Everything posted by mutley
Phew Joe, you had us worried there buddy. I hope the personal stuff is well and truly sorted now :wink: Nice to see you back, in time for the Caribbean section of ATWC, great timing :dance: Cheers
Sam, Did you find the Typhoon textures you wanted? I couldn't find them, they've taken them off the site :sadblinky: If you still want them drop me a PM
Thanks Sam, looking forward to your flight and shots :dance:
Product Review Just Flight's DC-10 Collection Review
mutley posted a topic in News and Press Releases
:dance: Dave has been busy again, I'm not sure how he fits it in with his studies and holidays! Go have a read and give Dave your feedback, I know he would appreciate it :wink: Cheers -
I'm not bovvered, just so long as you send me my 10% advertising fee, Mmm 3.60 what shall I do with that !
I said no cheating
That's very nice Martyn, what is it?
A twist to this one. I have taken a shot of an airport in FS9 with some addon scenery and have saved it as a jigsaw. Pieces: 228 Puzzle difficulty level: Amoeba ! Location difficulty level: Reasonable To play, download This zip file (Please virus check but I'm clean!) Unzip and play by double clicking the gta1.exe file. When the program has loaded double click on the image of the jigsaw and it will display full size jumbled up. Solving the jigsaw is easy, just left click your mouse to pick up a piece and left click to drop it in place. You will know if it is in the right position. Th
Hi Sam, I may be going Saturday but nothing definite, make sure you take some of your excellent pictures and share them with us. I have only got a compact camera so cannot get a decent close up especially of the flying. Cheers
Here last is the ill fated Leg 37 :mrhappy: Addons used:- FSGlobal SE Flight Environment GE Pro2 Alphasim C5 FS Navigator Having being given the call at the last minute I didn't have an aircraft operational so I called in a few favours. There was a Lockheed Galaxy at KCOS that had diverted due to a technical problem. That was now fixed and the very trusting USAF said there was no problem hitching a ride so long as I flew it back to Nellis AFB. I wasn't so sure but my sidekick dgor said he has a lot of experience with big birds, I was quite surprised, looking at him, you wouldn't tho
Hi EJ I use the PF aircraft too and before I had to re-install all my software I'm sure I had a decent VC. I will have a look around, Fred (Mulletman) normally knows the place places to find these things. Cheers
ambiguous? No! Sam, I have just landed at Nellis AFB I will have the shots up tonight :mrhappy: Cheers
Finally, it's here, all 5 chapters have been published, see if Boxwings' fleet will be -1 :mrhappy: Or will John save the Day! Click on the box to go to John's home page. My sincere thanks to John for writing this compelling story and allowing me to publish it Cheers
OK, Flight plan filed, I shall be making the flight Shots will be posted later today/ tonight, Sam get them engines oiled, I'm on my way!!
Welcome EJ, I've heard a lot about you :mrhappy: I'm very pleased to see you are a FS-o-holic you will fit in well here. Thanks for the mini bio, your experiences with flight sim appear to go back further than mine. My first taste was on the Atari and then on Amstrads first PC the 1512! (Amstrad was a trade name started by Alan Martin Sugar "AMS trad" an English business man you may of heard of? and really kicked off the PC revolution over here). I hope you really enjoy your visits here and will join in the fun, sometimes it goes a bit quiet but it's always sure to liven up especially at
Unfortunately panos would not be able to post until Monday night and we really need it tomorrow, thanks panos for your kind offer. So the previous NOTAM is back in force, if there is no offer from anyone who can post the shots tomorrow I will fly the leg. Cheers
Mail received panos, standby 1
Thanks Dave, I will have a look. Cheers
Thanks panos, and we have replied. I am happy to announce that panos95 will fly his first ever flight in the ATWC thanks very much panos for stepping in at such short notice. Cheers
Hi panos, Please see the rules here- http://www.mutleyshangar.com/atwc/index.htm It will tell you how to bid, if you are not sure what to do just mail the ATWC Controllers at atwc[@]mutleyshangar.com and we will advise you. Thanks
NOTAM Pilot required to fly leg 37 of the ATWC - Colorado Springs KCOS to Nellis AFB Las Vegas KLSV If you can help us out please mail atwc[@]mutleyshanger.com to bid for the flight. If we have no takers before 08.00 Fri 29th June, I will fly the leg. Let's not keep Sam waiting too long.