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Everything posted by OzWookiee

  1. OK @wain a quick google says that the Navigraph installer only updates the ADDONs (aircraft) and their FMS not the base simulator (assuming that those add-ons override the sim for that aircraft). BUT it looks like you CAN update the base sim with this: https://www.aero.sors.fr/navaids3.html Haven't tried it myself as I mostly fly GA and am not really needing that kind of data. As for PFPX uncle google says: http://forum.aerosoft.com/index.php?/topic/123645-pfpx-and-p3d-v4-support/ Not sure if you've already sorted this out or not, hope it helps.
  2. OK Postmaster says you'll have it Monday due to the public holiday tomorrow. Tracking nr: 604 98411129 096 Have fun!
  3. OK Just loaded it all onto a 16Gb stick with some of my favorite birds (which you might already have) and the files needed to upgrade them to P3Dv4. If you get stuck just holler Will head down to the postie in about 20 mins and get this up to you.
  4. Mate, got ya covered! Will load up a stick and head off to the post now.
  5. Neil, I can send you a USB of the download files to save you the time if you want. Depends how good your internet is it might get there before you finish... It is AusPost though so....
  6. Wow she does look great and incredibly detailed.
  7. Hey wain, just seen this. Will check Friday when I get back home but if you're using Navivraph then their installer/updater should know where to out the data.
  8. Back to (somewhat) civilisation huh? Still a long way to go Timmeh!
  9. Nice one =) more liveries to come?
  10. Happy birthday Ros, hope you got some new lens for the cameras.
  11. I was going to ask which version of the Arvo you had there. Have had my eye on the QW ones for awhile but haven't justified the price yet. Nice work with the PIREP =)
  12. Yea, that's kinda what I expected and what I "read between the lines" with some comments here and on the BCAR forums so I deliberately pulled power=) Yea, Shupe is a master. This one was done my Larry and his team and has the "executive" interior rather than the "airliner" interior so it's more like a massive air/water borne RV. I've got some pics you'll see when I post the first flight.
  13. OzWookiee

    NZ trip

    Mesh looks nice and tasty
  14. Yea I've had my eye on these as well. Have to nudge the Minister of Finance for a birthday present maybe.
  15. Ros, as always incredible shots and like the car, that Mustang is a beauty!
  16. Default Everest fails in ALL Sims but can be amazing with a little effort using free tools and free resources =) I just loaded up P3D to take some snaps of Everest I had made with that but forgot I'd removed (deleted) the scenery as I've almost run out of storage....
  17. BCAR 2017 For those unaware, Bluegrass Airlines is running another rally, this time the Bluegrass Can Am Rally 2017. I have already unofficially flown the NZAR and GAAR 2016 so I thought I would do this one OFFICIALLY and in THEME Yes, that's right, I've left the C-17 in the hanger and have fired up the incredibly gorgeous Grumman G-73 Mallard by LDR (Original model by Martin Shupe) available from sim-outhouse (details at the bottom). The Test Flight The Test Flight is required to set an initial time for you as a pilot and your chosen aircraft so that the organisers can
  18. Really, REALLY great PIREP! Thanks for the laughs.
  19. Thanks folks. Kinda glad that sector is over for me. SOOOOO much damn work.. Must be a sucker for punishment though as am now prepping my (possibly unofficial) BCAR 2017 attempt.
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