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Everything posted by PanzerFodder

  1. Nice one Alan. For a second then, I thought that was the Avro Arrow "also ill fated" . Cheer's...Graham...
  2. Hello Stu. Nice shot, I saw that you have an Nvidia video card, so thought this link may be of interest to you with regards to making screen shot's http://www.evga.com/precision/ really this is for EVGA owners but I have heard that it works for all Nvidia chipped cards as well, I use this nearly all the time for taking screenshots and find it much better than fraps, also much better than the default FXS "V" key as it does not make ruddy great 5mb photos all the time you can also set it up to monitor the card temp, FPS, fan speed and some other stuff as well, only down side is that you have
  3. Very nice . now we want to see you land it on a carrier (if you have a Fleet Air Arm model for it, that is? you can find a airstation for it here http://www.earthsimu...nys_page_4.html RNAS Yoevilton ) Cheer's...Graham...
  4. What John said. Rudder pedals are on the top of my shopping list for hardware, because trying to do to many things with one hand has got me into trouble more than once TBO . BTW. Welcome to the Hangar, it the best sim forum on the web . Cheer's...Graham...
  5. I have that plane and the Accusim pack for it, also have FSX Acceleration installed, and mine works fine, (BTW the shift +1 and shift +2 don't do anything anyway, in case you don't know ). It's a nice little plane, I think that you will enjoy it . Cheer's...Graham...
  6. Funny thing is that with three woman in my house most of the time, I find myself doing that very same dance almost every day Cheer's...Graham...
  7. Thanks for the info, I will more thank likely just stick to my part 2, can't really afford another major add on right now anyway I agree its very nice to have all the models, and the default paints are the best I have ever seen, even better than my A2A planes, but TBH once you have used the accusim its very hard to go back to the normal FSX stuff :smile: and now I have a stand alone throttle set up, I can hear all the stuff like landing gear and flaps engage without having to look at them which I find a big help as I dont have Trak IR yet. But then again the nice bubble canopy on the Warbir
  8. Ah! good, now that we appear to have all the Orbx users in one place . A little off topic now!, but you should all take a look at "CZPC" Pincher Creek in the "NRM" region if you want to see some very nice eye candy, I won't tell you whats there, you can find out for yourselves but this place is now my default load airfield :smile: Also the free "CEN4" high river airfield is just north if you want to make a short flight plan :smile: . Welcome To Canada Cheer's....Graham...
  9. Nice job jankees. Little Friends repaints do fit version two, but the exhausts do not display correctly, it's a simple fix once you look at the the DDS files but I would rather not start cutting up peoples hard work, and the version one paints also fit ok, except the seats are different . Cheer's..Graham...
  10. Thanks Brian. Yes is does seem to be for different modes, when I press the mini joystick lever in, it lights up a different LED, just not to sure about how to set it all up yet, so have left it in the standard mode for now :smile:. Now I have done a couple of flights with the throttle, I wonder how I ever lived without one for all this time, taxing is so much easier now I have the Prop RPM on one of the switches and the tail wheel lock is on anther one because I always forget that one untill its too late . @Gunfighter. I did notice some intermittent behaviour when I first set the throttle
  11. Had to put this one in, because it's from one of our online flights, it came straight out of the sim looking like this (even has Sabre's name above his plane, and he's got his cowl flaps open for once ) Another Wet Morning At Newcastle in the Thunder-Bolts Cheer's...Graham...
  12. Good point Alan . I have GEX and UTX Europe that covers those areas, but have never been that far North, maybe it's time to strap the drop tanks to the P47 and check it out, may even get a few screen shots for this months comp at the same time . BTW: GEX and UTX has worked wonders for Scotland . Cheer's...Graham...
  13. Nice one Alan :rofl: Cheer's....Graham...
  14. Just an update. The pro thottle arrive by Canada snail post today, it was very well packaged bt the seller, and it seems to be working fine ATM . Not sure how to set it up yet, looks like I have a lot of reading and searching to do, got to be honest it looks good but I think this is going to be much more than I needed, because there's so many buttons and hat switches to map . @ Gunfighter. I have just checked the throttle movement with the calibration software, and it appears to be rock steady wherever I put it with no power drop off, so I'm hopeing I have a good one here . Also do you
  15. Thanks for the very kind comments Guys, and also a big thanks to Joe for running this comp every month My shot came from that Vancouver island flight that I posted the other day, it was a bit of a slip up on my part as I forgot to set the time in freeflight and it was almost dawn when it loaded! and it was raining hard , but I decided to make the most of it anyway and just waited on the runnway for a bit untill it was light enought to get the Tiger Moth off the ground, and now I'm so glad that I did that . Cheer's...Graham...
  16. Hello Sam. Nice to hear your still up for some online flying, will have to catch up with you some time about that and the good news is that we seem to have fixed the connection issues (It was Sabre's fault again ). Cheer's...Graham...
  17. Nice shots there mate, no3 is a stunner . Cheer's...Graham...
  18. Very nice Peter. UK2000 are taking the UK airports to another level IMO, I tried out thier Free Heathrow xtreme the other day and was surprised what they give you for zero dollars, it's better than some payware that I have seen, and it did not kill my FPS as much as I thought it would . Cheer's...Graham....
  19. Ah! thanks for that, I'll give a repaint from part one a go, to see if I can get it to work :smile:. Cheer's...Graham... PS: very nice story here about "Sweet and Lovely" and "Little Rebel" These two aircraft were piloted by twin brothers, both survived the war and when on to great things in the USAAF afterwards http://www.crazyhorseap.be/Mustangs/Aces/Bill%20Pattillo/BillPattillo1.htm I like happy endings
  20. Hello jankees. Just wondered if you ever made any repaints for the "Warbirdsim P51 restored part 2" ? can't seem to find any repaints for it anywhere! although most of the aircraft in that pack are two seater versions so that may be the reason for that ?. Cheer's...Graham... BTW: I saw that North American P-51D-20-NA "Jumpin Jacques" in part two, was built as # 44-72035 and assigned to the 332nd fighter group "The Tuskegee Airmen" http://www.warbirdsi...nt=Galleries/FS maybe a red tail plane as she was in 1945 would be a nice project for this one . Or even "Sweet and lovely" would be a
  21. Thanks for that Joe, I had a look and it seem's all the Repaints are for part 1 or part 3, I'm pretty sure they could be made to fit, but would rather have one made especially for part 2. Think I'll pop a post in jankees P51 repaint thread to see if he has any hanging about . Cheer's...Graham...
  22. Because they need to be handled very carefully, and if you do just one small thing wrong "All Hell Breaks Loose" Thank's Joe, I have seen them but am not sure how to go about adding jankee's repaints to my version (part 2 "restored") as all the paints in the downloads section mention that they are for the part 3 "little friends" version???. Cheer's...Graham...
  23. Another new one for my hanger :smile: . PC Aviator store is having a 7 day sale on the "Warbirdsim P51 Mustang Part 2" 55% off It was to tempting for me so now I have seven mustangs in my hanger and six of them are two seaters :biggrin: . This one is "Little Rebel" a single seater P51-30NT This is "Daddys Girl" a two seater P51D-20NA with full working controls in the back seat (online flying lessons anyone?) have not flown her yet but look at the shine on all that crome, can't wait to get stuck into this one tomorrow night :smile: Very good visibility from the cockpit, once you clic
  24. Glad that you enjoyed this video . Yes it was a nice setup he had, but not sure if I could get used to all those monitor though, but I'm sure that Sabre will have a go when he see's it Cheer's...Graham...
  25. Thanks for the info Gunfighter. I agreed to buy it, and am just waiting for it to arrive, hopeing that it will be OK, but at the price they were asking! I thought that its worth the risk and the seller did say it was in good working order, we will just have to wait and see if that bit was true . Cheer's...Graham...
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