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Everything posted by hlminx

  1. Well, I finally found out what the spitfire is doing in Hamble. I should have guessed (doh).. its been there since 2010 when it was unveiled on the 70th anniversary of the BoB as a memorial to the ATA. Here is a link to the site if anyone is interested http://www.atamemorial.org.uk/ Just goes to show that its possible to miss completely obvious things even when they're right under our noses!
  2. We're all missing you on the Forums Alan. Hope you're feeling much better soon ! Steph
  3. ...frustration beginning to set in ;-)
  4. You're right Mikael..a much better offer isn't it. The Huz is currently trying to figure out the best way to gift wrap the Southampton download ;-) Christmas is SO coming!
  5. Workshop (Hey, it's December now so I can REALLY get into the festive spirit)
  6. Sun (Who would have thought the little boy would grow up to be Batman!)
  7. Fee waybill! Best platforms I evef saw... Ps. Sorry...that gonna be a tough one to follow
  8. Mmm ..got myself going there for a while! 200 thingy-ma-jigs.. slooooow as molasses.
  9. Like the setup Diverone ! Just wondering what markings you have on the left of your throttle quads? Also, do you use fsuipc and a lua to control your trim wheel? I use a lua but just curious to know what others do..never too old to learn anew trick ;-) Minx
  10. Not the slew command, but maybe the reality of death from crash landings! ..or the grim reality of airline food ? ;-) (Mind you, I'm a veggie so I cant usually complain..its usually edible plus I get served first )
  11. Perfect! Rex ess +od is already in my Christmas stocking (thanks huz xx)
  12. Brilliant! That made me chuckle. How about something like, How many times have you thought of getting a pilots licence only to scrap the idea because ITRW there is no 'slew' command
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