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Everything posted by J G

  1. I shall never look at calamari in the same way again! Know thy enemy has been replaced by eat thy enemy!
  2. Thanks Joe & Tim! I will have a go at the above as soon as work is done! J.
  3. Wow what a PIREP! I like the rest of the world had no idea of the presence of the Squids and UNCLE, or Thrush for that matter. This PIREP seems to have opened my eyes to these bad guys, but I know little of Thrush. I suspect that this narative just scratches the surface. I have enough troubles avoiding Boris the hit man at the moment, but I will be on the lookout for Thrush in the future. I hope Matt recovers quickly, as I look forward to seeing how he got into this mess!
  4. Hi Joe, thanks for the reply. However your reply raises more questions! Thanks again J
  5. Thanks for the fix Andrew, it worked well. Things do get "real busy" for me at the weekends. My father has cancer and is only expected to live a few weeks so I tend to spend time with him. How was your weekend. Stop making a tit of yourself.
  6. Hi Andrew. I have just picked up your message. Thanks for your help I will try out your suggestion just as soon as I can, work is busy and I cant always react quickly to helpful posts like yours.
  7. For some considerable time I have used Plan-G with FSX, I love it! I have been using Plan-G on a second PC and use SimConnect to connect to FSX, but now I have installed P3D v4.1 and want to connect my Plan-G install to it via SimConnect. I have had a few problems and have yet to do this successfully. The following problems are those I have encountered together with the questions that they raise. I have added the P3D paths to the locations part and path to the P3D scenery.cfg . This I did by mapping a drive on the Plan-G PC and pointing the drive at the appropriate lo
  8. Moran. I know that name...... Do you know my mate Sherlock Holmes?
  9. I love the use of a drone to deliver the baton. Holed up and in fear of my life as I am it coulld be a useful way of shipping the baton on a stage. However, it has not been an option for me. Joe must know people in the US military I dont, and I guess the RAF drones are all busy in the middle east at the moment. I will have to risk my neck again when I venture out with the blue cylinder. Great PIREP Joe, May I suggest you award yourself a "Classic PIREP" for this one.
  10. I know the answer! For this leg Joe had the real baton, given the shenanigans with trackers, nuclear keys and fake but ultra realistic batons I am not supprised he was confused. Afterall the batons weight has changed a couple of times with the various objects hidden inside it and that is before a substitute was needed. The batton was stolen from my hotel room at Nasori international and Joe flew Leg 21 with the fake batton. The real baton was returned to me on the QE Aircraft Carrier and handed on to Joe at the end of leg 22. The real one flew leg 23. Clearly Joe didn
  11. This is a plea to all those who own the JF Chipmunk. I have just installed the aircraft into P3D v4.1 and am having issues with fuel. There are two tanks on the Chipmunk. one in each wing the gauges for which are actually in the wing itself. In the cockpit there is a leaver that controls the fuel, but this is just a simple on/off device. I have just completed my first Chipmunk long distance flight in which I needed both tanks. However when the right tank emptied the engine stopped, the left tank was still full. I frantically searched for some control to swi
  12. I have just installed this software into a new P3D v4.1 install. I am trying to use the included weather engine but cant seem to start the weather engine. When I start the software it tels me that the weather engine is disconnected. I then click on the rest button and the disconnected warning changes to Resetting Weather Engine. It then sits at this state for ever. Joe have you managed to link in to the weather engine? if so, did it do so out of the box or did you have to configure something?
  13. Please note: The events detailed below concerning the Baton have been approved by the highest authority, Mutley himself. In Leg 20, Jasmine and I completed the leg and ended up in the bar at NFNA Nausori International This PIREP starts form us being is that bar and before Leg 21 starts. Music to play when reading this: Leg 22. Theft, destruction and recovery. We were there waiting for Ros to turn up. We wanted to do the Baton hand over as soon as possible so that he could get away before P’s goons arrived as we knew they were hot on our heels. He di
  14. Forget the last post, I have see a page that allows you to point it at a specific sim.
  15. This looks interesting. Can you point it at FSX and P3D? Would you need 2 installs if you have both?
  16. I have repainted this aircraft in Empire Test Pilots School as a fictional test aircraft. It is quirky and fun to fly.
  17. Thanks both very helpful. With the information from you Joe I now understand the S/W is crap. Thanks Izo, I will look at the links you supplied😊
  18. My new years pesolution this new year is to log all my flight hours. To this end I have found and downloaded a small program called "Pilots Logbook". Itt is a simple enough program that lets you log each flight with the following information: Flight Airplane Departure Date Time Airport Arrival Date Time Airport Length (Calculated field) Aircraft Catetgory Single Engine Multi Engine TMG MLA
  19. @Brett. I apply a couple of simple equations to my flying:- Pilot + Plane = Flight but Pilot + Plane + Weapon = Flight + Parachute
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