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Everything posted by stu7708

  1. Hi Capt I have the A400M but hasn't really used it in AH yet. But to your question on the cargo manager. I don't think it really matters in AH, but it's only a guess. My logic behind this is that the cargo manager tells FS what values to put for cargo weight if you run a Free Flight with the plane. But when loading an AH flight this is all set by AH. But as I said, it's only a guess.
  2. Hi Phil. The problems were many. Most toublesome was that at times it wouldn't even boot. It stopped dead in it's tracks during the POST, almost always before it had identified CPU and memory. This also meant that I couldn't even get in to BIOS. Once in windows it felt OK until i tried to run games. FSX was lagging hard (FPS around 2-3 on the ground even at default airports, and long delays when changing views. Felt like it always had to reload all textures on when going to a new view). 3D intense games like The Saboteur would CTD with no error messages or entries in the windows logs. Most l
  3. "The STAR said nothing about this being a water runway"
  4. Thanks for the tip Rosario, looks like a good piece of software for tube-pilots. To bad I don't own any of the planes supported at the moment, but if they do add the CS767 i'll look into getting it... Just need to sort out my computer first... i've been grounded during the holidays since FSX, or almost any other game for that matter, crashes on me That is, if the darn thing even boots when I turn the power on.... My friend that sold it to me suggested trying to change the power supply. To make things worse, I took it down to his shop to show him my problem. But of course it worked like
  5. My last shot at a win this year is the Curtiss-Goupil Duck. Designed by Alexander Goupil in 1883, built and flown by Glenn Curtiss in 1917. A water version was also built in 1916, but as far as i've read it didn't fly because it was to heavy... As for this model, i wouldn't want to try and fly it for real. There's actually zero visibilty in any direction but straight back from the pilot seat...
  6. Well, rather easy for me.. REX 2 and Airhauler... nothing else comes close.....
  7. That much I learned already.. the hard way I took the liberty of printing all five of the manuals at work today, so i'll try to do re-read it over the holidays. Will be looking forward to see what you have to say about it, will the review be published here or elsewhere??
  8. Hi all. I decided to get the Captain Sim 767 + Freighter expansion from their christmas sale. After trying it out, studying the manual and searching the web I've managed to find a good guide for manual start from C&D, but I have a few questions regarding settings in the FMC that I havn't managed to find an answer to. In the Takeoff Ref page I can't figure out what to put in the Thrust --
  9. Looks like interest is high in this event... Can't even get on the site.. :biggrin: Anyone else having trouble, i found a feed here
  10. My first two tries for this month. First of the Saab J-29 Tunnan during sunrise in the northern parts of sweden.. Many good things can be said about this aircraft, but the looks aren't one of them..... And secondly a Beriev Be12 Chayka (Seagull) taking off from Landvetter (ESGG). For my third attempt I'll be going way back into aviation history, but that will come later on. Have to get it from my Laptop to my FSX-machine first....
  11. Great shots as ususal Soya. I do have Ship Simulator 2008. Looks nowhere as good as these shots... but it can almost make me seasick in rough seas..
  12. Not sure about what functions are available in Paint.net, but in photoshop i'd try to make a custom paintbrush. It basically lets you paint a predefined pattern or shape with a paintbrush.. Kind of like the chessboard paint at 3:12 in cartoon.
  13. Darn... looks like I made my decision to buy the C-130 about a week to soon. :great:
  14. Keep up the good work Phil... BTW, the link to this friendly place needs fixing..
  15. Money spent, file downloaded and installed, manual mailed to work and printed... What can I say, I love it!!! The only thing I need to get used to is changing altitude using the autopilot.. first attempt sent me into a dive so hard the plane broke down, but I'm getting there... The only thing that bugs me a bit is that it's not possible to use the scroll wheel on the mouse in the VC as i'm used to from other planes.. but that's really a minor issue.
  16. stu7708

    Fan Speed

    To quote Eddie Izzard from a show in the states... "I'm from europe, where history comes from" :great: 18 months old shouldn't be a problem, my home desktop is about the same age. Depending on what hardware you have in it, upgrading some parts of it should keep it alive and kicking for another 18 months or so... I'll most likely look into an upgrade of my processor and GFX-card, and possibly the PSU. If I can only sort out the troubles I have on starting the b****y thing. Every now and then it stops dead in it's tracks during the boot up POST. That said, I do feel that electronics did
  17. Thanks mut.. Looks like a good investment at about
  18. Hi everyone. I've been thinking about replacing my processor with something a bit more powerful. At the moment I'm running on a Core 2 Duo E6550 2,33 GHz. How much of an improvment in FSX preformance can I expect from a Core 2 Quad Q8400 2,66Ghz for example?
  19. What GFX-card do you have today?? The only GFX spec for the PMDG 747 according to their website is that you should have at least 512 MB Gfx memory for best preformance. The minimum specs don't, as far as I see, contain anything GFX related... Othervise, I think Mut summed it up rather good. The two most important things to check is if your power supply can handle the new card, and that you have the right connectors on you motherboard.. If you do happen to have a motherboard with only AGP-connectors make sure that the card you get (if you still can get hold of an AGP-card) has with the sa
  20. Thanks for your input guys. Dug up the manuals yesterday, and it sure was a lot to read, but based on your comments I decided to buy it... most likley tomorrow night. Many thanks /Micke
  21. After Johns statement in another tread I've been thinking about getting the Captain Sim C-130 as a early x-mas gift for myself. But after looking at the info on their webpage it does looks like a rather complex simulation, so I'm afraid it might be a bit over my head. Where on the complexity scale would you guys rate it. At the moment I'm comfortable in the Aerosoft PBY Catalina and the JF Constellation, but the Flight 1 Super 80 Pro is way over what I can manage. Any input will be gladly accepted before I splash my cash out on the C-130.
  22. Some very nice shots this month, as usual. Good luck every one.
  23. Did a little Googleing and the first hit on "catalina with four engines" was this. Either it's the same plane you got there with a new paintjob, or someone else did the same thing... All other hits on google where boat related.....
  24. The rear cargo door I havn't tried yet. But I do think I too have seen that it's a FS9 only feature. Running a similar setup as you yes. As for the cargo view I've had no problems with that as long as I remeber to open the cockpit door. Do you have DX10 preview active in FSX? If so, disable it and try again.
  25. You have a problem with the cargo view? Have you opened the cockpit door before you switch to the cargo view? Otherwise nothing turns up in the cargo view, as stated in the manual.
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