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Pah! RAF in a caravan? Never happen! I was Air corps and whenever we were on exercise with them, our boys would stay in tents under cam nets. The RAF boys would land their helicopters at our HLS, ask us to keep an eye on them for them and then request a landrover to take 'em to the nearest hotel..... bless em!

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"Right we'll just get this one bedded in and then I want to put a row of English Electric Lightnings in the bed over there against the wall. They will look lovely when they bloom in the spring"

"I don't care if it IS you Harry, Get up for your Grandmother!"

Thanks Eddie, ok have a go with this one..

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Nice work guys, thanks for the laughs. :D  When I put the pic up I was thinking along these lines, so SEATAC is this captions winner with


Pilot: Hey, you ever get the feeling that we're being followed?

1st officer: Nah.  You're just paranoid!


Thanks go out to all the entries, over to you Richard.........





@John Guest-Welcome to the site :welcomeani:  and thanks for joining in on the fun. Your caption was funny so would like to see you continue playing in the future.

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"Uhh, folks, this is your captain speaking. You may notice I've turned on the seatbelt sign, as we're expecting a bit of turbulence from up here in the flight deck. It appears we're going to run over a 727 here on final. We ask that you just sit back and relax and ignore any flaming debris. Thank you." 

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Budget airlines mid air refueling as they introduce a nonstop London to Sydney service without the expence of buying Long haul aircraft.

You guys had some entries that really made me laugh, and it was difficult to decide among them, but the winner is John Guest.

Your turn John.

FYI: I took the photo from my boat about a mile off Ft. Lauderdale beach with an old 35mm camera that did not have a zoom at the 2002 Ft. Lauderdale air and sea show.

The 727 was the very last 727 to be flown by American. They had just retired all of their 727's from passenger service. This one flew directly to Arizona after the show to be mothballed. The other plane was one of their new 777's.

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