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Everything posted by Gunner

  1. So, you are getting hooked by FSX, i presume? Keep it up, there is more. Good shots!
  2. Totally agree on that. As you say, just a few years ago we spent money (and time) just to keep our data on the PC we use, and not let "go" anywere. Now..."all your settings and documents will backed up to the cloud"...god knows where. And this is "..enabled by default". OK, my first move was to disable that, but i bet that at least 50% of the new users don't.
  3. Nice place to fly. Good shots!
  4. "Check signal cable"..graphic card? do you have on board video chip? Check with that, see if you have signal.
  5. ATC has pulled all the hair he had.
  6. Check the PSU. Maybe replug the wires. But its sounds like a PSU fail.
  7. Happy Independence Day! Loved the movie too, when appeared. Lots of F18-s .
  8. I use Opus with REX, and Accufeel. Pretty happy with that combo. I didn't used yet the DHM part of Opus. Maybe one day .
  9. Gunner

    Have some fun

    Jeremy would abuse it, for sure.
  10. Gunner

    Have some fun

    Which vehicle you want to drive? https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Sp4L7_kmAOg
  11. I think it is. I never had more than one company at a time . But for sure, if you reinstall AH and then copy back the saved DB file, you will have everything like before. Bear in mind, if you have a break off a few months and then reimport an old file, AH will charge you for the past months rents, wages, insurance and what not. No excuse . Also, you can export the Registered Aircraft list in an Excel file, so if you need to import again a plane, you can just copy/paste the details from there. Eddie
  12. Look in Program files>AH>Company. Back up that file (or the Company folder) and you have everything there. There is a nice free backup utility - Cobian backup 11. It will do it for you at the times set by you. http://www.cobiansoft.com/cobianbackup.htm
  13. "Investigators have named the pilot of the missing Malaysia Airlines Flight 370 as the “chief suspect” in the plane’s mysterious disappearance after clearing everyone else on board. Malaysian detectives grew increasingly suspicious of the pilot after discovering that Capt. Zaharie Ahmad Shah programmed his flight simulator with a route that would land a plane on a small island in the Indian Ocean, the Sunday Times of London reports." http://nypost.com/2014/06/23/pilot-of-missing-flight-370-has-been-named-chief-suspect/
  14. i would go Firefox. That's what i use, along with Avira (free edition). For me the main threat are the USB sticks, as i receive often pictures for retouching on flash sticks. 8 out of 10 has some kind of autostart malware on, but they always got busted by Avira.
  15. "Please. Somebody bring my glasses. I can hear it but i can't see it."
  16. Google decides to enter a new market. Never been easier to search for whispers. The results are unfiltered for now.
  17. This is the app that asks if you want to allow to run it every time you start FSX?
  18. Cool plane in a cool shot! Nice one.
  19. Nice shots, thnx for the ride...and the postcard!
  20. Rough times are rough times. If those pilots needs a job, send them over. They will have to get familiar with the props again though .
  21. Thats it!! Have a look. http://secure.simmarket.com/fsx-to-prepare3d-migration-tool.phtml
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