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Everything posted by hurricanemk1c

  1. WoW! The Blitz! Does flak fire at your British plane? Kieran
  2. Nor have I Mut, might be something to do with her sending it from her moblie Kieran
  3. Hi all! I didn't realise 700 posts had gone. A lot! So, with PIC in my mits, I flew from Dublin - Heathrow! Only a few shots, and just admire the beauty of them! Not bad for the 1st landing in the PIC -400 is it? Kieran
  4. Hi all! The AAIB has released the intrim reportr of BA038, Bejing - Heathrow (14/1/08) One of the reccomendations : More here : http://www.aaib.dft.gov.uk/cms_resource ... Report.pdf PDF Report! Kieran
  5. Phil You are ........................................................ (any drummers out here?) CORRECT!!!!! Well done Phil, I assume the clue 'EG at - top - page' gave it away? :wink: :wink: :dance2: Kieran
  6. I seem to think I have you stumped Mut-ters!!!! So, another clue, with the airport ICAO and it'll probable give it away! EG top - of - page Kieran
  7. Hi Pete! :wink: to MH! First off, great shots!!! Never been to Gatwick, though Dublin has a good cafe where you can watch the planes from or there's the fence/main road opposite to main 28. Kieran
  8. One that properly works with FSX! Kieran
  9. Hehe - 8.55-4.00! And 9 classes Kieran
  10. I'm sorry to see this Steve, as my card is a ATI, but a year or two old one so I wasn't expecting FSX to run at all! Never had any problems with my ATI card Kieran
  11. You'll soon find out :mrhappy: Kieran
  12. It's a sea! And it's a certain airport with the letters on it :mrhappy: Kieran
  13. Hi all! This leg uses the Ultralight Trike in FSX and takes us to Blackpool So here we are loading Just missed start up! Taxi On the Runway And with a flick of the wrist, we're up! The office I think we've forgotten someone! From the rear Engine! Wingview Finals Touched terra-firma Taxing again Shut down, next to a box with wings! Sorry for the lack of shots, hard to make the trike look good! No offence to the trike! Kieran
  14. Hi all! So here's mine : CLUES : Dont bother about the 767, they dont fly there Runways are 28/09 If more clues are needed, I'll think of some Kieran
  15. Hi all! Currently just one, will become 3! So, a never-before-seen shot of a 787-8 climbing out Kieran
  16. Yippee! A Boeing competition! Does this included just after Boeing took over MDD, and the products such as MD-81, MD11 included in the comp? Anyway, expect shots from me and my just-ordered 737 PIC! Kieran
  17. Tap FS doesn't have a repair function, it makes it out to reinstall without uninstalling. This repairs FS Kieran
  18. Looked up on Wikipedia, put in Hooters Air and found that! What luck! Comin up Kieran
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