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Everything posted by brett

  1. I just bought a new laptop and I'm seeing things I never saw before with great fps to boot. It's like a whole new FSX being able to run it at higher settings. Orbx scenery looks fantastic but the default scenery is still pretty impressive. Even with the glitches and items that could have been improved if the Aces tean had more time, it is one hell of a program and we get to not only fly in it but play around in it's files too. The fun never ends. Signed, One happy camper
  2. Busy making AH dollars, no time to chat............. Glad your doing good, lots of loads for everyone
  3. If you do not buy direct from them they are less likely to give you support. I didn't on my 337 but they still tried to help me on one occasion so they are so-so ok in my book. I also tend to give these companies some time to reply, at least a few days. Some of them have other day jobs. They do not seem to care too much about customer comments like other companies and can be slow to make improvements on AC that have been released. In some cases they will not even bother from comments I have read. They do some nice work but I'm not beating their door down to get products from them unless I can'
  4. Thank's for the heads up. I'll keep an eye on their progress.
  5. Good stuff. I like the fourth screenshot, looks like a promotional shot. The first one shows off the airport scenery very well. Is that ORBX Austrailia, if so it's going on my wish list. I think AndrewG(Bluegrass Airlines) would like to see me back flying around there instead of the PNW. As a pilot for his division I have been on extended leave to enjoy the scenery around Concrete Muni as a cargo hauler.
  6. Your welcome Dai. Don't give up on the CCR mission, make a few saves along the way. It's a well made mission and worth the success. As for the sheik, there is plenty of things in GCS to make you wander. He might be "Night Train" spotting, try looking around the "by the hour" hotels @Keiran- Have fun and enjoy the flight.
  7. Perfect night for flying. Your pic's set a nice tone for the flight with great narration. Thanks for the visual trip.
  8. Kool beans, looks great. Turn it on, turn it on.
  9. She is a beautiful bird, they did a fantastic job on the restoration. You have really done her the justice she deserves. I am getting closer to caving in on purchasing this AC just to get your repaints.
  10. Hi Dai, I see this in many missions and have even made the mistake myself. It's easy to forget about it. Before uploading your mission you can edit your FLT file to get rid of that nasty no flight plan warning that everyone else gets except you. In your FLT file, under the [GPS_Engine] section, an FSXME made mission will include the file name path to your Public folder when it created the mission. It is like this so it can create an installer, if you wish too, although most folks hate them. That is why ME puts your new mission in your My Missions folder in your FSX root folder(so you can fly
  11. Pterosaur....... "Back off Rex, I saw her first"
  12. Finally got a chance to fly this mission and enjoyed it. Short and sweet with a pretty cool looking scenery area. Came in a bit fast for the hotel landing and had to do a quick backup and then got her in safely. I do love flying missions and thank you for making this one for my flying pleasure. BTW I did notice that the readme omitted a referance to installing the reward file and I had to adjust the flightplan GPS path so as not to get warning on briefing select. Not that a flight plan is even needed for this mission.
  13. brett

    Funny video

    Saw this posted on another site and thought you'all might get a kick out of it.
  14. Good luck on your checkride. If you love what your doing, you will never really Work a day in your life. Enjoy.
  15. Great pic's of an aircraft that I have always, mentally, put in my "I can't belive it can actually fly" category.
  16. Great pic's The one train, 33002 in 'Dutch'livery, looks like it has an identity crisis. It's a train called the Sea King with a fighter silhouette on it. Don't know anything about trains but it sure tickled my funny bone.
  17. brett

    old & crazy

    Good one but looks like someone deserves a bit of payback for that joke.
  18. News Headline Military commanders rethink decision allowing nose art on aircraft.
  19. brett

    Oklahoma Kid

    Yep, looks great. Sorry for bringing it up, I never should have doubted ya
  20. Nice series of shots I think I saw the sheep giggling a bit. Baaaaaahaha. Next time up a they might should get a buzz job.
  21. brett

    Oklahoma Kid

    Great shot. You know I'm a big fan of your work and if you don't mind me saying, the black is a bit too black. Maybe it's just the angle but it needs a little dulling down to match the rest of the AC. JMHO.
  22. Here is a list of freeware aircraft that others have recomended over time. It might be a bit dated compared to the latest payware AC that is coming out but there are some real gems in there that give them a run for their money.
  23. I liked the music, just needed some thunder and lighting to complete the mood.
  24. Revelstoke(CYRV).This airport is a few posts back but it is a beautiful area and I am thinking about making a mission to it. Thanks for the heads up.
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