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Everything posted by MyPC8MyBrain

  1. it almost sound like your PTT is not set; and your mic is auto adjusting your sounds level your best route at this point (personally i would have done long ago if i were you) is grab another sound card; disable the onboard one and test to eliminate the possibility the onboard chip is for some reason defected
  2. my opening statement is quoted right over this reply; i am not forcing anyone to take my approach to security ive served for several years as a Chief security engineer for the second largest pharmaceutical in the world i know a thing or two when it comes to security; what i didnt bother to describe in my initial responce i disable and lockdown all sharing including terminal services and client for Microsoft networks server service, NetBIOS, terminal services and such built-in potential security vulnerabilities i wish i could see your face when you read the next line i don’t run any A
  3. MyPC8MyBrain

    DCS - Anybody

    great clip Dai, been itching to try out DCS for some time now just can’t find the time and peace of mind to get into it just yet
  4. Hi Martin it’s a hard logic to argue with, it’s not wrong in some situation this approach isn’t advised; but will suit most generic home users i personally feel very confident with my choice; it is not luck that brought me thus far; happy and content some experience has played a role in shaping my opinion on this subject http://www.joesdata.com/executive/Chris_Bell_789222880.html
  5. why in the world would anyone update a fully working stable platform you’re comfortable with; that shows no signs of trouble yea yea, I’m going to get what if's, and i could get hacked and attacked, it’s all BS; this hype of updating windows each time a patch comes out is ridicules; i never run updates, ever! unless something is broken and not working; updated are disabled for me from day 1 never had any issue, my system is stable as the day i installed it there will be no magic in the updates, your computer isn’t going to miraculously work faster than it did before or fix its own
  6. Dean; you will need to render to a minimum of LOD14 to prevent the default textures from bleeding through as in some areas i found that default textures are sometimes rendered up to LOD14; which will compete with yours once other crucial issues you probably need to address; is the exclusion of coastlines prior to redefining the coast again you can get very accurate as shown in this Dubai example below; i had to first exclude the default coastlines; then completely redefine them from scratch, in order to get accurate coastlines with their unique shapes; which doesn’t exists by default
  7. or someone who thinks the number 10 provides a better hype this behavior for most professionals is seems as disloyalty abandoning releases in less than a year doesn’t build confidence!
  8. last time they tried to use the name as leverage to increase sales; we got subpar Millennium (ME) release
  9. very content with my leap from XP to win8.1
  10. glad to hear that Michael; its nice to be served with a fish when you’re hungry its always better to know how to get the fish yourself the tutorial Kevin sent you to is very good; i glanced over it (you never know what you might pick up)
  11. can post a kml file with circle around the area you’re working on?
  12. its not as complicated as one might think it is if i know the area you were working on; i could prob save you some time
  13. they wont what happened to the coastlines/water mask?
  14. Hi Loic; i just saw your post over at PV, thank you very much for offering; I’m definitely game
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