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Everything posted by ddavid

  1. Chris, the Weston show has been well attended in the past with at least the same number of stands as Cosford. We didn't go this year after Cosford 2013 was such a success and the Weston management changed the set up. I'm not sure, but Joe may organise a Hangar presence for next year at Weston, if enough of us are interested. Here's a quick video of Weston in 2013: Personally, I love the museum, but then I'm a rotor-head... Cheers - Dai.
  2. A comet has landed on L.A. - no reported casualties: Cheers - Dai.
  3. Here's the latest about Philae: I,, too, was surprised by this, but with space, you never know...Cheers - Dai.
  4. The Casimir effect is predicated on the absence of any field(s) in the 'vacuum' of inter-stellar space. I doubt that such a vacuum exists, as inter-stellar space is known to conduct electro-magnetic radiation and related phenomena, therefore, associated fields must exist, too. Multi-verse, or M-verse theory, hypothesises the existence of minima in the vacuum-energy field. Each minimum could support the existence of an individual universe. Some cosmologists are apprehensive about this, as it may deny that the big bang happened. Vacuum energy is postulated to occur as a result of Heisenberg'
  5. ddavid


    Geoff, you're using PhotoBucket's "IMG Thumb" tag, try "IMG Code instead. Something like this: [img]http://i1341.photobucket.com/albums/o760/golfsierra/2014-8-19_18-31-13-342_zps056256f4.png[/img]which should display this: Nice pic, BTW! Cheers - Dai.
  6. Martin, I've admitted that I am skeptical. I have not 'rubbished' any hypotheses. I'm happy that you believe in what you read in the popular science press. I read the same material, but have significant doubts as to main stream cosmology principles. That you disagree is fine with me, however, making comments like 'pseudo science' and 'nonsense' about arguments put forward by a Nobel laureate is not very constructive. Anyway, we're here to applaud the incredible success of the Rosetta mission, not bandy words about EU. Cheers - Dai.
  7. Well, I'll be surprised if it's a 'dirty snowball', Chris. Last time a module touched-down on a comet, there was a flash and crash. Let's hope this doesn't happen today. And, yes, I'm an EU fan - very skeptical about current cosmological beliefs - but try to keep an open mind... Chers - Dai.
  8. Deleted your post, Martin. Can't wait 'til 4pm. Let's hope the comet's charge isn't too different to that of Philae's. A big discharge could wipe out the lander's electronics. Cheers - Dai.
  9. So, the Rosetta mission cost around Euro 1 bn, and the LHC about Euro 4 bn. How much (pre-tax) profits did Tesco make, last quarter? And it would only take 1000 yearly bankers' bonuses to pay for the Philae landing... I'm really interested in how much ice they find. Not sure it'll tell us much about the birth of the Solar System, though. This comet is supposed to have come from the hypothetical Oort Cloud - full of dirty snowballs! Maybe they'll re-write this part of the myth... Cheers - Dai.
  10. "Going to hell in a hand basket" comes to mind. Humankind will not think its way out of this mess. The crisis will come and some may survive. Strangely enough, the current cult in zombie-ism is preparing us for the ordeal ahead. Don't say I didn't warn you... I guess, at this point, most of you will have stopped reading this post. I'm not asking you to change, just think on't. Cheers - Dai.
  11. Very clean shots, James - thanks for sharing. Two of my favourite US airports! If only the FSX ground shadow wasn't so sharp - I wouldn't be without it (except low over water) but scenery aircraft and vehicles have a more blurred shadow outline. No-ones going to change the FSX engine but I wonder if LM have something up their sleeve? Hwyl - Dai.
  12. With more than twice the number of holiday passengers to business passengers, the need for another runway is clearly to boost tourism. We have an unusual situation: visitors fly to the UK as residents fly away for their holiday(s). Ask yourself if this situation is sustainable. Cheap flights depend almost wholly on subsidized (and un-taxed) fuel. We're not going to achieve our climate change targets by carrying on in this fashion, are we? But, maybe the good of our grand-children doesn't enter into the equation. I don't fly. O.K., you may say I'm taking the high moral ground, but at least I'
  13. The last 2 verses are as relevant now as ever and the refrain I find particularly moving. Cheers - Dai.
  14. You might find this useful: http://windows.microsoft.com/en-gb/windows-8/touch-swipe-tap-beyond Looks like tapping (left click), tap-and-hold (right click), swiping (panning left/right) and pinching (zooming), are simple touch-screen gestures that possibly might work in the VC - depending on the designer's approach. More complex gestures are, I think, designed for file/folder manipulation or editing and wouldn't be of use in actual flying. Good Luck! Cheers - Dai.
  15. Sometimes my repaints come up looking a bit like that. Then, I remember, I've not rotated the edited image before saving... Not really, James - nice result! Cheers - Dai.
  16. My word - almost as good as the First Class Simulations' Lanc VC! Well, maybe not... Thanks a bunch, Nigel - I'll bookmark that 360 view. Thanks. Ciao - Dai.
  17. +1 Martin. Better to spend the money on better public transport. No, belay that - no money in it... Cheers - Dai.
  18. Now that's a cockpit and a half, eh? Wish there was a similar one for the Lanc. Thanks for the links, Nigel. Cheers - Dai.
  19. Good catches, Loic - Thanks for sharing! Cheers - Dai.
  20. Pretty realistic flight, James - beats the weather back home, eh? Thanks for sharing. Cheers -Dai.
  21. Yes, but have you read the book(s)? Cheers - Dai.
  22. Especially as comets are just asteroids with very eccentric orbits. I'm looking forward to whether they'll find the ice - comets are supposed to be 'dirty snowballs' from the hypothesised Oort Cloud. Let's hope the instruments work adequately and resolve this issue. Thanks for introducing this, Martin. Cheers - Dai.
  23. And here's a preview of the next project: Great stuff, Al'! Cheers - Dai.
  24. ddavid

    LAX Sunset

    Diawl, 'na nice, bach! Hwyl - Dai.
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