport E's E/W runway is the 5th letter of Airport A's airport name. TAXIWAY N -> O T T E N - E - L

The middle character of both Airport E's ILS IDs is the 6th and 8th letter of Airport A's airport name (neglecting spaces). RUNWAY 16 ILS ID = IMS; RUNWAY 27 ILS ID = IMW -> O T T E N M E M L -> OTTEN MEML


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@John-Outstanding and clever clues sir. :thum:  You really stymied the members for awhile with this one. My biggest obstacle was I thought the clue about the major belligerents referred to our enemies and did not include all of the good guys too.


@Andrew- Well done sir. :thum: Here I was thinking the special tool was the wine. The wife was wondering why I went through two bottles last night. :D

As promised and well deserved:



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  • 4 weeks later...
  • 3 weeks later...
  • 4 weeks later...

Sorry guys.  I have been trying to get my airport sorted out, but got caught with a couple of reviews and life in general.  It has taken far too long so if someone wants to jump in, please save me from this humiliation.  :th_blush:


I will be better prepared and waiting next time around.




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  • 5 weeks later...

I am on it as well John. I thought I had all the airports, but the airport that came out of it was not an airport or even a word in the English language! 

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  • 2 years later...

I miss this feature, which has gone kind of dormant.  I promised Mutley when he was here I was going to kick this off again soon, so here goes!


Guess the Airport



  • You've never heard of it.
  • It has a 3-character ICAO code.
  • The images and data are from stock FSX-SE and are likely the same in FSX and P3D.
  • Scenery complexity is set to Extremely Dense, so you're seeing everything that's there.
  • The top-down image may have been rotated - OK, it has been.
  • It's in the northern hemisphere.
  • Magnetic variation is large.
  • An airport just south is a candidate for my Unfortunate ICAO Codes list.
  • Airport elevation is 1,000 < X < 2000 feet MSL.




That's enough for now.  More clues in a few days if no one has it.



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Hmmm - no action here at all.


Here are more clues to make it a little easier...


  • Runway length is < 3000'
  • Airport name references a body of water
  • Longitude is West (with the above clues, that narrows it down to 1/4 of the planet)


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