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Everything posted by J G

  1. That just reinforced my thinking on parachuting. Its very dangerous without having to dodge aircraft! Something went very wrong with communication somewhere,
  2. The MilVis c130 has been promised since 2016. It is still on their 2018 roadmap, but as you so rightly point out, it is definitely not worth holding my breath!
  3. Having moved over to P3D v4 I have been looking for a good C 130 Herc. for p3d and i cant find one! It seems to me that all of the current offerings are FSX or older. Does anyone know of a Herc fit for P3D v4?
  4. So much can go wrong with a stunt like that. Nutters.
  5. It's an interesting concept. You could end up with what amounts to a guided cluster bomb.
  6. Do that at Heathrow these days and the boys in blue will desend upon you faster than you can say "Stinger".
  7. An interesting article John. London City is an airport I am familiar with and next time I pass it I will look out for the cameras. The concept seems to me to be a good one, factor in zoom and low light cameras for after dark activity and aĺl in all its probably better than the Mk1 eyeball. London City, while busy, is a small footprint airport and I can see the system working well there, I guess it would work well at places like Farnborough and other airports of that size. Heathrow? Probably not, although to augment other systems, perhaps.
  8. I have to disagree with most of the comments posted on this thread. I can fully understand how a peacock can be an emotional support, in the same way as any comfort food can.
  9. Looks like a couple of air filters for my old Alpha's carburettors. Perhaps it's for a normally aspirated Saturn 5?
  10. Great PIREP Jess. I love the news paper clipping - very amusing! - The name of the reporter is priceless!
  11. Thinking myself a mathematician, I tried Joe's test using the value of PI to seven decimal places. After all calculations were done and the resulting number rounded I find that alas, I am not a mathematician, but just an asshole after all.
  12. Hmmmm...... Joe, do the maths and tell me what that makes you!!!
  13. I have just purchased this for P3D v4 for a penny under six quid, and was so pleased with what it did for me I thought I would bring it to everyone’s attention. This little gadget runs outside of your FS and does a few things that are great fun. It allows you to park your aircraft wherever you want and remembers where you parked them so that there are as you left them when you last flew. Great, I would imagine for Air-hauler, but also fun for anyone that likes the idea of their aircraft existing in a virtual world that has no “beam me up Scotty” movement of their aircraft. Not
  14. I think air bags in aircraft for passengers is an interesting idea. How to make them work in a timely manner would be an interesting thing to solve. You should also remember that airbags in cars work within a safey "box" that is designed to protect the passengers with the airbags adding the padding. To construct such an environment in an aircraft would cause weight and centre of balance problems. It's probably not practical at the moment.
  15. Well what are "mood altering drugs"? I have to take 3 types of drug every day that can be classed as mood altering, but in no way would they impair my ability to drive, quite the reverse in fact. As Brett says, without knowing what the drugs were we may be doing the guy an injustice, but the article list seems rather damming, there are just too many substances for it to be controlled medication. Having said that, fluoxitain is one that I am familiar with, but I think the assmption in the article is that likening it to Prozac is that the user will be zombie like, and tha
  16. Thanks Joe. - A little late sorry, life is busy right now! I have found HMS Victorious for TAC Pac which will be on my install list. I was going to add P3D v4.1 to my PC and keep FSX for my older stuff, but having played with it for a bit FSX has gone. Lockheed Martin's involvement in P3D is great for military guys like me, v4.1 has already spawned a couple of V4 only military add-on that look very tasty from the likes of Sim Skunk Works, all I have to do is get the money together to buy them!. It seems that P3D is expanding the FS in a direction I like, with interaction with the
  17. J G

    Sim addict?

    I have been an FS addict since I saw a wire frame flight sim on an old Apple Mac when I was in my 20's. I thought it was great! I went through a number of flight sims since then, and finaly settled on FSX. I settled on FSX for a long time, but as the addons became more and more complex the out of memory errors came more and more often. For Christmas this year i was given P3D v4.1. And so I feed my addiction with a new drug for the first time in a very many years. how long will this one last?
  18. Has anyone tried using ships in P3D v4.1? I want to add some aircraft carriers to P3D V4.1 but I don't know if it is possible.
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