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"Right we'll just get this one bedded in and then I want to put a row of English Electric Lightnings in the bed over there against the wall. They will look lovely when they bloom in the spring"

"I don't care if it IS you Harry, Get up for your Grandmother!"

Thanks Eddie, ok have a go with this one..

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Well, Mr. Bird, it's a relatively harmeless self-delusion to think of yourself as a jet airliner but I strongly recommend you give up drinking jet fuel. That should take care of the diarhhea.



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For some reason they took down by picture so time to pick, drumroll please.... John, as the winner with:

"Well, Mr. Bird, it's a relatively harmless self-delusion to think of yourself as a jet airliner but I strongly recommend you give up drinking jet fuel. That should take care of the diarrhea."

Thanks for all your funny entries guys, always nice to have a good chuckle. Over to you John........

BTW: my caption would have been "I have this blinding rage against Boeing, they took my family from me and I can't cope........."

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  • 2 weeks later...

That's quite an old photo - that cat now weighs about 20 lbs and both those displays have long since been retired. My "office" has been moved to the next room and lots of other changes, but that clock is still beside me and still set for UTC.


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Oh Hi I just came to fix ur fraps!, I eated your mouse cos you were headed for a Catastrophe! It should be purrfect now! if not give me a call and we'll get back to you......eventually! (if you want instant gratification you should have called a Dog!)

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"I am approved for all CAT III operations"


I've been expecting that one, Brett. I'm surprised it took so long. Since the captions are rolling in fairly quickly we'll keep this one going for another couple of days.


To level the playing field, the cat's name is Sherlock. Mutley's response is better knowing that.



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