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Everything posted by lionwing

  1. How's that for snow? The cabin heater was working hard!
  2. Nothing to grumble about there The low light shots looks good but hard to see the "blurriness". PTA, with the right profile, might just add a nice level of contrast through the images perhaps?
  3. Great shots...lovely fine detail in the scenery.
  4. I think Filton is a industrial estate now!
  5. Parcel Force have a depot in the area. I think part of the plan is to increase tourism in the Lake District.
  6. From memory (can't find the source) it is limited to 20T MTOW.
  7. lionwing


    #Sky - Pt2 Apologies for the red text...couldn't hit PRT SC fast enough!
  8. It isn't a large airport at all. http://www.ead.eurocontrol.int/eadbasic/pamslight-34C920D997D82AAAF9BE49CB175D2637/7FE5QZZF3FXUS/EN/Charts/AD/AIRAC/EG_AD_2_EGNC_2-1_en_2016-06-23.pdf Currently is receives GA and military (refueling) and the odd executive jet. Passengers services will use a Saab S340 I think with flights to Belfast, Southend and I think Dublin. Small scale to start.
  9. Great aircraft and one I am enjoying very much!
  10. For those interested in commercial airliners in FS and haven't been on the dark side of the Moon for the last week you can't help but notice that Qualitywings have released the B787 for P3D. This is one aircraft I have been looking forward to adding to my hangar. It has arrived with a few bugs as any complex piece of software will do but overall it is a good looking aircraft. pleasant to fly and with a little refinement could become a favourite. The FMC is the heart of the aircraft but unplug it, fly it manually and you will find it responsive with no ugly surprises.
  11. GSX will work with most aircraft. On the GSX Forum there is a "config" area with various setups for popular aircraft. The software comes with a simple to use editor so you can always create your own config file if needed. The GSX Menu in FS gives individual options for deboarding, catering, fuel, pushback etc...you can choose just those that you wish to use. A demo of GSX is available which will work at selected airports for you to try. Hope that helps.
  12. lionwing


    Sometimes P3D just puts together such great looking sky you have to screenshot it!
  13. It is. First flights have now been postponed until September as they could not find suitably qualified ATC Staff.
  14. Very early in June Carlisle (EGMC) Airport will restart passenger services. A lot of building work has been going on at the airfield (terminal / taxiways) to facilitate this but wouldn't it be great to have this updated airport available in FS?
  15. The B777 is firmly cemented as a favourite with several more flights in my log-book since the one above. "Dodgy Al"...my usual flight deck outfit is shorts n t shirt but I can tell you a story of a VA Crew Member who posted his photo in our "rogues gallery" wearing full uniform! Talk about dedication. Not sure I fancy trying the "self loading cargo" version of the B777. I want to keep it clean inside!
  16. I know Barton and the surrounding area quite well and based on screenshots I have seen they have done a fantastic job. The level of detail is incredible and i can't wait for this to emerge on P3D.
  17. Cargo flying I'm taking a bit of shine to this type of flight. No complaints from the cabin not waiting for a passengers distracted by duty free so it....the only problem is you have to get your own coffee. The B777 has been my preferred aircraft and oddly one I haven't really cared for much previously but it is immensely capable and handles most of the hard work...while I get the coffee! Here we are heading out of San Juan (TJSJ) to San Jose (MROC) in Costa Rica. So that bridge is supporting not only it's own weight but a further t
  18. lionwing

    Early up

    Very nice. In low light conditions FS really "pops" !
  19. Great shot! I think Naples might be my next destination to say "hi"...
  20. XP lighting is something else!
  21. Thanks for the kind comments. The Caribbean is well represented in the virtual world with great scenery both freeware and payware. With the standard of visuals in modern sims, real weather and a few textures enhancements it's hard not to be impressed! With a lower cruising FL than jets the Q400 lets you see all the wonderful "eye-candy". I've spent a good few hours setting up scenery in P3Dv4 over the last few weeks to get it "just right"....worth the time and effort for sure. "Wain" - a good friend of mine introduced me to the Q400 a couple of years ago.
  22. The Majestic Q400 is a wonderful aircraft to fly and is well suited to hoping around the Caribbean whether it be a small runway perched on the side of a island or a sector into one of the larger airports in the region. Today we are heading to Barbados from San Juan and we have started boarding....so get a move on... "Ladies and Gentlemen. Welcome aboard this Airwego flight today from San Juan to Barbados. Our route today will see us head in a south easterly direction passing south of the Virgin Islands with St.Kitts, Monserrat, Guandelope and Dominica visi
  23. Stunning looking aircraft. Real style and poise.
  24. Yup...that's the one. Flew in a VA flight out of LICJ which is also blessed with great freeware scenery.
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