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Everything posted by Corsaire31

  1. The Cessna 185 Tundra had been stuck in Pedro Bay for some time with poor visibility conditions. Today the weather cleared up, my local pilot Dalton flew me over with the C207 Bush and I took the Cessna back to its base in Homer PAHO during the few daylight hours. Soon feet wet ! Under an early moon. Runway in sight ! On finals. Plane parked, time for a warm coffee ...
  2. Nice pics Matt ! I never used the Skyvan but I've been flying Shorts 330 and 360 at the time of my ( now closed ) historical Guernsey company.
  3. Thanks everyone, I've been a bit off flying lately ( but my AI pilots are maintening the companies afloat - except for this last week where I was away from the base and they all got a holiday... ) but I intend to be back soon. Still reading on the forum everyday though ! A very Happy New Year to all, 2017 should bring a few new things in the flight sim world.
  4. 2017 ? Will probably stick to my FSX Gold Edition ( I have FSX SE I bought for 5 $ all ready in case of unexpected problems ), will keep an eye on what Dovetail will come out with.
  5. Who said being in retirement must be boring ? I will have to put more time in some real life activities this winter. I tried to figure it out during the week end but I can't find a way this year to squeeze in the 3 daily hours I need for flying this adventure and making the report. So I have to put in on hold for some time until things clear out. In the meantime I will fly 2 or 3 times a week on my AH companies to keep my virtual flying license. Thks to all who followed my previous adventures ( Aeropostale, Amazonas, Australia part 1 ), reading your messages has helped
  6. Nice and funny tale ! Nice video too ! I was surprised to see " Risky Hual ", shouldn't it be "Haul" instead ?
  7. Information for those who follow the trip : The combination of a few things to finish at home before winter ( trim the hedges, repaint the shades, ... ) and a couple of Champions League evenings - plus an interesting Liverpool-Manchester U on Monday ! - make me think I will be staying around Perth until at least Thursday. Brisbane is still far away, I hope to be there by March/April !
  8. Wednesday Oct 12 : Going to town ! This morning a short hop ( a half hour flight ) to Jandakot YPJT in the southern suburbs of Perth. The wind will be NW on arrival and I make a flight plan for a direct approach on the secondary 900m runway 30. During the taxi to runway 23, I pass by the P2 Neptune we saw on the picture yesterday. At 10:15 local the weather is clear, visibility is outstanding, I climb to 4500 ft. Ten minutes later, I fly over the first hill I see since I left Cleve. Furt
  9. Tuesday Oct 11 : Heading west ! After a long week end in Kalgoorlie ( mainly due to the soccer World Cup qualification games ) it's time to get going again. The original plan was to get back down to the southern coast and fly to Perth via Albany and Augusta. The weather will force me to change it, as the southern coast is under low clouds and the visibility is low. I decide to fly directly west from Kalgoorlie-Boulder towards the regional main city. The first stage will have me fly one hour to Cunderdin YCUN via Southern Cross YSCR. Both airfields have NDBs.
  10. Good to see you flying again. I still have some parts of the world working with UTX/GEX ( everything outside FTX regions in fact ) As you can see from the colors on your pics, GEX has seasonal textures.
  11. X-Plane 11 coming in November : http://www.x-plane.com/2016/10/x-plane-11-coming-holiday-season/
  12. Thursday Oct. 6 : Gold rush ! I'm now flying north to visit the town of Kalgoorlie - Boulder and its gold mine. A short flight, under an hour, going through Norseman YNSM and its NDB on 347 kHz for security. The wind is back with 17 knots from 300°. Visibility is good, we have 19°C on the ground and some clouds around 5000 ft. I will stay underneath at 4500 ft and it should clear up on the way. Take off at 13:30 local. I fly again over the swamp areas, and there is more and more water as we close on Norseman
  13. Wednesday Oct 5 : Green, the color of hope ! Today we are back to the coast with a 362 nm flight which will take us from Forrest to Esperance, via the Caiguna VOR ( CAG 112.5 Mhz ). Weather is totally clear, 17 knots of wind at 340 and 32 °C on the ground on this early afternoon. After taking off from runway 36 and turning west, I call Melbourne control for flight following. Under the plane you can see the railway track, the station and the few houses around, and the airfield. And we get some more desert ! The
  14. Looks like just before Matthew !
  15. Sorry for you Wain, that's one of those things which happen one way or the other to all of us PC users. Usually ends up with a full week end to restore, this is if you have up to date saves of everything important on external discs... Been there several times myself !
  16. I suppose it is, I have the whole OzX freeware stuff installed. If you go to the airfield page I linked, you will see it's like the real thing. The country dirt strip on the way is also OzX freeware I guess.
  17. Tuesday Oct. 4 : Will you have some more desert ? The plan for today is to cross the border with Western Australia and land in Forrest YFRT, an airfield lost in the middle of nowhere built for the refueling of trans-australian flights. A 297 nm and 1h20 flight, with a little hook to go see a point of interest on the coast ( Fowler's Bay ). Unfortunately the reality will be a little different as the visibility conditions and a low layer of clouds will force me to file a direct IFR flight. After waiting some time to see if the weather would clear up, I decide
  18. That's probably why I buy only detailed airfields where I have an AH base, or the other way around move my base to a nice add-on airport ( did that for KHQM and PAHO ). When they are a destination for the odd AH flight, I'm happy with the default Orbx ( which are already improved ) or I use freeware ones.
  19. Great pics as usual ! Makes me almost want to fly jets...
  20. A nice addon, looks great ... but too expensive for a place where I will land one or two times a year !
  21. I'm starting again my Australia tour from where I left in February, a few days late on the southern hemisphere spring. After New South Wales, Victoria, Tasmania, and most of South Australia, we are now going to fly west to Western Australia. I still have a few miles to fly in South Australia, as I left my last plane in Cleve YCEE in the Eyre Peninsula, west of Adelaide. This is were I pick up my new "horse". The stages will be slightly longer as we will leave now the most populated regions, and I decided to go for a faster airplane. I chose a superb Lancair Legacy painted with the austral
  22. Nice flight and nice pics ! Starts looking like fall is settling in...
  23. I'm still using AH1 and it's in the job parameters that you choose the type of flights you want. At the moment the flights generated for my Titan are between 150 and 400 nm roughly.
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