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Everything posted by mutley

  1. Cools shots Matt. Are you going to the FS show in Vegas in June?
  2. Hi Martin, Not using FSX but I saw this snippet on the web. Under the "Options/Settings/Sound Menu check the "Windows Sound Device Voice" and change "Default Voice Device" to "Speakers (High Definition Audio Device"). May be worth a try? Cheers, Joe
  3. Just published is Brian Buckley's review of PILOTs LEAM Almeria Airport. We have reviewed the version for P3dv4, does LEAM Almeria Airport make the most of modern techniques? Read on...
  4. Thanks for the heads up Wayne, I'm really interested to see how this one turns out. Cheers, Joe EDIT: I've added a link https://www.justflight.com/product/traffic-global
  5. Old Cockney rhyming slang "Bristol Cities" now just shortened to "Bristols". Back on topic pls.
  6. This month, inspired by a recent flight John Allard and I had in a 1928 Ford Tri-Motor, I would like to see shots of aircraft which were built by motor companies, that can include motorcycle manufacturers like Kawasaki. Having just done some research there are a lot more than I thought, weather there is a model available from your favourite download library is another thing! Usual competition rules apply and the competition closes midnight BST 31st May 2018. Good luck.
  7. Thanks to everyone who entered this month and the extra effort put into your posts. This month's winning shot comes from Dodgy Alan which really encompasses everything we hold dear in the RAF. We done Al!
  8. mutley


    No Photos please, only screenshots! Very nice selection Lucas.
  9. Yey! Well done JG the end of another outstanding PIREP, I guessed you would get the colon joke in somewhere
  10. Sounds like a good plan Brian, and we can all heckle Jess when she speaks in the auditorium!
  11. Please can we keep this on topic? i.e Matt's superb review!
  12. I'm still contemplating whether to display again this year.. It costs so much for the weekend May go as a visitor instead!
  13. mutley

    FS Cloud map

    Hi - welcome to Mutleys. Personally, I don't use this software and looking at their forums I am non the wiser, I hope someone else here can help.
  14. Surely that would add to the turbulence?!
  15. Hi March, Usually, the retention of your username and password is maintained by your browser, if after checking that you have remember passwords set I could take a look but I must admit it's not doing the same to me. Cheers, Joe
  16. The Wx is almost as bad as the MEBAR! Well done for finding your way through and posting a fine PIREP
  17. Thanks Brett, we still seem to have a problem with the recent members list on the who we are section. I will try and resolve that in the coming week, I'm back to the day job tomorrow after 3 weeks holiday so I have a lot of catching up to do. Joe
  18. Wow, now that does look good I still can't believe the price, bring it on if this is the shape of things to come. Cheers, Joe
  19. Just published is Matt Gardner's review of Just Flight's new C152. This is the latest in house offering from Just Flight, is it as good as previous releases? Read on...
  20. Thanks for your assessment Kevin, I haven't tried it out yet, are you keeping the daytime shots a secret?
  21. Ah yes! I remember it well. Nice selection Jury, love the Basler too.
  22. Trouble is never far behind you JG, good job you are writing the script and not me! Looking forwards to pt2, not too far away hopefully? Joe
  23. Hello Captains! I have just completed a forum upgrade to the latest version. This involved upgrading some of the plug-ins as well like "Who we are" at the top of the forum. Presently the forum may be slow whilst the system is rebuilding files in the background, subsequently there may be some anomalies in features that use searches such as the Who we are plugin mentioned above. I hope this does not cause too much of an inconvenience for you. Joe
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