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Everything posted by MyPC8MyBrain

  1. nice John, there's also Gmap; which is a FREE MOVING MAP (scroll down to MAP FOR FSX, FS2004, MS FLIGHT & X-PLANE - WINDOWS VERSIONS (FREE MOVING MAP))
  2. welcome to Mutley's Paul; i can see the guys here already have you sorted out; I’m just here to say hello and complain about the two girls above me changing their hair due every other day (can’t keep track girls )
  3. the first time i saw his video's i couldn’t understand what i was looking at, later after watching his day flight i could see the monitors join together; but at night; it’s hard to spot; which give a superb immersion sensation aside from the monitors setup; he's got really detailed cockpit there (NE is only second fiddle in this video) night flying is an experience all by itself, there a really nice article i came by - Night Flying not to toot our own horn; but we do render a pretty decent night; with a spectacular light show over major areas; as close as we can get to real life (there's a de
  4. Thank you Steph, takes you back in time; love those B&W videos, I guess Pat's is a modern and super upgraded P47
  5. can't explain this guys home built simulator, every time i watch videos from him; im just stunned; i cant tell what he's got going there, but he's got one heck of immersion going like Ive never seen before; enough with words; just watch for yourself, Pat's P47 Thunderbolt
  6. roflmao, "music used without permission" have you been taking lessons from Jeroen? i like where you’re going with this
  7. lol i don’t think there will be a version jump in the next few years, it’s just not cool to jump every 6 months for renewals, if i had to guess; id say v3.0 will be the last 32bit release; there won’t be a 32bit v4.x if you ask me i do believe they will come out early next year with the long awaited 64bit (maybe P3D v3.5 64bit as the first step towards 64bit) but I’d expect it to be a new application with a dedicated installer for 64bit, and a new subscription/lic for 64bit
  8. if they end up running v.3.x line for the next few years; you will be paying way more in the long run for personal use; if you ride v3.x through on a dev lic!
  9. what a neat setup you guys had there, Kevin you will have to prove you’re the father of the cute baby girl you brought with you? you’re mugshot doesn’t fit the profile
  10. Night Environment X Manager (NEXM) v1.2 Update with the release of Prepar3D we are updating NEXM with support for the new Sim Platform please follow these instructions to update your Night Environment X Manager to support the latest Prepar3D v3.x complete instruction and files posted here Santa Monica overlooking KLAX, Night Environment California in Prepar3D v3.0
  11. not necessarily; different version could use different files sometimes lol,No! develop with commercial intent
  12. well...here's my two cents we paid for a year’s Professional Pro Dev subscription, we still have our v2.5 with plenty of time coverage left (at least 6 more months) first and most important; we are developers and we need more than one active copy, we choose a dev subscription which is renewable each year to support P3D development which is important for all of us non the less, a dev lic expires; while the fully paid license doesn’t; you can re activate it for life, and you will be covered for update as long as they don’t change the main version 3.x to 4.x if savings is what you a
  13. you can also keep your P3D v2.5 side by side with v3.0 i have both installed on one machine same drive (different root folders)
  14. though month guys; finding gold in some pics is like where's waldo
  15. that should be next month’s competition topic dangerous landing spot (un slowed!)
  16. YES!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! that was my favorite too, the concord is so elegant in white! congrats Tom!
  17. my account information disappeared once i logged in to my dev subscription earlier, cant update
  18. lol, so funny to read these comment, it is a simple mistake rolled out to production; maybe without staging the update first; who knows, I’m sure the dev, his supervisor, and their manager all had their asses handed to them on a platter, I’ve seen this too often; from a technical aspect it’s a simple mistake and an easy one to fix; you rollback code, i can only imagine the graphs in the NOC there spiking red alerting as VIPs start sending errors, i used to get a kick out of watching the NOC juniors scrambling as VIP's spike out,
  19. try this (make sure the designated key isn’t used by the application you are having trouble with) SetTitleMatchMode, 2 ^y:: IfWinNotActive, Microsoft Flight Simulator X, , Microsoft Flight Simulator X, WinActivate, Microsoft Flight Simulator X WinWaitActive Microsoft Flight Simulator X, return
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