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Everything posted by stu7708

  1. I didn't know the south of england had mountain peaks that goes up to at least 20.000 feet!! The airport in the left of the picture is Gatwick Me thinks something is wrong with the Terrain Mesh i downloaded a couple of weeks ago.....
  2. stu7708

    Take a break

    Didn't know the Catalina had VTOL capabilities Love the last shot with a bunch of turist on the balcony totaly oblivious to the fact there's an plane in the pool behind them......
  3. I had the cappy look when flying the misson too, even with addon textures installed. But flying from the same airfield in free flight the scenery looked as it should. By the looks of the field in question the mission included some add-on scenery in it self, because there were more buildings in the mission, I think..... EDIT: Scratch my last statement... looking closer I realised I was in the other end of the runway, looking the wrong way... It looked a bit better outside the mission, but there were parts that were blotchy even with addon textures...
  4. Love the shots... A quick question. What's that resolution like in the VC, or 2D cockpit for that matter?
  5. I can take a look tonight to see if the texture pack I got corrects the problem even inside a mission. Is the problem in the start of the "Introduction to mountain flying"-misson in a small place, or all over the place so it's easy to spot?? As for must have add-ons, take a look at REX... once I tried it I couldn't be without.
  6. Loved the MD80, downloading as I type this. Hopefully I will have time to get a test flight of it in to my schedule tonight... SAS uses them for some of their ESSA - ESGG flights, so that should be a good trip to try it out :atwc:
  7. I see three langauges on the labels...? John Plus the fact that the resucue arrow and the danger arrow points to the same spot :blush: Nice photos.
  8. Stunning shots as expected when they come from you... BTW. Thank for showing of REX here. I probably would have discovered it sooner or later, but your shots made sure it was sooner
  9. This morning a swedish tabloid claims that they have found the black box from Flight 447. At least that's what the title claims. Reading on it's stated that one of the subs involved in the search has picked up signals belived to come from one, or both, of the flight recorders. Can't find anything else written in a language I can understand, but the article states "Le Monde" as the source of the information. If anyone here understand french I'm guessing this is the article they are refering too. http://www.lemonde.fr/societe/article/2009/06/23/les-boites-noires-de-l-airbus-rio-paris-reperee
  10. stu7708

    2 Shots..

    Just stunning.. Think I'd have to do alot of brushing up on my photoshoping skills to get anywhere near those results... As for the Catalina I can only second that it's a great plane to fly.. Just have to learn how to manage the engines.. they keep dying on me due to overheating...
  11. My 2nd and 3rd attempt for this month.. Best of luck to all of you.
  12. That wasn't to expensive. Might have to get that bird since I can't find a freeware version of it. I'm trying to find as many swedish airforce planes as possible. So far I have a great freeware version of Draken (even if it's more than a handfull to get the engine running, and a not so great version of Viggen. I think I have an SK60 somewhere too, but I havn't tried it out yet.
  13. Glad you liked it. REX does make it alot easier to get good shots. And soon there will be one more shot from this flight in a screenshot competition close to you. I was planning to bid for a leg in the current part of ATWC, but I was unable to get online during the bidding period, but I do plan to get involved the next time round. As for Mutleys Field I will try to help in delivering some cargo if I can, but you guys are just to quick to snatch the jobs. @Fighterpilot: Let's show these guys what us swedes are capable of :biggrin: BTW, that Gripen model you used in your ATWC-leg. Where did
  14. Well guys. After hanging around here for a couple of months I figured it were time for me to post my first complete flight. Apart from being my first posted flight it's also the first flight I did after getting REX up and running. The flight is a short hop (89 Nm) from Visby (ESSV) over the Baltic Sea to Kalmar (ESMQ) in a evaluation flight of a new aircraft I was considering as a new addition to my Air Hauler Hangar. Our ride for the day is the Shorts 330, seen here cold and dark at dusk in Visby. Pushed back and ready for taxi Taxiing to the active (RWY 21 if I remember correctly)
  15. Hope you have a great birthday Mut. And many thanks for providing a great place to hang out on a boring workday...
  16. Spent my money elsewhere this time. Downloaded REX overnight, and can't wait to get home from work to try it out. Took some time deciding on what add-on to buy. Was also considering RC4 and the Super 80 Pro. But with a substainsial tax refund due any day I might expand the fleet too.
  17. Great shots of a great aircraft marcus. I still remember the crash with a gripen in stockholm back when it was still in development.. For those that havn't seen it you can find a short clip here I was standing about 1,5 Km away from the crash site thinking "Wow, that's a cool manouver. Can you really do that!" only to realise when the pilot ejected that he couldn't.... One has to feel a bit sorry for the pilot too. AFIK the plane had two crashes during testing, both due to problem with the controll software, and he was the pilot on both of them...
  18. Hi John. And since it's a AI-flight I can't go back and check on bank-angles or possible overspeed :biggrin: Let me know if there's anything I can contribute with to in regards to finding the possible bug? Log-files of some sort, or possibly the database? For various reasons I haven't touched the AH-company since this happened. Micke
  19. Posted this on the JF-forum two nights ago, but it has been lost in a flood of messages there. Since there is a few haulers here, i thought i'd repost here to see if anyone else has had this problem/experience.
  20. Yeah, I got that far. Then I sat here swearing for 10 minutes because I couldn't add the folders as new areas in the library... Took another look, and the reason was obvious.. I copied the .bgl files to the wrong folder :biggrin: But by the looks of it, now that I can easily compare, it worked like it should even when I dumped them all in the defaul Add-on scenery folder... Must be getting old, and in need of glasses.... For your viewing pleasure, heres a comparison.. Default FSX Mesh 75M Mesh And the 38M Mesh By the looks of it, the default resolution is also 75M in this area.
  21. Hey Problem is that if I just dump them all in the default Add-on scenery I can't disable just one of them. I just tried a flight out of Interlaken with only the 38M of the Alps in the scenery, and then tried it with the Europe package installed too, and it looks like the lower resolution Mesh is what i'm seeing. Even if the differences are small I didn't get the same "wow"-factor after I installed the Europe pack. Thinking this through one more time it's logical really. Since they are in the same folder both should most likely be showing, and in hilly terrain the lower resolution mesh will
  22. Hi all. I downloaded some terrain meshes today from Simviation.com, and now I have a question. The three packages I got down are partially overlapping and in at least two different resolutions. The Meshes are: 1. A 38M Mesh of the Alps by Raimondo Taburet 2. A 76M (I Think) Mesh of Scandinavia by Raimondo Taburet - J. De Ferranti 3. The SRTM 3, version 2 Europe package by the same two guys, unsure of the resolution on this one. The link says 38M but the description says 75M. Looking at the coverage maps of the three packs No. 3 covers all of mainland Europe, The UK, Irland, North Afri
  23. Don't mention it. Good advise on the bidding, even if it wouldn't have helped this time around. With far from perfect timing I was stuck with work issues in a location without internet connection for the duration of the bidding process...
  24. My first try for this month. My brand spanking new CRJ-200 waiting for boarding and startup at Phoenix (KPHX)
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