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Everything posted by ddavid

  1. Please, Martin, put me out of my misery and give me one piece of experimentally confirmed data that supports the view that there is, indeed, a traversible worm-hole at the centre of the Milky Way galaxy. Thanks. Cheers - Dai.
  2. Pauli said "... not even wrong" and Feynmann called it "Cargo Culture". Better minds than me, Martin... Cheers - Dai.
  3. We're not alone, but G*d help us if any of them come visiting! Mind you, that is as unlikely as they're not being there in the first place! Work out the math, Martin, please. Cheers - Dai.
  4. Al' - I use FRAPS and, as Nigel says, it can be a framerate hog. However, I use this a lot, too: http://www.screencast-o-matic.com/ It's easy to use and the video footage is straightforward to edit with Windows Live Movie Maker, standard on W7/8, so I'd recommend you trying it. Good Luck! Cheers - Dai. P.S. Don't forget to upload them!
  5. Very helpful - Thank You New Scientist, I'll certainly take out a subscription! Cheers -Dai.
  6. So, it's not as simple as loading the C172 started and changig A/C to the Bucanneer? Alternately, do the engines start like turbo-shafts? With these, you have to hold the starter in 'til the turbine spools up, then add a bit more fuel, to get up to full speed, etc (as you know, I guess - just clutching at straws!) Where's Chuck when you need him?M? Cheers - Dai.
  7. Kieran did the review on this one, J.G. - I'm sure he'll help! Cheers - Dai.
  8. Nice run, Chuck, and some excellent moody shots. Thanks for sharing! And thanks for finding that extremely nice young lady, again. Give her the Doc's best wishes! Cheers - Dai.
  9. Martin, I've just read the Wiki on Sellafield, here: http://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sellafield As an ex-engineer, I'm utterly amazed at the way the spent nuclear material has been managed. Current estimates for cleaning up just Sellafield alone stand at £90 billion. Yes, £90,000,000,000.00. That's a lot of money, No? Can't see any UK government doing it, either. Nuff said, unfortunately. But still, lot's of people would still prefer a nuclear power station to unsightly wind turbines spoiling the view. As long as the nuclear power station wasn't nearby. And I am not hoping that the above p
  10. Couple of points, Jim: 1. FSX 'appears' to take topology as well as distance into account. I've noticed that I can't pick up a fairly local NDB when I'm on the runway, but when I'm at 1000' or so, The needle swings into action. Also, VOR's can be picked up, when you approach their limit and, then, go Off and On before staying On. This when you're flying over hilly terrain. 2. What you suggest in your example, i.e. flying the previous NDB's radial 'blind' until you pick up the next NDB (or VOR for that matter) works for me. Whether this is RW is another matter, though! I do try to fly VFR wh
  11. Very professional job, Rob - thanks for sharing! Did you catch the Road-Runner that competed with you when you landed? Neep-Neep'! And apologies about the noise, neede to get the bus back to Sumburgh... Cheers - Dai.
  12. <blockquote class='ipsBlockquote' ><p>This thread is a lot like serving sardines at dinner - nobody eats them but it keeps the flies off the rest of the food. John</p></blockquote><blockquote class='ipsBlockquote' ><p>Garghhhhhh! This is so frustrating, it's like beating my head against a brick wall.Martin</p></blockquote>If this were a scientific discussion and not a political slanging match, I would be happy to contribute.Cheers - Dai.
  13. O.K. - I'll 'fess up: 1. CH-47 'Chinook' by Nemeth/MilViz from JustFlight's Combat Helicopter Pack. 2. Sumburgh scenery by InstantScenery 3. Oil-rig by MS: "oilrig_01" 4. Flesland scenery by OrbX in FTX Norway (under review). I'm working on a mission so you can all try landing on the rig - you have been warned! Cheers - Dai.
  14. A bit like credits on a video, then? Good idea. Cheers - Dai.
  15. Thanks for your kind comments - and the excellent cartoon! Good Luck on your Leg, Rob. Cheers - Dai.
  16. Those flashing lights don't help, either! Bet they're glad to get down... Cheer - Dai.
  17. Thanks for the review, Joe - it'll be useful to check compatibilty with FTX Norway. BTW, any sign of the Tirpitz? (Hums Dam Busters tune, quietly...) Cheers - Dai.
  18. Thanks for the normal/alternate law info, Nigel. After reading a bit about this (Wiki etc) I'm not clear as to whether changing modes - from normal to alternate, say - is automatic, by the flight computer system responding to external inputs (attitude, airspeed, etc) and actuator/sensor failures, or by the crew. I guess I need to read more - and p*ss about with helicopters less! Cheers - Dai.
  19. Ouch - a holographic platform! A bit like landing helicopters, then?!. Thanks for the heads up, Nigel. Maybe I'll try it when I upgrade my MoBo... Ciao - Dai.
  20. ATWC SiX Leg 04 "You're always bl**dy late, Doc, what was it this time?" Sam made me feel welcome, as usual: "Missed the connection at EGPE, sorry, mate!" "Well, you're here now, make yourself useful and see that the jeep is stowed securely - the engines sound good, don't they? They're both reconditioned - almost new..." Back in the cockpit, Sam was setting the NAV channels. He chivvied the tower into giving us clearance: "Why the b*gg*rs always want us to taxi to the active and not just take off from the apron beats me - every time..." I completed the checklist and gave the collectiv
  21. Is there any similarity to the Air France crash, last year? Didn't that ascend very quickly and then the pilot lost control? Cheers - Dai.
  22. ddavid


    That's where Frank met her! Thanks for brightening my day, James! Hwyl - Dai.
  23. ddavid


    Ah! The Suez crisis - Operation Musketeer - tried landing on HMS Eagle, yet, Al'?!? Cheers - Dai.
  24. Unfortunately, Martin, some think the Sun has something to do with rising temperatures, rather than our activity... Cheers - Dai.
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