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Everything posted by hurricanemk1c

  1. 6 hours - that's the longest one of mine has lasted laterly - over to you John!
  2. The take-off sounded like a coach with a wheel flat - thump-thump-thunp-thump! Great video, nice insight to the checklists
  3. I remember reading an article in Pilot magazine eyars ago on 621 Vintage Glider Sqn - a while ago now! Will think of something overnight
  4. You know something, for a fin it's very heavy - what's Jerry put in it?
  5. Nice repaints James - love the Titan one!
  6. This is a toughie - can make out the word on the tail to start with 'P', then ending in about 3 numbers?
  7. Superb shots Sam - looks like a great day!
  8. Beautiful paint Jankees!
  9. Ah well - at least it landed close-ish to Boeing
  10. Correct John! Lasted a bit longer than last time though - nearly 3 hours......
  11. Cheers Sean Next up, a real tough one (I think - but I said that before and it was got in 2 hours....)
  12. A different look to last time - thanks for posting!
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