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Everything posted by J G

  1. It looks good and the aircraft rendering is fantastic, I love the wobbling gauge needles.. From height the ground looks real, I wonder what detail it has when flying low. I will be watching this carefully to see how it develops, both in terms of simulator implementation and in popularity. It will be interesting to see what add-ons are produced for it in time, but those of you who know me well will know that if the aircraft don't have roundels on then it wont be high on my Christmas list!
  2. When it was first flying, the Canberra could fly higher than any fighter of the time, so no need to fly rings around them and missiles back then were not reliable at all. The primary role for the F-35B in the Royal Navy will be as a strike aircraft and in a CAP role for the fleet. Both these roles are totally different from that of a fighter. In the first she will be pitched against air to sea threats, as the Harrier was in the Falklands war, and in the latter she will be acting in an air to sea or land strike role. So to pitch the F-35B against a fighter is always goin
  3. Here was see what greets a passenger on a well known Irish budget airline since the introduction of LSD impregnated tickets.
  4. Yes, yes it is all very well but there are no overhead lockers. So where do I put my hand luggage?
  5. +1 As well. The ANZACs had a bad time in what was a misguided venture. I had a great uncle who fought at Gallipoli, he was killed on his second day there.
  6. Brilliant! I cant wait! Better start my own kind of planning....
  7. Hmmmm... A tethered airliner. Great for a round trip!
  8. John, I think that you haven't quite understood meaning, or perhaps I am guilty of not explaining my self properly. There were two types of Harrier operational during the Falklands conflict. The Royal Navies Sea Harriers and the RAF's ground attack aircraft. The former were tasked with providing CAP over the fleet and the latter with ground attack missions against Argentine positions on the islands, although some Sea Harriers were used in a ground attack role in the closing stages against targets around Port Stanley, also a role they were designed to do. In
  9. I hope the F35 is proved to be an excellent fighting platform as the UK have most their eggs in this basket for the foreseeable future. Much as we can speculate in this forum the acid test is always conducted in combat: The English Electric Lightning is heralded as a great plane, but it was never properly tested in combat. I have my suspicions that if it had been it would have fallen short of what would have been needed, with its critically short endurance and its pathetically low armament. . I still love the aircraft, but for what it represents as an aircraft and not a
  10. J G

    Subscription Maps

    Thanks guys that should sort it!
  11. I spend my days designing software for the UK electricity industry. If you had asked me what my dream job would be when I was a teenager I would have probably described the job I do now. Things change and now I am looking forward to my next job which will be something on the lines of Andrews current job. Sadly I haven't the qualifications yet, I am working on it, but the exam date seems to get pushed back again and again!
  12. I am intrigued to know what a nasty game of musical chairs is. It must be a euphonium for something. If not then it should be!
  13. I am a big fan of Just Flight, they consistently produce great products at very reasonable prices, This action increases my respect for them as it must have been a difficult decision to make. I guess the Deamliner is not an easy aircraft to model as it is a step away from conventional design, it may have been just too much to simulate well within FSX/P3D's current limitations. Bravo for JF swallowing their pride and being honest with their customer base.
  14. All those guns and other weapons and a greenhouse as well. I reckon the greenhouse is where the inventor of this image would like to grow his wacky backy.
  15. This looks wonderful! I had my honeymoon in and around Innsbruck, as did my parents. (No not a the same time, some 35 years apart). so it is high in my list to get. The hotel we stayed at was the same as the one my mum and dad did and has been around a long time. There was a library of the hotels registers and so we were able to seek out my Mum & Dads registration, and to look back further to see members of the SS registering in the early 1940's.i
  16. What a nightmare. Lucky all your finished diagrams are available on Mutleys! I hope you didn't loose any data that helps you make the diagrams. Strangely I too have had a PC disaster this last week gone. I had to reinstall Win 10 after my PC stopped displaying the login box. Fortunately I didn't loose much, but irritatingly lost a spreadsheet that was a register of all my online software purchases and one that was a set of tasting notes of various coffees I have drunk over a couple of years.
  17. My perfect job: I would work as an engineer for RR jet engines. That is always assuming that international playboy is taken.
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