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Everything posted by hurricanemk1c

  1. Canadair CL-5 North Star, aka a DC-4, one of the few Canadair-built DC-4-esques with radials and not Merlins
  2. Looks simply stunning Joe - hope you gave a good display!
  3. Excellent repaint James - I don't have the QW's Avro, but if I did I'd probably have the FS9 one. Thanks for the offer though!
  4. I think it's because a camera will see the blades, whereas the human eye can only see a blur Thanks for the comments folks!
  5. Great livery - always love the ABC livery!
  6. Nice shots James - I'm sure you have clearance though
  7. Hi Philip and welcome to the forums! I'm sure there are more techincal reasons why you should switch, but I think the fact that Lockheed-Martin are commiting themselves to it, updating it etc. and with a slight re-write of the FSX software to use more of a modern machine's resources, makes FPS better Kieran
  8. hurricanemk1c


    Great shots Jankees - looks great!
  9. Nice shots Alan - some interesting liveries there!
  10. Hi all! As I stated in my last RIAT posting, I also went to the East Kirkby Heritage Centre, where a taxiable Lancaster is based. What a sound, I can tell you! First up is an overall shot of NX611, also registered as G-ASXX on the civil register Close up of the artwork Merlin power Long shot Tail gunner - one of the coldest and lonely places Liked the lighting on this one With a bit of time to kill before the taxi, we went into the hangar, where the remains of a Hurricane are displayed Selection of parts A fully-inflated Mosquito main wheel The remains of a H2S map
  11. Probably wondering what that racket was Alan!
  12. hurricanemk1c


    Great shot Dan - welcome back!
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