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"Right we'll just get this one bedded in and then I want to put a row of English Electric Lightnings in the bed over there against the wall. They will look lovely when they bloom in the spring"

"I don't care if it IS you Harry, Get up for your Grandmother!"

Thanks Eddie, ok have a go with this one..

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Well done everyone it was a tough choice as in my opinion everyone was a winner! But I finally made an executive decision and the winner of The caption the picture is .....

First the Bad news, it has taken us all week to get to this stage.

The Good news is we have found that "Annoying Squeak".

It was the co-pilots arm rest.

. Over to you mike well done. I thought that annoying squeak was my back. And finally a bone to pick with Brett, I am an ex-stevedore worked at A.B.P in uk. Stay calm and have a cup of tea! Sorry about the long rant!
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Nice job Mike, I got a real kick out of that one too. :thum:


@Glen-Stay calm, cuppa tea is on me ;)  No offense against the hard working stevedore's across the world. :th_blush:

I used to live on the south shore of Long Island in NY and there are miles of docking areas for pleasure boats. Each Fall they(the dock workers) pull out all the boats and stack 'em on wood like in the pic or on big metal shelf racks. These dock guy's have no association with the Stevedore, dockworker, docker, dock labourer, wharfie and longshoreman that unload/load ships. It is my understanding that a stevedore works from the ship and the longshoremen is on the dock, is that right?


BTW-Thanks for one of the shortest rants I have seen in quite awhile. :D    



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No problem Brett I didn't take it personally. In the uk a stevedore is the general term for dock workers, I was unloading and loading both on ship and quayside. Its seems quite a rant when I use my blackberry to check-in on here to catch up on the goings on of Mutleys Hangar. I'm checking every couple of hours while I'm out and about!

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It's good to know you have a sense of humor because I was wondering, you mentioned you were an ex-stevedore, you don't happen to be working at the airport where the above pic was taken now......... :P

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Hi guys sorry I have just seen that I have won. Thanks Capt. for picking mine out of a great bunch.I have been too busy looking after my grandchildren this week :stars: .Almost got the house back to normal so will post one today.

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Just flew in from Goodwood, all that smoke was making me Hoarse! ;)


Chef, "d'you want anything on your burger mate?" Pilot, "Yes please, five bob each way at Newmarket!"


due to BBC cutbacks, the Top Gear team have sent The Stig out for lunch!

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'Man! Turn that prop off! People will be coming from miles away to steal our burgers!'


Thanks Guys for all your captions and the winner is Clem Wu. Well Done So it's over to you.

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CapBar - you're looking at the beginning of the thread on page 1.  We're now on page 22 and waiting for Clem to post a new photo for captioning.  Browse through all the pages, it's great fun.



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