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Everything posted by Sabre

  1. Sabre

    West Ireland

    Better than hi jacking the logo without permission Indeed, you don't want to go upsetting the Boss. Anyway no such thing as bad publicity :icon_thumbup: :icon_thumbup:
  2. Sabre

    Toronto Weather

    You won't see much melting asphalt over here - now flooded asphalt - we got lots of that :wootmesalia:
  3. Sabre

    Just got REX

    I'm sure you'll get hours of enjoyment from it :icon_thumbup: There's some theme suggestions here in case you missed it. REX Themes
  4. Sabre


    Very nice Tim :icon_rockon: Good job finding those days where the weather was good :icon_thumbup:
  5. Sabre

    West Ireland

    Call the forum police EDIT by mutley, Forum police here, sorry! Trimmed it down
  6. Hi Ian - essentially what I was after was whether there is a setting or config or whatever that can be set so the aircraft starts in a cold dark state so I can practise going through the checklists. As a novice I don't find the Carenado checklists very good. It appears there isn't such a setting but I've now managed with a bit of guidance. The very unscientific way is just to switch everything off and restart but this just isn't realistic. The Uiver DC 2 manual I have is far more comprehensive with detailed instructions where as I find the Caravan manual sparse by comparison. Really it's
  7. That one is a bit to close to home for me I'm afraid, in fact! Yonge Street is just at the end of my road BTW: I have just installed Tim's Plan-G, I don't understand any of it yet, but it looks very good indeed . Cheer's...Graham... RTM :icon_thumbup: :icon_thumbup: Seriously the manual is really good although a little heavy at first. There's a tutorial so far through the manual covering a flight from Carlisle to Liverpool. Also I found this tutorial quite useful Plan G Tutorial Remember you can save these as PLN or PLG files. Back on topic. This is superb Tim, really adds som
  8. Brilliant shots Joe and a very nice aircraft. :icon_thumbup:
  9. Very nice addition Graham, really fancy a Spitfire myself, been holding out for the A2A offering, but still saving for my pedals Nice pics of a timeless classic
  10. Wow, thanks for going to the trouble Joe I appreciate it. I take it if you've gone to this trouble there isn't just a simple option you can select. Thanks again, off to test it, I'm sure I'll be back with more questions :icon_yikes:
  11. Sabre

    West Ireland

    Thanks for your kind comments Joe and your very welcome about the advert, it's the least I can do considering the amount of assistance and guidance I've received here at Mutley's. :icon_bowdown: :icon_thumbup: BTW did you ever host the little logo you featured in your slideshow video, I'll include in my next project if you have.
  12. Sabre

    West Ireland

    Just starting to dabble in the video making department a little more. The footage is from the Horizon Volume 10 Ireland West VFR Photographic Scenery.
  13. I just saw a video on yourtube with a C208 parked up with the engine off and all the doors open, think that you need to re-check your settings again mate, just in case . Cheer's...Graham... No mate I can do all that. I'm really just trying to work out if there is a setting/settings you can change so the aircraft starts in a cold dark state so I can practise the start up checklists etc. Thanks for the suggestions though I appreciate your input :001_th_smiles89:
  14. Well I've got everything in FSX on maximum realism and it always loads with engine running so I don't think that's it, unless there's something the aircraft settings I have to tweak? Thanks for that I'll take a look :001_th_smiles89:
  15. Once again I fear my own stupidity is getting in the way, however with that as a starting point I’ll ask anyway I’m trying to learn how to fly this aircraft realistically. I can do the auto start, throttle up and off we go bit, I can also fly around a bit and then stick it back on the ground (in a fashion). However I’m struggling to really understand the controls, what they all do, when switches etc should be on/off. I’ve printed and read the checklists but the aircraft doesn’t really seem to have a decent manual as such. I was looking for a guide (possibly with pictures) that basically
  16. Hey Joe isn't there some kind of Canadian Limit, there seems to be a growing trend here
  17. Ah ok, thanks for clarifying that Joe :001_th_smiles89: I'm tempted because the Stadium of Light is in the package but still think it's a little expensive for what it is. Knowing me though it will be one of those things I buy when I've had a glass of wine too many one night :wootmesalia:
  18. Apparently according to the link above Villa Park and StAndrews are in FSX??? Can't confirm that myself. Also this addon requires - which may have an impact on other addons.I'm also not sure about the price!
  19. Sabre

    Dramatic Sky

    Well like so many things in life these shots came from a mistake. I started with the intention of taking a short flight from Cork to Shannon via Kerry to show the new Ireland scenery. After loading the flight however I realised that I had it on the dusk setting! I was about to restart when I noticed how dramatic the sky looked and thought what the hell I'll fly anyway. I decided just to do the first leg of my originally planned flight and take the short hop from Cork to kerry. I've included a short video of the "landing" if you can call it that but decided to include it since it's the only
  20. Is there such a thing as a beginners guide to re-paints? Would be useful.
  21. Nice find Graham. I like the US Coast Guard livery. Good shots :001_th_smiles89: And the video ... well .. just wow, I kept thinking where's he going to land and then ... oh a piece of grass I'll stick it there!!!!!! :icon_yikes:
  22. Beautiful shots, reminded me of our holiday up in that area last year, remember looking over at the Cullin Mountains from a little place called Elgol which has the best fish restaurant I've ever visited. Nice flight and lovely scenery. PS How do you display FPS, is this another app?
  23. Sabre

    Active Scenery

    Yeah that helps I seemed to remember it being down there but I can't for the life of me think why it got moved
  24. Sabre

    Active Scenery

    Everything from Addon Scenery and lower, i.e the stuff that FSX came with. :001_th_smiles89: EDIT: if you have FSX Acceleration, for Addon Scenery, read Edwards_AFB and below Where should "Default Scenery" be on the list? Mine is above Edwards for some reason!
  25. Sabre

    Active Scenery

    Yes that helps :001_th_smiles89: Hmmmmm and vice versa I presume, so that now begs the question what scenery do I need running when just flying in the UK. I'll have to have a look and see, it seems I have lots of things checked. Do you know if there are some things that must be running by default?
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