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Everything posted by MyPC8MyBrain

  1. Aerosoft Night Environment Global Region list and Current Coverage Map (list and map will be updated regularly to reflect our progress) full view available here http://www.nightenvironment.com/support.html
  2. Aerosoft Night Environment France - Paris Preview!
  3. Thank you very much Joe this is official now, Night Environment Finland has been released!!! http://www.nightenvironment.com/finland.html http://forum.aerosoft.com/index.php?/topic/87413-night-environment-finland-released/
  4. Aerosoft Night Environment - Finland Released!!! http://www.nightenvironment.com/finland.html http://forum.aerosoft.com/index.php?/topic/87413-night-environment-finland-released/ this completes the Scandinavian region for us
  5. i didnt expect that; NICE work JG!
  6. W00T! Thanks guys, that was a fast i love it now!
  7. Thank you Brett imo they should remain where they are, just not flyout; even though they are there fully extended; if you asked me what they each contain; i can't tell you off the top of my head I’m not sure it’s doing what you’re expecting them to do by flying out; if i was looking for a feature; I’ll definitely expand them to see if it’s there the way the last button (more) is with its little arrow down; indicates more features in drop down menu the general division is very clear; the + sign next them isn’t clear it’s a menu with more option if they were all like “more” button; I’m pretty s
  8. Hi guys This is a little request in regard to MH site layout (I apologies in advance , I couldn’t find a suitable area for this post) I find it a bit annoying each time I pass our menu section; they fly out instantly Is there an easy way they can be switched to clickable; instead of fly out style? If im the only one this is bothering (slightly); please ignore
  9. not at all; just cleverly worded most users never read the agreement to be honest we never had any mal intension other than making profit and benefit all parties involved we called it a win, win, win (www ) model our end users got all our services for free = Win for our end users we help local business beef up profits by profiling our users and helping them get potential buyers = Win for local business we profited from this = Win for company employees who continues to operate and have jobs
  10. ill help shade some lights for you John collecting this data allows the company to profile their end users this profiling is then used to promote variety of business the key is accurate profiling with regional promotion to be more exact; as pioneers for this methodology what we did in MSP (MySpace.com)back in the day we devloped the ability to profile our end users to their age appropriate sector; to their daily habit, im not going into how we collected the data just that we were permitted to do so when you singed up with us, we will use everything we could get; automatical
  11. yea we got little side tracked on this one we should open a new discussion on the subject of optimizing one's system for various needs
  12. true, i didn’t explained the additional measures i personally take; simply because i didn’t think we will discuss this in depth here, many of your points are valid; still... one must understand that not every vulnerability/update MS is offering pertain to your spesific setup many of us devs do allot of work outside the box; we often install our DLL/exe or scripts that are not mainstream we often run into incompatibilities or bugs that’s related to one’s specific work MS doesn’t distinguish installed add-on or third party software in fact some update could hurt you while helping another
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