Everything posted by hlminx
Whitening toothpaste BIG grin
Crazy Horses....
Blues ....Brothers
Barrell.. .. hic ;-)
Product Review Orbx - FTX: EU EGHI Southampton Airport
hlminx replied to mutley's topic in News and Press Releases
Well, I finally found out what the spitfire is doing in Hamble. I should have guessed (doh).. its been there since 2010 when it was unveiled on the 70th anniversary of the BoB as a memorial to the ATA. Here is a link to the site if anyone is interested http://www.atamemorial.org.uk/ Just goes to show that its possible to miss completely obvious things even when they're right under our noses! -
We're all missing you on the Forums Alan. Hope you're feeling much better soon ! Steph
Time travel
...frustration beginning to set in ;-)
You're right Mikael..a much better offer isn't it. The Huz is currently trying to figure out the best way to gift wrap the Southampton download ;-) Christmas is SO coming!
Workshop (Hey, it's December now so I can REALLY get into the festive spirit)
Christmas Turkey !!
Sun (Who would have thought the little boy would grow up to be Batman!)
Fee waybill! Best platforms I evef saw... Ps. Sorry...that gonna be a tough one to follow
Mmm ..got myself going there for a while! 200 thingy-ma-jigs.. slooooow as molasses.
Bell bottoms..
Show us your FS setups (Post here)
hlminx replied to jaydor's topic in Members General & Announcements
Like the setup Diverone ! Just wondering what markings you have on the left of your throttle quads? Also, do you use fsuipc and a lua to control your trim wheel? I use a lua but just curious to know what others do..never too old to learn anew trick ;-) Minx -
Not the slew command, but maybe the reality of death from crash landings! ..or the grim reality of airline food ? ;-) (Mind you, I'm a veggie so I cant usually complain..its usually edible plus I get served first )
Perfect! Rex ess +od is already in my Christmas stocking (thanks huz xx)
Brilliant! That made me chuckle. How about something like, How many times have you thought of getting a pilots licence only to scrap the idea because ITRW there is no 'slew' command