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Everything posted by Sabre

  1. Happy Birthday Gabe - amd there's me worrying about the big 50
  2. Now at EGLS Old Sarum flying the VFR Airfields Demo 1 route. Decided to take the wife along in the A2A Piper Cub
  3. Excellent photos Joe. :001_th_smiles89: I enjoyed the Breitling Wing Walkers when the were at Sunderland.
  4. +1 I'll second that :001_th_smiles89: Plan-G is excellent.
  5. I don't recall giving you permission to overfly my domain As you discovered it is a very varied landscape, it's not all pit heaps and whippets. The Northumberland area is very beautiful indeed. Nice tour Graham, really enjoyed the slideshow, very relaxing I might try it out myself
  6. Excellent work Micke, I love these sort of posts, just adds to the interest. Interesting journey, great shots :icon_thumbup:
  7. You clearly you have not met the wife, the mere suggestion of getting an iPad solely for flight sim purposes would see me well and truly living in the doghouse A have a significant birthday coming soon and I've considered and iPad for a while, I've just never been able to absolutely convince myself I would maximise its use, I've got an iPhone that I really don't utilise any where near its capability. That said I do keep coming back to the iPad and if it has FSX uses ....... well ...... off to comtemplate .. the money would pay for lots of scenery and aircraft
  8. What are the general views regarding the iPad? I've been tempted a couple of times recently and then backed away but if they can be put to good use for flight sim stuff then that might sway it :icon_thumbup:
  9. Just leaving LIRQ Peretola en route to LIRP San Giusto. One last flight just to get me in holiday mode. :001_th_smiles89:
  10. That just goes to show how much notice I take, I hadn't even noticed it I really should take a look at the default aircraft, I seem to have plunged headlong into the various payware and freeware aircraft available
  11. My head hurts just looking at the site never mind actually trying to fly it
  12. Now in flight preparation mode EGNT to LIRP 3:00 pm Saturday for two weeks :icon_thumbup:
  13. The Journey Continues Once again the weather gods were having a field day at a not so sunny Stornaway. The combination of the very low cloud, the very heavy rain and the very strong after effects of the Celtic Black Ale produced and very dark grey day in the Western Isles. After lots of thumb twiddling the weather eventually eased enough to allow the next leg of the journey to start. The fifth leg of the Ale Quest would see us set off in a south westerly direction to take in the full beauty of the Western Isles (weather dependent). Much in the same way as the Shetlands and Orkneys earlier
  14. En route between EGPO Stornaway and EGPI Islay Western Isles of Scotland. Currently on the beach at Barra for a cup of tea
  15. Very nice mate, I like the fact you captured the Metro running across in the background. :icon_thumbup: Good job :001_th_smiles89: PS where did you get the F18 from?
  16. Sabre


    Decided to take the old girl for a dusk flight around the Western Isles. This time I'd read the manual so managed the cold dark startup, take-off and landing. Started at EGPO Stornaway and after a short tour landed at EGPL Benbecula. Just a few shots with a lovely sunset :icon_thumbup:
  17. Sabre

    DC 2

    I just downloaded the DC2 in July for the first time so I think I should have the latest version. I don't believe for one minute there is anything wrong with the DC2 and I would put all of my issues down to simple pilot error. :001_th_smiles89:
  18. Great shots Charlie. Nice weaher effects also
  19. Nice collection of videos :001_th_smiles89:
  20. Nice update. Seems like an interesting journey :001_th_smiles89:
  21. Welcome to the forum Some nice shots there, weather looks a little tasty :wootmesalia:
  22. Nice shots Rob, it's easy to forget about the default aircraft. Good job there were no windsurfers out
  23. Some of my many photos from the airshow. A grey day which turned into a lovely sunny day and a wonderful display pretty much on my door step. The north sea provides a nice backdrop for these pilots to show off their undoubted skills. Pick of the day for me the Vulcan which returned after a couple of years away. I'm off to day two so I'll add notes later - just the pictures for now, hope you enjoy.
  24. Sabre

    Another Spitfire!

    Superb Joe, lots of great shots and varied angles, Alderney is a good venue to fly over. Loved the intro too. Super job a perfect tribute to a wonderful aircraft :icon_thumbup:
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