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Everything posted by hlminx

  1. Good shout John. Global Base and Vectors are probably some of the best add ons i spent good money on; you won't regret it, certainly not at that price. My pennance for succumbing to Orbx-mania is that i am now 'banished' to the cockpit for no less than 10 days for the rest of this year, with my OZ and Norway purchases. .. Hardship..
  2. Linguistic - the study of people who talk a lot [of languages... or in stome cases, a load of total twaddle]
  3. Forgive me .. for i have sinned... Although i have been given some 'Christmas money', it looks like Huz has used it for 'other stuff'... Therefore, i had to take things into my own hands.. AUD to GBP is pretty grim but i have some treats in my christmas stocking courtesy of 'Steffy Santa'
  4. Love KORS Sometimes you just need a reason to go flying in some out of the way places. I loved Air Hauler till the consant "must manage" just go too much for me.. When i'm retired i might have time to load it again.. for the moment, its de-installed..
  5. hlminx

    Carenado sale

    Nnice one Wayne Been tempted to pick up a few of the GA i don't have.. love the 206 Enjoy!
  6. For those with a penchant for a midicum of self abuse, and communal hardship triumph.... TOUGH Mudder
  7. Love those shots Jury1942 Brett is spot on.. that angle of the first shot is epic!
  8. hlminx

    various random

    Some lovely atmospheric shots there Wayne. How lucky for you that your carpet fitter was tardy!! Sometimes the unexpected gives us the opportunity to stop and take in all the best that is out there (in FS world)
  9. Fantastic PIREP Tim, very exciting! So Putenfeld is back in circulation... I wondered if it was one of his goons back at Ayres Rock. Better check the King Air carefully.. those bullets hit you somewhere.. Looking forward to part 2
  10. Brilliant leg Beejay! Loving the Antonov as well... That's one very good looking 'boiwd'. Where did you find her? Any chance of posting scenery and aircraft used?
  11. Thanks all for your comments.. That'll teach me to type my leg onto a USB stick I use for my 'other' job... they have an automatic self destruct! Nope JG... was more of a Robert De Nero type meets Rasputin.. better keep 'em peeled..
  12. Great PIREP Beejay! That scenery still makes me go wow. Loved the last shot of the 3 a/c together. Very nice touch
  13. Guys REX have a 50% off Sale today and tomorrow (1st Dec) http://store.rexdownload.com/
  14. Glad you're safely out of Uluru Beejay.. lovely to see the Dak and well done for getting her into the air in those temps. The heat is a nightmare for pilots. Some lovely shots of Uluru and the Olgas too! Looking forward to the next leg to longreach. Ps. Thanks for the fab lobster dinner!
  15. hlminx

    Hard to get

    Nice shots there Jan Where abouts is the scenery; looks awesome!
  16. Very interesting article on an alternative to the 'castaway' theory.. Always been fascinated about what was and wasn't known by governments past about her disappearance. http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-5117527/America-hid-Amelia-Earharts-execution-Japanese.html
  17. Missed this post till now but still rings true even 6 years later. Very funny! going to be humming that for the rest of the weekend. Good work Dai
  18. The sound of my alarm clock in the early hours was most unwelcome, but necessary, as I would need to get moving before it got too hot. At 1am the temperature was in the high 20s but usually dipped by a few degrees between 2 and 4am, so that would be the best time to depart. Dale drove me to the Airfield and helped me check over the Ag Waggon by parking in front of the aircraft so I could do my walkaround in the headlights. The fuel had been loaded as I had requested. I would be within weight limits but I was grateful for over 5200 feet of runway, as I would probably need most of it.
  19. Sorry guys.. technical issues! Part 2 will be up today..
  20. Guys ORBX have their end of year sale on with 45% off everything till 1st jan!! ORBX direct
  21. I was mentally tired from the last week of travelling ‘by any means possible’ to get to Australia. I could really have done with a few days relaxing, before my next leg, but it was not to be. Philippe, my friend from years back, who also pushed SIS (Secret Intelligence Service) flight jobs my way, must have been out of his mind when he arranged my passage from Jakarta to Broome Intl via Mau Hau. Had he known that Joe would be piloting the flight particularly with Otis accompanying me, I doubted he would have placed us in such a precarious situation… would he? My cover as ‘Sharon’ the globetr
  22. Funnily enough, when i've mentioned (or hubby usually has before i have had a chance to say a word) that i have done lots of virtual flying, the instructors have actually been quite open to it.. One even felt comfortable enough for me to land on my own..
  23. I am sure there's evil afoot? Where he was conceived not born... the lift (elevator) could well have been in Reading JG .... urm, I'm still here gents ...
  24. You're not the only one. I would definitely put my hand up.. even if it was only to assist one of the flight crew with the checklists and radio
  25. I was always a closet Aerosmith fan
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