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Andrew Godden

Head of Reviews
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Everything posted by Andrew Godden

  1. History is a great teacher! A statement that is true even for our hobby. Ever since consoles were first released, the world of consoles versus PCs have always been world's apart. Notwithstanding this, some products have continued to have a cross platform release because PCs are still a good platform for games. This is not to say that some fantastic "games" aren't produced for consoles.....but there is the point of historically accepted differentiation. Consoles are for "gamers", PCs are for "simmers"! Some simulators have successfully transitioned to consoles. Driving and car ra
  2. Yeah, but you will have to be on your best behaviour in public if others join us. As for Jess and I, we will be our normal debauched and depraved selves.
  3. But Steph, I always thought SAP did! Aren't the system updates scheduled based on a time that will cause the least impact to German engineering, manufacturing, and other German SAP user businesses located in the Rhine Valley. At least, Down Under that's what we always understood to be the benefits of SAP. Cheers Andrew
  4. Neil, If you can access FS Snaps, you should be able to download/save them to your local drive. You can then upload the screenshots to any other cloud storage service, i.e. Imgur. I guess the key issue is being able to access them from FS Snaps, which doesn't look promising. Cheers Andrew
  5. Toby, Thank you for the comments. I guess there is some potential for "spoiler risk", but ultimately the MEBAR is still about the individual and their planning and flying ability. The MEBAR has always been about providing a fun event for participants to enjoy and we trust people will do that in whatever way works for them. Besides we also enjoy participant's sharing their screenshots and hearing how they went. For me, aside from the design and planning of the event, it is very much about doing the detailed flight planning and timings for my flights. What isn't evident in my above pic
  6. After Flight Leg 1, I continued to fly the subsequent Flight Legs using Active Sky for active real world weather with live updates whilst en route. A quick summary. Flight Leg 2 was reasonably uneventful except for some cloud and rain. The landing at Argos Orestiko (LGKA) was uneventful except for more rain. On Flight Leg 3, cloud and rain were more persistent throughout the flight with building thunderstorms as I approached Lesbos. By the time I was over the island the thunderstorm activity was heavy and centred over Mytilene (LGMT).....as if it had nowhere else to be. With an 18 kt cro
  7. Domingos, I am still running P3D Ver 4.4 but that shouldn't make any difference as the Ver 4.5 upgrade didn't include and major scenery upgrades. However, I do have Orbx Global BASE, Global VECTOR, the Global openLC range and all the region packs installed. For me, Kasos (LGKS) appears correctly aligned on the coast with land surrounding the airport area and the runway does not extend into the water anywhere. From what you describe, it sounds like it is vectors issue which in my case the Global VECTOR add-on has correctly aligned the coastline to the position of the airport. Che
  8. Apologies for any confusion. Whilst the total distance is correct, the individual sector distances in the Navigation Instructions for Flight Leg 4 are incorrect. They should read: 58 nm, 38 nm, 37 nm, 80 nm, and 82 nm. The document has been amended and will be available on the MEBAR Downloads page later today. Regards Andrew
  9. All is good Neil. Just out of curiosity, what flight planner are you using? As some, if not most, flight planners will use a database build based on your specific flight simulator set-up, I wonder what has occurred for LGAT to not be recognised in your set-up of P3D unless you have installed some add-on scenery which has removed it? Cheers Andrew
  10. Except in a flight simulator where it seems any airport without a tree placed close to the runway on approach is an oddity. Cheers Andrew
  11. Oh, and on the far more important question of Speed Requirements, see the page on the MEBAR site titled, "Target Speeds & Results". I thought that one was slightly more obvious. Cheers Andrew
  12. Whilst the MEBAR has always been designed to provide a challenge, first and foremost it is intended to be fun. Consequently, we use a combination of liberal artistic licence and embellishment for the purposes of making the event fun. This is evident in the play on words in the event tagline for this year's MEBAR, "Grease is the Word!". The reality that LGAT was closed in 2001 but still exists in every major flight simulator (except maybe X-Plane, but I don't have that so I can't confirm it) produced since, sits on about the same reality level as pretending to fly an aircraft whilst sittin
  13. The planning and preparation aside, a downside for me with any MEBAR is that by the time the event goes live, I've been living, breathing, dreaming, and flying the detail for the navigation and weather of each Flight Leg for weeks. I'm sure you can imagine that it somewhat takes the edge off the excitement of flight planning and flying in the actual event. So, what do I do to keep it real! Well, this year, I am flying the MEBAR using Active Sky for active real world weather with live updates whilst en route - that should inject some extra surprises. Join with me, whilst I take you on
  14. Nothing ho hum about that one, Ian. I'd say it's rather special with its Australian registration, VH-FCB, but then I could be accused of bias. Cheers Andrew
  15. The MEBAR always presents multiple challenges for me. First, there is the planning, choosing a region in the world and then designing a suitably challenging route. However, what becomes more of a challenge is choosing what to fly from my hangar of some 75+ individual aircraft that are suitable for the event. This year, I still couldn't get it right because I changed my mind after sending in my Pilot Registration. When it gets down to it though, I am a big fan of radial engines, and the Beechcraft Model 18 Twin Beech is one of my favourite aircraft, so my entry combines the best of both.
  16. Domingos, Just to be sure, the route for the MEBARs are always created using standard default installs of FS9, FSX, and P3D. In the case of P3D, it is created using P3D Ver 3 and then checked against the current version of P3D Ver 4 which is a specific build on my main flight sim computer. So, I can confirm all airports, VORs, and NDBs should exist unless participants have add on scenery which alters or removes default install scenery. As Brian has correctly indicated, the PRV NDB is co-located with Aktion Airport (LGPZ), and Z11W is Komotini Airport. The following are the geogr
  17. Thorsten, Welcome back to the MEBAR again and nice work on the repaints. Maybe real world commercial airlines should start incorporating more nose art and tail art on their aircraft. It adds great character. All the best and enjoy the MEBAR. Cheers Andrew
  18. Toby, Very nice, the high performance should help you negotiate some of the mountainous regions of Greece which are on the MEBAR route. Good to have you and the guys from Andras Meridian Airlines back again for another year. All the best and enjoy. Cheers Andrew
  19. Phil, JG took the big plunge into the VR abyss with an Oculus Rift about 12 -18 months ago. I believe he has since ditched it. Cheers Andrew
  20. In the military, when military equipment or property is damaged, there is a process for restitution called "Member to pay!". This mechanic could be paying off this one for an eternity. https://theaviationist.com/2018/10/14/f-16-completely-destroyed-by-another-f-16-after-mechanic-accidentally-fires-cannon-on-the-ground-in-belgium/
  21. Oh dear, and my tax return was deposited into my bank account earlier this week. However, now I have a sense of foreboding for the immediate future.
  22. Oh, I thought we were talking about the validity of your comparative price analysis.....not your opinion.
  23. But as I highlighted, that is not comparing apples with apples so it can't be a valid comparison. If Just Flight offered the Cessna 152 on a one platform licence, you would also expect the price to be significantly less, therefore, the A2A product again, becomes more than just "...an extra fiver...".
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