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Everything posted by PanzerFodder

  1. My first attempt for 2012. Believe it or not, but these three shot's are of AI traffic that I found over Alberta while I was in a airhauler session tonight ( I hope AI planes are OK for this comp? coz I've never tried to fly a DC3 before ) Cheer's...Graham... PS: Happy New Year and good luck everyone
  2. Nice shots Rob. Is that the Aerosoft Rotterdam??? I got that one the other day but have not visited it yet . Cheer's...Graham...
  3. Great shots Alan. BTW: Don't think I have ever seen anyone with so many different aircraft before, you must have a hanger the size of Wales Cheer's...Graham...
  4. +1 And happy flying in 2012 . Cheer's...Graham...
  5. Very nice shots Jim, thats one heck of a good view from the cockpit on that plane . and bit of engine damage every now and again makes the sim feel a bit more relistic IMO Cheer's...Graham...
  6. GEX is just ground textures, so no! it will not do anything to the airports. REX2 on the other hand, will give you the option to upgrade how the runways look and some of these look quite nice and they do look a lot better than the default ones IMO (can't comment about FEX as I don't have that one). UTX, does upgrade a few airport buildings in certain areas, but not very many TBO . Hope that was helpfull . Cheer's...Graham... PS: this looks good if you want to upgrade your airports world wide without spending to much cash "Ultimate Airport Environment (FSX) "http://www.pcaviator...45&a
  7. Sold! to the man with the funny Gingery hair and leather flying helmet "LOL" TBH I can't find Sabre anywhere but just incase he pops into this thread, PanzerFodder is now the owner of Anacortes airport, it's only a short distance for Orcas so there could be some real fun to be had around this area in the Thunderbolts BOT: Thanks for push Joe, I really could not make my mind up about what to get next, (so many airports and so close together, it would be good if Orbx started to bring out airports for other parts, like the NRM and CRM scenery areas, coz then the choices would be easier to ma
  8. Nice shot's Rob Did you fly the whole flight in reverse gear??? Cheer's...Graham...
  9. Ah! "Jefferson County airport" I'll pop that one one Sabre's shopping list for next month . Very nice shot's Joe Have been toying with the idea of getting one of those airports myself before the sale end's, just can't make up my mind ATM though, and then again, I like the look of Anacortes as well will have to have a word with Sabre to find out which one I will be buying . BTW: that little Cessna looks good, have liked the glass cockpits ever since I bought the Kodiak a few months ago . Cheer's...
  10. No chance of that happening Max!, I still have 30ft left on the Altimeter Cheer's...Graham...
  11. Nicely done m8y . Love Orcas airport (He made me buy that one as well ) we must fly out from Orcas in the Thunderbolds at some point in the future Cheer's...Graham...
  12. Yes they do move around and they turn their burners on and off as they float around the sky, except for the blue one that seems to be static on the ground They seem to be on a flight plan, although the Red one is flying on a different plan altogether! and I have not seen it land yet!. The FTX Orbx ballon lands and takes off from a field near the end of the runway . (BTW: the burner looks much better from a distance ). Also thanks for the all very kind comments Guy's, I'm pleased that you enjoyed my shots Cheer's...Graham...
  13. Just got this airfield today, it's the new released Harvey Field by FTX Orbx, (Sabre made me buy this one as well, ) As the thread title says The static GA look very nice, almost better looking that the payware plane that I'm in Right then! see that railway bridge down there on the left? well we'll come back to that later on Nothing like a nice bit of free advertising, should I "POP" their balloon Oh no! it's a railway bridge right in the middle of my flight plan and out the other side (I hear that Sabre is going to fly under this one in his Lockeed Constellation
  14. Add the following line to the end of your [MAIN] section of the FSX.cfg file. HideInfoText=1 That was a tip that Mutley (Joe) gave to me a few month's back Cheer's...Graham...
  15. Hi All. I thought that I was having some problems with my PNW mountain textures so posted a few shots at the orbx forum to see if anyone could help! http://www.orbxsyste...-mountains-pnw/ Anyway Holger Sandman came back with an almost instant reply and a very good Google Earth photo made in almost the exact same spot as my FSX screen shot. (Skagit river is on the right,) Take a look at how close my screen shot is to the real thing! I was gob smacked! even the tree clearance for the power lines is the exact same (I should point out that I have the winter textures in my shot, and the Google
  16. I thought that I was already "YOUR" Personal Shopper TBH mate Cheer's...Graham...
  17. Just a heads up for you Guy's. Silver cloud Publishing store is having a sale untill the 10th Jan 2012 . https://silvercloud-...e.com/index.php Some of the downloads on sale include Tongass Fjords X, Vancouver X, and the Fieseler Storch that Mutley was playing around in the other day . There's also a Free Airport to download "DolomitiX Belluno Airfield" by Dario Bortot https://silvercloud-...roduct_id=29824 that may be worth a look if you fancy flying around the Italian Alps Cheer's...Graham...
  18. Very nice shots around the airport, Rob . BTW: Can anybody remember the nine oclock bumps back in the 1970's??? Cheer's...Graham...
  19. Nice shots, and very nice plane Cheer's...Graham...
  20. Very nice Sam Cheer's...Graham...
  21. Very Nice, I love that P47 BTW: super looking clouds as well . Cheer's...Graham...
  22. No need to wait untill tomorrow!. looks like the sale has started a day early, http://www.flightsim...&sort=3a&page=2 Happy Christmas, now Dig In chaps Cheer's...Graham...
  23. While most of you were tucking into your Christmas pudding yesterday!, poor old PanzerFodder was out in the cold hauling memory chips across the Canadian border, and what a lovely winters day for flying it was too . No paricular order to these shot's, I just picked the one's that I thought looked best . Scenery is Orbx NRM, and I'm flying a Carenado RG 182 that I picked up in their sale the other day Looks like poor old nobby at CEN4 had to work on Christmas Day as well, must try to get him a Mutleys Hanger jacket for the cooler days in Alberta, coz he looks a bit chill
  24. Thanks for the HU Tim. I looks like I will be getting pacific fjords after all . Cheer's...Graham...
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