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Everything posted by J G

  1. Ultimate Traffic Live has been released as "soft release". Apparently there is a lot new in this version, a rewrite of the traffic engine, routes that are based on real-world SIDS/STARS, and several other features besides. It seems that it uses a remote database for its traffic details which I guess will be kept up too date with current traffic movements. It covers Commercial international and domestic flights but I could not see any reference to GA or Military flights. The price of UTLive is the same as UT2 ($44.95). You can download a coupons to receive a discount if you are an
  2. J G


    Has anyone tried Ultimate Traffic Live yet? It is on soft release at: http://ultimatetraffic.flight1.net/forums/forum_posts.asp?TID=14653 Details can be found at: http://ultimatetraffic.flight1.net/forums/forum_posts.asp?TID=14645
  3. I'm glad you are back. Have you any idea how painful cold turkey is! It sounds like a good idea to go with a hosting service in the right time zone and with 24/7 support. Oooh it is so good to have my MH fix, - Its a legal high man.
  4. If I have to pay full price for the upgrade then it is a big NO from me. P3D v3.x works for me, and I see no reason to pay full price, or a high upgrade price for that matter just to go 64 bit.
  5. The Saitek Joystick is OK, before you replace it you should buy a throttle quadrant if you didn't get one with the X-52, otherwise buy the rudder peddles. Then think about some instrumentation.
  6. I am fairly sure that it is only a toy, not modelled on a specific aircraft. It is reminiscent of some of the caricature aircraft that Alan has made.
  7. A 64 bit platform, at last! OzWookiee has asked the $1000 question,
  8. I have a Chillblast PC with much the same spec as your proposed PC. The spec seems great to me, my PC works just fine with P3D and FSX. I can also recommend Chillblast, I had a problem with my graphics card and it was replaced within a week, and that included the return to Chillblast. I cant recommend them enough, they are a five star company in my opinion.
  9. It was the BeeGee that I had in mind, Back to scratching my head, but it feels like it is, as Matt says, a toy makers impression of what a racing biplane should look like.
  10. I have to agree with Matt. It is a concept, it looks sleek and sexy, and it just isn't going to happen. A bit like a Lynx deodorant advert versus reality.
  11. It looks like a between the wars radial engine aircraft, civilian, I have seen it somewhere and I just cant bring it to mind. Ill get back to you.
  12. Same genre of business but I am clearly in a different world. Joe and Steph, I don't understand your banter! ....Except UAT. I don't think i have ever purchased a JIT, I don't understand how spas come into it, unless you do your business in a hot tub, If you want to talk about BM Units, GSPs, ECVA, SAA, BMRA, CRA and CDCA or perhaps, and topical at the moment, TLFs I am your man.
  13. Is the Pope a catholic? Or as Ed Miliband said - Hell yes! Don't you just love the guys at JF
  14. Is this really fly by VR as one photo suggests? I wouldn't want to fly in an aircraft with that technology and no manual backup systems. Have an electrical failure or software crash and you have no control of the aircraft at all. No chance of an autorotation, no chance of any form of control what so ever. May as well have an image of your arse in front of you so that in case of emergency you can kiss it goodbye.
  15. Agreed John. It was the F-35B I was talking about. I would guess that the F-35A is the most capable as there is nothing changed in its configuration that would have a detrimental effect on its capabilities. The B's has the VTOL capability but at a cost, the C has a larger wing area and strengthened undercarriage for carrier based operations which adds more weight and a slower stall speed, but with a cost as well. It's horses for courses, I guess, Each has its uses in a specific operational area. The A may well be a good fighter-bomber, but would wouldn't work on a aircraft carrie
  16. $2000 a month! that's about £1500 in real money a month. This joke needs to be updated. I pay £1300 a week for my dads' and aunts' care home places. and thats is no joke either!
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