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Everything posted by dodgy-alan

  1. Super shots of a great aircraft. Nicely done.
  2. Just bought this beauty for the FSX hangar. I'd been after one for a while (as had a good one in FS2004)and found this one in Sim Shack, It's published by The Aircraft Factory. The aircraft comes with 5 different liveries including a rare Czech one. It has both a 2d panel and an excellent VC. Most of the switches seem to work though not found out how to operate the ejection seat yet, though the handle does flash up when you hang the mouse over it so I'm guessing it may well work, (I've just not read the manual yet!). The aircraft starts with dead engines and you need to push the fuel cocks ful
  3. Always fun flying around there, I'ts a place I often use for my mountain and jungle flights. Nicely done!
  4. Hmmmm, I don't do a lot of night ops but...Night Owl
  5. Very nicely done, that looks great.
  6. Afternoon flight from Gatwick, (EGKK) to Malpensa, Milan (LIMC). Flown in real time and real weather. A very pleasant and event free trip in one of BAs HS Trident Threes. Tucking up the gear, notice the offset nosewheel that retracts sideways to save space. Approaching the French Alps Finals Rolling out Parked amongst the vacuum cleaners, a proper Jet with a loud noise! Thank you for flying with British Airways.
  7. I had that happen frequently in FS9 and it still happens in FSX occasionally. I never did cure the problem and just learnt to live with it. I tended to find that after a while the said scenery block would sharpen up. However it's a bit of bugger when trying to spot a remote airfield. I finally got rid of FS9 late last year and haven't looked back since.
  8. Good job you got out in one piece, I'd check the tyres for FOD when you get back down again, You really wouldn't want an old pallet staple through the tyre, I saw what one did to my friends motor glider at Bognor last year.
  9. One of Airfixs very old gems. This kit is well over 40 years old. the original decals looked a bit brittle so obtained some a/m ones in a scheme that I preferred in any case. The Speedjack was the background of my childhood when almost every other aircraft coming into Heathrow was a BEA one. One can also see the genesis of todays BA scheme in this design. Anyway this is my Hawker Siddeley Trident 1C in 1/144 scale. Finished this morning. Thanks for viewing.
  10. That's the one that was at Heathrow for many years, It was used for ground training by Tug drivers and also engineers. I too have been inside it when it was parked up at BAs tech area near Hatton Cross. The wings were clipped then, as it was not envisaged that she'd be flying again. She was kept in immaculate condition and was the only Trident ever to carry the Grey and Blue Landor colour scheme.
  11. Glad it worked, though they could have had the A330 Voyager already in service if Boeing hadn't spat the dummy when Airbus were initially awarded the contract. Yet again corporate shoving and government meddling delayed the USAFs new IFR capabiltiy by several years.
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