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Everything posted by J G

  1. ....Joined by a Dove....
  2. Just Flight's new Heron flying from Southampton.
  3. From right to left: Jose could run fastest even though he was carrying a surf board, Jim thought it better to hang himself from his Nikon than be mauled by the bear, ginger was regretting the two extra pies for supper last night, and a surprise second place was Dave despite having had his left leg amputated at the knee.
  4. ......Moments before the runners realized the photograph was being taken by the other bear with the camera just nicked from the tripod in the background.
  5. Good choice. I have both. The Cat is a permanent feature of my set up. I don't have the Sunderland installed any more and wont be putting it on my set up any time soon. (Or later come to that).
  6. Maybe they wanted to distinguish the two on porpoise.
  7. Hi have flown the JF Canberra many times (I did the MH review on it) and had no problems with it. May I suggest you check your control settings. If you use FSUIPC for your joystick and throttle, make sure that these are not being controlled elsewhere, such as the control settings within FSX. All non-keyboard controls should be disabled in the FSX control set.
  8. J G


    A shocking suggestion Tim! I have designed my chair in my head and am amassing the bits I need at the moment. Then it is just a matter of cutting, welding and painting, And Brett, height adjustment isn't that important, I have gone for adjustment by unbolting stuff rather than an instant height change.
  9. J G


    It still exists and is now up stairs in another room, however a rogue screw has rendered it unusable to all who have no desire to have two holes where there should only be one. The new project is called Special Project Aero Zone. and is designed to be lightweight movable and fold away. It meet all three of my criteria above (just) and has a few more advantages as well. What has my warped mind come up with? Watch this space and you may well find out.
  10. Ok so this is a little weird. If you are an American you should stop reading now. Roundabouts are a black art and best handled by us Europeans. This beastie is the devils own roundabout and you haven't got a chance of following the words below. I think you can go around this roundabout the wrong way, Lets say you enter the system on the road at the bottom to the left of the line of houses and want to leave on the road that is a dual carriage way directly opposite. Convention roundabout use would take you around the left hand perimeter to the exit you want. Simple. But you can
  11. J G


    Thanks Matt - I loved the drawing! Screwing or gluing things to the floor is a non-starter, the Mrs would only nail my head to the coffee table. However I have a plan........
  12. J G


    I have tried that. Braking castors are difficult as most office chairs have 5 castors. By the time you have messed around at floor level the chair has moved, and braking castors brakes are no good anyway, they give up after a couple of weeks. Thanks anyway.
  13. J G


    There is no room for a rug, and in any event I want o have the option to wheel it around easily when I want to. An interesting idea. are there any pictures on the site?
  14. J G


    All I need now is a good chair to do my flight simming in. I thought it would be easy to find an inexpensive chair to settle down and fly in. All its got to do is: Be comfortable with good back support (obviously). Have wheels that lock easily (so I can position the chair and then lock it in place). Be height adjustable. (so that I can adjust the height to get the most comfortable leg angle to my rudder bars etc.). Simple enough parameters. Impossible to find. There are plenty of office chairs out there that satisfy 1 and 3 but not 2. Yes
  15. All a bit hi-tech and expensive for me. What is wrong with bird shot? it will bring a bird down, it will bring a plastic whirly thing down. Cheap as chips and it would be fun watching bits of plastic leaving the drone that really were not designed to do so.
  16. The banking would help with the wing loading I guess. A Sopwirth Camel pilots dream, or if you go the wrong way - a total nightmare. Its so wacky I want it to succeed! I was intrigued by NRQ so I google mapped it and zoomed in to a satellite picture of it. There it was, just as John's diagram had it. Only one thing I did notice, there were no actual aircraft there at all. Although it is in the USA there was something strangely Israeli about it. Interesting idea though. no tricky cross wind landings needed there.
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