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Everything posted by mutley

  1. Hi gang, I have just installed a "Quick reply" mod to the forum which I think is quite useful :?: Do you like it? Should it stay? Vote here. Cheers
  2. mutley

    Doctor What?

    Hi Fred, I have seen every Doctor there is and it's David Tennant, for me, I did like Jon Pertwee but that was just a phase I went through :eyebrow: David has really raised the bar. We have not seen tonight's but will catch up with it soon. Cheers
  3. Well done Dai, I am looking forward to yours! Cheers
  4. Thank you for the greetings Ben, well said :rofl You lot are a great bunch too, I am very touched :eyebrow: Cheers!
  5. Martin. I think I need at some time to start afresh with all my software but that is what I did last October. I am going to keep chipping away at it. The flight I had today was so enjoyable as I thought I had found the problem. I really miss decent stress free flights worrying about at what point it is going to crash. So I am going to stop throwing money at it and get to the route cause. Thanks
  6. Hi Martin, Today I put in my old 6800GT and made a flight from NY to DC so I thought it was the 7900 but whilst still on the ground at Dulles it crashed (rebooted) the same as before. So I re-installed the 7900GTX and went looking at he event viewer. I had previously disabled the iPod service as I had read elsewhere it could interfere. So I have disabled a couple of other services I only need when working from home and remote desk-topping to work. So I am now really clutching at straws I have done the mem test and may try the stress tests you mention. I only get problems with flight sims
  7. mutley

    One for John

    I think I can see John Travolta's 707 :eyebrow: Nice shot Dave. Cheers
  8. Welcome back. It's not much later and we are nearly there. Dave's snoring is rattling the windows :sleep: Over Baltimore something is looming out of the distance, it's on the same track as us but higher. But not that much higher, I can almost see what the pilot had for breakfast. Dave was woken by my screams of "SKY HOG"!!! Well into our descent, lower than we should be but I fancy some sightseeing. Ah, this brings back memories of my visit to D.C. 20 years ago. I can recognise the Lincoln Memorial and reflecting pond and the Whitehouse just under the tail. The Oval Office
  9. Your just strange :eyebrow: But thanks for posting, how about I come up and visit and we try to sort out why my PC keeps crashing in the middle of flights! Cheers
  10. Thanks again Fred, as mentioned I will drop you a mail. And John! what timing. Your card dropped on the mat this morning, thank you so much for for going through all that effort. I like the picture of you and Pam in Mexico last year and what a tee shirt you are wearing, I bet you got a few strange looks but I echo the sentiment :eyebrow: Well I have been tinkering around today determined to find out what is wrong with my PC. I re-fitted my old graphics card and made the ATWC flight again so I will post the final shots later. Then.. it crashed again. grrr so it was not that. So I have put
  11. Thanks Dave, thanks all A minute past 12 :mrhappy: You are all so kind and a great bunch of friends, including Fred who send me a card in this post http://mhf.jconserv.net/viewtopic.php?t=329 And happy birthday to Natalie Martyn, give her a kiss from me :wub I will catch up with you later. Cheers
  12. Fred, I see the purpose of this walk now! and the reason why you could not take photo's on the way to the post office... Thanks very much for the birthday card and the print of the Hurricanes, top notch, I love it! I will mail you later with a more personal response :mrhappy: Cheers
  13. Chapter 2 is waiting your arrival !! Click on the ad at the top. Cheers
  14. You know John, I often think of that fated AA flight when I think about the '10, didn't it fly from Chicago?
  15. Thanks Martyn. And thanks for the tip on the VC, I was in a hurry the other night to check the aircraft was OK after the download so had no time to check the FAQ's or manual... :blush I am really enjoying her and I know Dave is too, the review should be up on the web soon. Cheers
  16. We haven't got any PAX or cargo, it's just me and Dave holding the baton in the co-pilot's seat although he's looking a little green. The tanks are only half full as it is only 198 miles to KIAD. Our rate of ascent was very impressive, even the younger birds would have trouble keeping up with me! We can see Manhattan in the background, our FP will take us over the top of the island, way over the top! Dave in the co-pilot's seat and is tracking the horizon trying not to chuck (Sorry Dave) :mrhappy: Straight and level for the moment and on track.... The Verrazano bridge in the b
  17. Ultra 120 it is then Mart! (Or a new shed :mrhappy: ) That's very generous for a fathers day present, how did you manage that? I know, for being a wonderful father Cheers
  18. Here's the start to this leg. I will have to post this in 2 or 3 parts depending on how many times my PC crashes during the flight. (Crash one already happened That's a story for another post.) Here's the first update for my flight. Flight plan filed, I'm just getting the weather en-route. We are only up to FL160 so could get a few problems with the cloud Looking at the weather map visibility may be a problem but I am flying IFR any way here's the legend for the map. Due to the PC crash I lost the push back shots so here's where it starts, taxiing to the active. I'm flying
  19. OK Dave, sorry to hear you are ill . Take it easy and get back to I have moved you to leg 36 St Louis to Colorado Spings and I will make this flight. Take care mate.
  20. As most of you know I'm more of a props and Mil guy but I do sometimes enjoy some programming of the FMC although I don't think I have ever done a complete successful flight :shock: Cheers
  21. Thanks for the tour Fred It looks a lovely place the town, the country side and your home. I see they got the street covered by cctv's over Jennie Wrens, do you think three is enough? We are never far from a camera nowadays. I was a bit concerned to hear you had rabbits and had to got to the vets, was it painful :mrhappy: Thanks Fred, it was a very enjoyable post and well done for getting your shed in :yes: Cheers
  22. Is it a hole in the Ozone layer :mrhappy:
  23. £7.50 I just couldn't pass it up :mrhappy: It's been so long since I have flown here I didn't even have the FS2004 version loaded. So I had to install that to get the upgrade offer. I am going to have to read the manual again. Just played around for a while on the apron and lined her up on the active.. No flight yet. Bang goes my free time! Cheers
  24. It's true! a lot of FSX specific features included. You can now fly the FSX skies in this beauty! $54.95 with $40.00 off if you are an FS2004 version owner. So that's a massive £7.57 guess what I am downloading as we speak :mrhappy: http://www.flight1.com/products.asp?product=ld767fsx Cheers
  25. Thanks John, I will give that one a go! Perhaps we should have flying under the bridge contest but I wouldn't want to teach the young 'uns bad habits :mrhappy: Cheers
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