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Showing content with the highest reputation on 04/06/14 in all areas

  1. Appologies for adding to the OT content, but here's some more input on the link Chris posted. Not only is it from the company that sells GEX, it's written by the guy that develops GEX. So I'd say he is somewhat biased in his opinions. There are some fair points in there, but there are also things that are outright wrong. FTX Global works just fine with land class products from other developers. Despite using FTX Global and FTX Vectors I still have UTX land class active for Europe, and I have one other land class package for Asia (can't remember who made it right now, but they might
    3 points
  2. 3 points
  3. I've never seen Goodwood so busy! Hope you all enjoy the pics. Thanks for viewing.
    2 points
  4. Anyone think Geoff is busy flying around his new purchase, happily unaware, while we discuss this.
    2 points
  5. You guys are on fire tonight! Skyfall
    1 point
  6. Ultra res London? Who's interested in that? What you need is Ultra-Res Yorkshire, or at the very least Pontefract
    1 point
  7. All this talk behind my back while I've been busy at work today, it's making me paranoid. Truth is it didn't arrive in the post today maybe the postie is enjoying it. To be honest I haven't been too keen on scenery as I mostly fly high in classic tubeliners but when I see the brilliant scenic screenies here I think I want some of that. Also after a few issues with my new hardware update I wasn't confident in its performance, now everything is ticketyboo. So hopefully I can enjoy a seamless approach to Heathrow over west London and recognise some of my old haunts albeit at 3000ft
    1 point
  8. Did you figure it out Paul, just a bit late? I thought I had it right and stopped looking, lesson learned.
    1 point
  9. EDIT: Didn't notice the previous posts!
    1 point
  10. Only true at the most basic level. There are algorithms that can create pretty realistic hard winter scenes from a basic summer image. That's not just colour tone changes..(please note the spelling Chris if you've seen the latest TA diaries episode you'll understand how superior everything British is ) K*all ribbing meant in best possible friendly way no offence intended to anyone living or dead real or fictional no animals were hurt in the creation of this post no Arab countries have been invaded whilst you read this but all worldly references to FIFA, Qatar and anything underhand may wel
    1 point
  11. Having just done the review of the Orbx Van's RV-4, I can definitely say this is a Van's RV-9A.....G-RUVY to be exact. Cheers Andrew
    1 point
  12. Good point Chris. I did a flight by pure VFR last night with the England and Wales Scenery. There was more than enough VFR reference points without having to look for smaller lakes etc. The larger lakes and water bodies are still easily spotted in the scenery (even when not wtaermasked) but I can appreciate in other parts of the world, like Texas or desert/remote/undeveloped locations where water bodies for VFR reference points would be crucial yes.
    1 point
  13. This is kind off topic but I didn't read the whole thing Chris, oops. I see what the author is getting at and understand his concerns. One thing I notice is, this is the company that sells GEX products and I think and their product is in direct competition with Global because it also replaces textures so they are really the same product. The info is important if you already use or intend to use the GEX products but he sounds a bit harsh when he wrote it, must have been around the time Global first came out. I haven't found much of anything that doesn't look good with FTXGlobal install
    1 point
  14. I think the 6 had the split window?
    1 point
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